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Our lawyers who specialise in family law deal with non-criminal issues. They are in charge of dealing with complaints, resolving disagreements, and resolving family conflicts.
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    What Areas Are Covered by the Family Laws?

    The family laws in India cover a wide range of areas, including:

    • Marriage: The legal requirements for marriage, such as the minimum age for marriage, the consent of the parties, and the prohibited degrees of relationship.
    • Divorce: The grounds for divorce, the procedures for divorce, and the rights and responsibilities of the parties after divorce.
    • Maintenance: The rights of spouses and children to maintain from each other and the procedures for enforcing these rights.
    • Adoption: The legal requirements for adoption, such as the consent of the parties involved and the rights and responsibilities of the adoptive parents and the adopted child.
    • Custody of children: The factors that are considered in determining the custody of children, such as the age and wishes of the children, the financial resources of the parents, and the emotional needs of the children.
    • Succession: The laws governing the inheritance of property, such as the rules of intestate succession and the rights of widows and children.

    Family laws in India are a complex and evolving area of law. The laws vary from state to state, and they are subject to frequent changes. It is important to consult with a lawyer if you have any questions about family laws in India.

      Here are some of the important family laws in India:

      • The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955: This Act governs the marriage, divorce, and maintenance of Hindus.
      • The Special Marriage Act, 1954: This Act governs the marriage of people of all religions.
      • The Indian Divorce Act, 1869: This Act governs the divorce of Christians.
      • The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937: This Act governs the marriage, divorce, and maintenance of Muslims.
      • The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936: This Act governs the marriage and divorce of Parsis.

      The family laws in India are based on a combination of religious laws and secular laws. The religious laws are based on the personal laws of the different religions, such as Hindu law, Muslim law, and Christian law. The secular laws are based on the Indian Constitution and the Indian Penal Code.

        Looking for Family Lawyers in India, Near Me?

          It is important to have a family lawyer because family law cases can be complex and emotional. A family lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and options, and can represent you in court if necessary. Get in touch with our experts today and know more.

            What is Family Law?

            • Family law is a legal practice area that deals with matters related to family relationships and domestic issues. It encompasses a wide range of issues, including marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, property division, spousal support, and more. Family law seeks to address legal matters that arise within families and impact the rights and responsibilities of family members.

            Which Laws Govern Family Laws?

            • Family laws in India are primarily governed by various acts and regulations, including:
            • Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
            • Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937
            • Special Marriage Act, 1954
            • Guardians and Wards Act, 1890
            • Indian Divorce Act, 1869 (for Christians)
            • Domestic Violence Act, 2005
            • Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929
            • Adoption Regulations under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015
            • And other state-specific family laws and customs.

            Why It’s Important To Have a Family Lawyer?

            • Having a family lawyer is crucial for several reasons:
            • Legal Guidance: Family lawyers provide legal expertise and guidance to help you navigate complex family law issues.
            • Protecting Rights: They ensure your rights are protected in matters like divorce, child custody, and property division.
            • Mediation and Negotiation: Lawyers can assist in negotiation and mediation to reach amicable settlements.
            • Documentation: They help with the preparation and filing of legal documents, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.
            • Reducing Stress: Family law matters can be emotionally taxing, and a lawyer can reduce stress by handling legal aspects.
            • Advocacy: If your case goes to court, a family lawyer will advocate for your interests and rights.

            Benefits of Hiring a Family Law Attorney

            • Hiring a family law attorney offers several advantages:
            • Legal Expertise: They understand the complexities of family law and can provide expert advice.
            • Objective Advice: Lawyers offer objective guidance during emotionally charged situations.
            • Negotiation Skills: They can negotiate favorable settlements to avoid lengthy court battles.
            • Court Representation: In cases that go to court, attorneys provide skilled representation.
            • Legal Documentation: Lawyers ensure all paperwork is correctly filed and compliant with the law.
            • Protecting Rights: They work to protect your rights and the best interests of your family.

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            Arpita Verma


            “Our family lawyer was a true professional, offering both expertise and empathy throughout our case. They guided us with precision, always prioritizing our best interests. I highly recommend their services for anyone seeking a dedicated family lawyer who truly cares about their clients.”

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            Anjum Shah


            “Our family lawyer provided unwavering support, explaining complex legal matters with clarity. Their compassion and expertise were invaluable during our challenging time. Responsive and caring, they're the ideal family attorney.”


            FAQs on Family Lawyer Services

            In India, a person can remarry after the passing of a decree of divorce, once the waiting period or cooling-off period of 30 days from the date of the divorce decree has passed. For more information get in touch with our family lawyer services and resolve all your queries.
            Bigamy is the practice of remarriage when a spouse is still alive. It is punishable with a jail sentence and a fine. Bigamous unions are invalid and completely null. Any individual can file a criminal complaint and expect the police to prevent the spouse from getting remarried if they have prima facie proof that the spouse is lawfully married to and is either going to or has already remarried. You can also file a notice through a family lawyer in India.
            When disputes emerge inside the family, family attorneys act as mediators. Family lawyers are responsible for preparing separation agreements, counselling on reasons for impeachment or civil union split, and creating prenuptial agreements to safeguard a person's financial interests prior to marriage.
            Civil lawyer: Civil law deals with non-criminal disagreements, typically involving property and court actions.
            Criminal Attorney: Criminal attorneys do extensive study and analysis on a case to evaluate the possibility of a favourable result and develop a plan to defend their clients in court.
            Corporate Attorney: Corporate attorneys make sure that a corporation's or organisation's financial activities are legitimate.
            Legal adviser: A legal adviser is employed by both the public and commercial sectors. The work of a legal counsellor entails a great deal of accountability, stress, and enthusiasm.
            The role of a family lawyer in India is to provide legal advice and representation to clients in matters related to family law, as per the provisions of the Indian Constitution and relevant statutes.
            The cost of hiring a family lawyer in a divorce case in India can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, the experience and reputation of the lawyer, and the location of the court where the case is filed.
            Yes, a person can hire a family lawyer in India from a different state, as long as the lawyer is licensed to practice law in that state and is willing to handle the case.
            It is generally recommended to hire a lawyer near you as it can have certain advantages, such as easier communication and coordination, familiarity with local laws and regulations, and the ability to attend court proceedings and meetings in person. Additionally, local lawyers may have better knowledge of the local legal system and may be able to provide more personalised attention to your case.
            Family lawyers handle legal matters that develop amongst members of the same family. They work on issues including divorce, adoption, guardianship, and emancipation, among others.
            A family lawyer can help someone avoid danger, save their marriage, and assess their legal standing and advise them of their options. Particularly when it comes to the welfare of children, you can employ life's lessons as well as the lawyer's original strategy.

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            Written by Akash, Reviewed by Srijita. Last updated on May 27 2024, 10:20 AM

            Srijita Chattopadhyay BA.LLB, provides legal assistance on litigation, criminal law, consumer law, family law, divorce & IP lawyer services.

            Akash G Varadaraj, a legal content writer at Vakilsearch, brings over 3 years of experience in the legal niche. His mission is to simplify complex legal matters into understandable terms even for a layman. Collaborating closely with senior lawyers and SMEs, he ensures the delivery of top-notch content.