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MOU Agreement Overview

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a written agreement to continue or proceed. It indicates that the parties have come to an agreement and are moving on in their business relationship. It is an earnest declaration that a contract is imminent, even if it is not legally binding.

  • An MOU drafting precisely outlines particular points of an agreement
  • MOU agreement identifies the parties, explains the project on which they are agreeing, determines its scope, and details each party’s role and responsibilities
  • While not legally enforceable, the MOU of company is an important step because of the time and effort involved in negotiating and drafting an adequate document
  • To draft MOU for service agreement , participating parties are required to reach a mutual understanding. In the process, each side receives what is more important to the other before proceeding forward
  • In general, each party involved draft its own MoU for business, with favourable or best-case scenarios
  • MOU agreement considers the selected or ideal outcome for the said party
  • MOU agreement also includes what the party has to offer to the other party/ parties and the non-negotiable points from its purview
  • These will be the starting points with which the party goes ahead with the negotiations.

Types of Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandums of Understanding come in two types:

  • Bilateral Memorandum of Understanding
  • Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding

A multilateral memorandum of understanding is a pact reached by more than two parties, as opposed to a bilateral memorandum of understanding, which is a pact between two parties.

MOU Agreement Format

Find the attached partial Memorandums of Understanding Agreement Format below:

mou format

Legal Considerations of an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Agreement

MOU Agreement must have the following in order to be regarded as legally binding:

  • The names, addresses, and businesses of all parties are provided (if applicable).
  • In addition, the MoU for Service Agreement must make it clear that it is not a contract.
  • The MoU for Service Agreement must expressly state the agreement's goals. Separate parts should also be included for each party's intentions and objectives.
  • Think on how this part should describe financial responsibilities, such as who will oversee finances and how they must be managed.
  • The MoU for Service Agreement must be signed by all parties involved.
  • When all the clauses are included, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) can be considered a legally binding contract that can be enforced. For this to happen, the language used in the MOU should clearly define the agreement's terms and be supported by consideration.

When Is an MOU Agreement Used?

Memorandum of understanding are used by people and organisations in a variety of circumstances, such as:

  • Creating a payment plan, especially if one is not mentioned in the contract.
  • Organisations may use an MOU of company to explain their goals and intentions in relation to a contract.
  • In Outlining transactional terms which means businesses may utilise MOU online as an amendment to a legal contract, such as a prenuptial agreement or a sale of real estate.
  • An information memorandum is another type of Memorandum of Understanding agreement that can be utilised for both professional and private purposes. The parties' knowledge of the problem or project they are working on is explained in this paper. An offering memorandum is another name for it.

Features of Memorandum of Understanding Agreement

  • The parties between whom the memorandum of understanding is being signed should be identified by name and other relevant information.
  • It should be crystal obvious what the signed memorandum's objectives and purpose are.
  • It should outline the schedule for the parties' meetings. For instance, the parties may agree to meet at least once every three months.
  • The amount of capital contribution that each party will provide should be specified in the memorandum.
  • The individual with the authority to make important financial decisions should also be mentioned.
  • The assignment or programme being done should also maintain its financial record keeping.
  • Management, The memorandum might stipulate who will be in charge of running the programme on a daily basis. It's important to state the position's duties, responsibilities, and compensation.
  • The MoU for Service Agreement must be signed and dated by the authorised representatives of each party or organisation after it has been produced and approved by all parties.
  • The commencement and ending dates of the memorandum, as well as the term of the agreement between the parties, should be specified. It should also specify the conditions under which such a memo will be terminated.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an MOU


  • Flexibility: MOUs are more flexible than contracts, which can be complex and expensive to create.
  • Collaboration: MOUs can be used to establish a framework for collaboration between two or more parties.
  • Early agreement: MOUs can be used to reach an early agreement on the key aspects of a relationship, before a formal contract is negotiated.
  • Cost-effective: MOUs are generally less expensive to create than contracts.


  • Non-binding nature: MOUs are not legally binding, which means that either party can withdraw from the agreement at any time.
  • Lack of enforceability: If a dispute arises, it may be difficult to enforce the terms of an MOU in court.
  • Potential ambiguity: MOUs may be ambiguous, which can lead to disputes over the interpretation of the terms.
  • Limited legal protection: MOUs do not provide the same level of legal protection as contracts.

Example of an MOU

An example of an MOU is an agreement between two companies to collaborate on a research project. The MOU would outline the goals of the project, the roles and responsibilities of each company, and the timeline for completion.

What Is the Difference Between an MOU and an MOA?

AspectMOU (Memorandum of Understanding)MOA (Memorandum of Agreement)
Full FormMemorandum of UnderstandingMemorandum of Agreement
Legal StatusGenerally non-binding or partially binding, often used for initial negotiations or cooperation intentionsLegally binding and enforceable, creating a formal contractual relationship.
IntentionExpresses an intent to work together, collaborate, or negotiate towards a future agreement.Commits parties to specific terms and conditions and a formal agreement.
EnforceabilityUsually not legally enforceable, but certain clauses may be binding.Legally enforceable in court; breaches can lead to legal actions.
SpecificityTypically less specific in terms of obligations and may lack detailed terms.Contains detailed terms, obligations, and conditions that parties must adhere to.
FlexibilityProvides more flexibility for parties to adapt or change their positions during negotiations.Offers less flexibility as parties are bound by the agreed-upon terms.
PurposeOften used for exploring potential collaborations, partnerships, or laying the groundwork for a future agreement.Used when parties have agreed on specific terms and conditions and intend to formalize their relationship.
Common UsageCommon in preliminary business discussions, international relations, and non-binding agreements.Common in legal agreements, contracts, joint ventures, and partnerships where parties intend to create a legally binding document.

Why Is an MOU Important?

MOUs are important because they can help to establish a framework for collaboration and cooperation between two or more parties. MOUs can also be used to reach an early agreement on the key aspects of a relationship, before a formal contract is negotiated.

Here are some additional benefits of MOUs:

  • MOUs can help to build trust and confidence between parties.
  • MOUs can help to reduce the risk of disputes.
  • MOUs can help to facilitate communication and information sharing.
  • MOUs can help to promote transparency and accountability.
  • MOUs can help to support the achievement of common goals.

Checklist: MOU Agreement Drafting

At a minimum, an online MOU must be executed between a recipient and subrecipient and a third-party service provider which includes the following information.

  • Agency Information
  • Recipient’s or sub-recipients identification information with points of contact
  • Service provider’s identifying information with points of contact
  • The unconditional commitment of third party providers to provide service
  • Description of services to be provided
  • Provision of the scope of services
  • Specific contract to be matched
  • Duration of the contract
  • Point-in-time number of clients receiving service
  • Total clients receiving service over the grant term
  • Qualification of persons providing service
  • The estimated value of services provided
  • Documentation of service match
  • Documentation requirements, and responsibilities of the service provider and recipient
  • Standard timelines of the service provider and recipient for providing services to individuals.

Steps: Memorandum of Understanding MOU Agreement Drafting

The following are the steps involved in MOU drafting:

  • Each party involved decides what they want and are willing to compromise on.
  • Parties then begin the initial MOU's drafting process.
  • The MOU of company usually specifies rules that apply to the mediation procedure.
  • Following the conclusion of negotiations, the parties agree on the MOU agreement start and end dates as well as any termination policies.
  • At the very end, the MOU for business is signed after each party has included any restrictions, website dislaimer, privacy policy statements, etc.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Process in India

A MOU online (Memorandum of Understanding) is nothing but an agreement executed between 2 or more willing parties, in the format of a formal document. An online MoU is not legally binding on the parties. However, it indicates the willingness or intention of the parties involved, to proceed with the contract.

An MoU for business often defines the purpose and scope of a negotiation and hence, it can be regarded as the beginning point of the said negotiation or talk. More often than not, MOUs are seen in negotiations related to global treaties. They are also seen in business dealings involving high stakes (for example, merger talks).

Concerning Online MOUs in India, several laws govern its functioning. Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act of 1872 lays down the fundamental necessities of a legally binding agreement or contract:

  • There must be an offer delivered by one party and received by another
  • The consent of the parties must be free and not affected by fraud, coercion, or undue influence
  • The parties must be qualified to enter into a contract. This means that they must be more than 18 years old, must be of sane mind, and not considered as insolvent/bankrupt
  • There must be a lawful consideration
  • There must be a lawful object
  • There must be an intention to foster a legal relationship.

Stamp Duty on MOU of Company

MOUs typically do not require payment of stamp duty. However, the online MOU should be stamped if it contains a commitment to buy real estate valued more than ₹100 and you need to present it in court.

A document with paid stamp duty has admissible value and is allowed in court. If a document is not properly stamped, the court will not accept it as evidence.

Basic Contents of Memorandum of Understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a document that outlines the terms and understanding between two or more parties who intend to collaborate on a project, venture or any other initiative. The contents of a memorandum Of understanding format can vary depending on the nature of the collaboration, but typically it includes the following basic elements:

  1. Introduction: The MoU begins with an introduction that identifies the parties involved in the agreement and provides a brief overview of the purpose of the collaboration.
  2. Objectives: The objectives section outlines the specific goals that the parties intend to achieve through their collaboration.
  3. Scope: This section defines the scope of the collaboration and what each party will contribute to the project. It can include details such as timelines, budget, resources, responsibilities, and deliverables.
  4. Roles and Responsibilities: This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party involved in the collaboration. It specifies the duties, obligations, and expectations of each party in relation to the project.
  5. Term and Termination: The term and termination section outlines the duration of the agreement and the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated.
  6. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: This section outlines the confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations of the parties involved in the collaboration. It specifies the information that is considered confidential and how it should be handled.
  7. Intellectual Property: This section addresses the ownership of intellectual property that is developed or created during the collaboration. It specifies how intellectual property rights will be allocated and managed.
  8. Dispute Resolution: The dispute resolution section outlines the procedures that will be followed in the event of a disagreement or dispute between the parties involved in the collaboration.
  9. Governing Law: This section specifies the laws and regulations that will govern the MoU and any disputes that may arise from it.
  10. Signatures: The MOU agreement is typically signed by representatives of each party to indicate their agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in the document.

Legal validity of MOU in India

Though an MoU is not a legally binding document, it can have legal significance in certain circumstances. Here is an overview of the legal validity of MoU in India:

  • MOU Is Not A Contract: An MOU agreement is not a contract and hence is not enforceable by law. It is a document that outlines the understanding and intention of the parties to work together towards a common goal.
  • Legal Validity In Certain Cases: MoU can have legal validity in certain situations, such as when it contains specific obligations, is signed by authorised representatives of the parties, and includes consideration or payment. In such cases, the parties may be held legally accountable for failing to fulfil the obligations mentioned in the MoU.
  • Pre-contractual Document: MoU can serve as a pre-contractual document that lays down the terms and conditions of a future contract. Once a contract is finalised, the MoU loses its relevance.
  • Used In Legal Proceedings: MoU can be used as evidence in legal proceedings to establish the understanding and intentions of the parties at the time of collaboration.
  • Specific Laws: Certain laws in India, such as the Competition Act, require parties to submit an MoU for approval to the relevant authorities. In such cases, the MoU can have legal significance and the parties may be held accountable for any violations of the terms of the MoU.

Enforceability Of Memorandum Of Understanding as per Law

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a document that outlines the terms of a collaboration or understanding between two or more parties. The enforceability of an MoU depends on several factors, including the intent of the parties and the legal provisions that apply to the agreement. Here is an overview of the enforceability of an MoU as per the law:

  • Intention to Create a Legal Relationship: To be enforceable, an MoU must contain an intention to create a legal relationship between the parties. The courts will look at the options of the MoU to determine whether the parties intended to create a legally binding agreement.
  • Agreement On Essential Terms: An MoU must contain the essential terms of the agreement, such as the scope of the collaboration, the duration of the agreement, the roles and responsibilities of the parties, and the consideration, if any. The terms must be clear and unambiguous.
  • Compliance With Statutory Requirements: Some laws require parties to execute an MoU in a certain format or to register it with a government authority. Failure to comply with such requirements can affect the enforceability of the MoU.
  • Performance Of Obligations: An MoU can be enforced if the parties have performed their obligations as per the terms of the agreement. However, if one party fails to perform its obligations, the other party may have to resort to legal action to enforce the MoU.
  • b>Remedies For Breach: The MoU should specify the remedies available to the parties in case of a breach. These can include damages, specific performance, or termination of the agreement.

MOUs in Government Agencies and International Relations

In public affairs and other nations, an MOU's legal definition varies. MOUs must be registered with the UN as a ‘treaty’ in order to be enforceable under international law. An MOU is frequently used in the UK when discussing agreements involving the government. Consult a legal expert if your MOU pertains to the public or international sphere to ensure that it operates as intended.

In the context of government agencies, MOUs are often used as a tool for inter-agency cooperation and coordination. Recently the National Anti-doping agency and the national council of educational research and training signed a MOU on 3 March 2023 for promoting sports among school children and teachers.

In the context of international relations, MOUs are used to establish a framework for cooperation and collaboration between countries or between a country and an international organisation. On 4 March 2023 in New Delhi, India and Mexico signed an MoU on joint research, technology, and innovation projects. The Aerospace, Electronics, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Water, Mining, Minerals, Clean Energy, Biotech, and Healthcare sectors will be the main emphasis of the MoU.

Memorandum of Understanding vs Similar Documents

AspectMemorandum of Understanding (MOU)Letter of Intent (LOI)Contract
NatureNon-binding agreementNon-binding statementLegally binding agreement
PurposeOutlines cooperationExpresses intentSpecifies obligations
EnforceabilityGenerally not legally enforceableGenerally not enforceableLegally enforceable
Legal StandingCreates a frameworkSignals willingnessCreates obligations
Commitment LevelIndicates a preliminary stageDemonstrates interestRepresents commitment
Parties' ObligationsMay outline responsibilitiesGenerally vagueClearly defined terms
Intent to NegotiateOften precedes formal agreementSignals negotiationImplies completed deal
Terminology'Memorandum of Understanding''Letter of Intent''Contract' or 'Agreement'
Liability for BreachLimited or no legal recourseLimited legal recourseLegal remedies available
Common Use CasesPartnerships, collaborationsBusiness transactionsSale of goods, services
Key ElementsPurpose, parties, scope, intentIntention to proceedOffer, acceptance, terms

FAQs on MOU Drafting

No, an MOU is not legally binding. It is a non-binding agreement between two or more parties. This means that if there is a dispute between the parties, it may be more difficult to resolve. However, an MOU can still be a useful tool. It can help to clarify the expectations of all parties involved in an agreement and establish a framework for cooperation. Additionally, an MOU can be used to document the terms of an agreement, even if it is not legally binding.
An online MOU is not legally binding but it indicates the willingness of the parties to go ahead with a contract. The MOU can be seen as the origin point for negotiations as it describes the scope and purpose of the talks.
The MOU format for sale of a property is prepared by any business or individual, holding clear title, finalising the full and final settlement of a sale of a property prior to getting the rights of executing the transfer of title, which are subject to certain conditions of the allotment authority or time restrained.
An MOU for business is a document that describes very broad concepts of mutual understanding, goals, and plans shared by the parties. In contrast, an MOA is a document describing in detail the specific responsibilities of, and actions to be taken by, each of the parties so that their goals may be accomplished.
An MOU for business should clearly state the following: what parties are involved, the context of the agreement, the proposed date of when the agreement will become effective, the contact details of all relevant parties, the broad purpose of the agreement, what each party is hoping to achieve, as well as a space for all necessary signatures.
An MOU for business is important because it allows each party to clearly state their objectives and what they expect from one another. Mou Drafting can help solve any disputes before each party enters into a legally binding contract.
  • Introduction and purpose of the MOU
  • Parties involved and their roles
  • Scope of the collaboration or agreement
  • Obligations and responsibilities of each party
  • Timeline and duration of the agreement
  • Termination or renewal clause
  • Governing law and jurisdiction
  • Signatures and date
  • A stamp paper is not always required for an MOU, as it depends on the legal requirements of the jurisdiction and the nature of the agreement.
    An MOU is not a legally binding document, but it can have legal significance in certain circumstances, such as when it contains specific obligations and is signed by authorised representatives of the parties.
  • Academic or research MOU
  • Business or commercial MOU
  • Government or intergovernmental MOU
  • Non-profit or charitable MOU
  • Property or real estate MOU
  • The purpose of an MOU is to formalise an understanding or collaboration between two or more parties and to establish the terms and obligations of the agreement.
    An MOU may require a signature from each party involved, but it depends on the requirements of the jurisdiction and the nature of the agreement.
    A notarised MOU is valid, but notarisation does not make it legally binding. It only provides proof of the authenticity of the signatures and identity of the signatories.
    The validity period of an MOU depends on the duration specified in the agreement, which can range from a few months to several years.
    If an MOU is not registered, it does not affect its legal validity, but it may limit the evidence that can be used in court to prove its existence or terms.
    An MOU for immovable property is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement related to the purchase, sale, or lease of a property. It typically includes details about the property, the parties involved, the terms of the agreement, and any legal requirements or restrictions.

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    Example of an MOU

    An example of an MOU is an agreement between two companies to collaborate on a research project. The MOU would outline the goals of the project, the roles and responsibilities of each company, and the timeline for completion.

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