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Send & Reply to Legal Notices Online: Swift & Secure

  • Make your complaint heard by drafting it with senior lawyers of Vakilsearch. Receive a guaranteed draft of your notice in 2 days or receive a full refund T&C* 
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What Is a Legal Notice? - An Overview

A legal notice is an intimation sent by one person to another informing them that they intend to initiate legal proceedings against the other person. A lawyer notice is normally sent when an act or inability to do an act has damaged the person. For example, a lawyer notice is sent when a contract has been breached, when a tenant is not paying the agreed rent, when a right has been infringed, etc. It is a formal communication between two entities that makes the sender eligible to initiate legal proceedings. It has a certain legal notice format to follow. It is generally drafted under the legal notice format provisions of the Civil Procedure Code and can only be issued in civil cases. Sending a legal notice has many benefits, as it can lead to several outcomes without litigation involvement. For a legal notice draft to show a fruitful result, the notice must be correct, both factually and legally. For this, help from experienced professionals is required. Vakilsearch is one such organisation that has a dedicated team of experts who will provide the right assistance to our clients when it comes to send legal notice.

Benefits of Sending a Legal Notice

  • A legal notice acts as a warning. It is sent to the person to remind them of their duties and obligations. It sends a message about the legal consequences of non-compliance. It makes the person aware of your grievance. Knowing how to send legal notice will help ease the overall legal process for you.
  • Caveat: It informs the person regarding a potential risk of litigation and thus provides a chance to them to rectify their errors.
  • Since a lawyer notice is just an intimation, the parties can try to negotiate their way out of the issue at hand through other dispute resolution methods.
  • Legal notices encourage settlement and discourage costly litigation.
  • Legal Proof: It acts as proof that the wrongdoer/entity was approached using other means before seeking help from the court. It is a valid record.

Purpose of Legal Notice

The purpose of a legal notice is to inform the recipient of the sender's intention to take legal action if certain demands are not met. It is a formal written communication that is sent by one party (the sender) to another party (the recipient) to inform them of a legal dispute. It is typically the first step taken before filing a lawsuit.

A legal notice can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • To demand payment of a debt
  • To demand the return of property
  • To demand the cessation of an illegal activity
  • To inform the recipient of a breach of contract
  • To inform the recipient of a potential lawsuit

A legal notice should be drafted in a clear and concise manner. It should state the facts of the case, the legal grounds for the sender's claims, and the specific demands that the sender is making. The legal notice should also be served on the recipient in a proper manner, such as by hand delivery or registered mail.

If the recipient of a legal notice fails to comply with the sender's demands, the sender may file a lawsuit against the recipient. However, a legal notice can also be used to resolve a dispute without going to court. If the recipient of a legal notice is willing to comply with the sender's demands, the parties can negotiate a settlement agreement to avoid litigation.

What Should a Legal Notice Include?

Wondering how to send legal notice in perfect format? An ideal lawyer notice includes the following necessary details:

  • Precise statements of facts of the aggrieved party for which the action needs to be taken. This includes a brief of all the problems the party is facing. This can be claims or reply to lawyer notice.
  • Alternate relief sought by the aggrieved party needs to be mentioned. This can be monetary or by the discharging of an act
  • The notice shall also include the means by which the issue can be resolved. This is included in the last part of the notice
  • It includes the civil and penal consequences if the demands of the aggrieved party are not complied with
  • Name and required information of the client. This also includes the address of residence
  • Details of the monetary relief sought by the party. This must include the legal basis of the claimed relief. This can be claims or reply to lawyer notice.
  • Advocate Details: Name, designation, contact number of the lawyer sending the notice, signature of the lawyer.

Legal Notice Format for Recovery of Money

In India, a legal notice for recovery of money can be sent by an individual or a company to another individual or company. The legal notice format for recovery of money for such a notice is typically as follows:


The [name of the person/company to whom the notice is being sent],

[Address of the person/company to whom the notice is being sent]

Subject: Legal Notice for Recovery of Money

Dear [Name of the person/company to whom the notice is being sent],
You are hereby notified that you have outstanding dues of [amount outstanding] towards [name of the individual/company sending the notice]. This outstanding amount is due and payable immediately. In case you fail to make the payment within 7 days from the date of receipt of this notice, we shall initiate appropriate legal proceedings against you without any further notice.

Yours Truly,[Name of the individual/company sending the notice]

By following the legal notice format for recovery of money you can increase the chances of gaining your money back as soon as possible, legally.

Procedure for Filing a lawyer notice

Wondering how to draft a lawyer notice? Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: The legal notice draft is created as per the client’s requirements and sent to the other party through a registered post. The notice also includes a timeframe within which the other party is expected to respond. (30-60 days)
  • Step 2: The copy of the sent notice is saved by the sender. It is a useful document if the aggrieved party initiates proceedings
  • Step 3: After the timeframe is complete and the party has not responded, the aggrieved party has the advantage of going to the courts.
legal notice

By following the steps on how to draft a legal notice, you can ensure your legal requirements compliance.

Checklist for a Legal Notice

Before sending a legal notice, ensure that it includes the following essential components:

  • Identification: Clearly identify the sender and recipient, including their names, addresses, and contact information.
  • Date: Mention the date on which the legal notice is issued.
  • Subject: Provide a concise and clear subject that summarizes the purpose of the notice.
  • Factual Background: Present a detailed description of the facts and circumstances leading to the legal notice.
  • Legal Basis: Specify the legal provisions or rights on which the sender relies to assert their claim or demand.
  • Demands or Relief Sought: Clearly state the demands, claims, or relief sought by the sender. Be specific about what actions the recipient is expected to take.
  • Notice Period: Mention a reasonable period within which the recipient is expected to respond or comply with the demands.
  • Consequences of Non-compliance: Notify the recipient of the legal consequences that may follow if they fail to respond or comply with the notice.
  • Signature: The notice should be signed by the sender or their legal representative.
  • Acknowledgment of Receipt: Include a statement requesting the recipient to acknowledge receipt of the notice.

Caveat Petition vs. Legal Notice

  • Legal Notice: A legal notice is a proactive step taken by one party to inform the other party of their intentions, demands, or claims. It provides an opportunity for resolving disputes through negotiation or settlement.
  • Caveat Petition: A caveat petition is a defensive legal measure taken by a party anticipating a legal action or proceeding against them. It is filed in court to request that the court notify the petitioner if someone initiates legal proceedings against them.

Outcomes: Inappropriate Serving of Legal Notice

If a legal notice is served inappropriately or without valid grounds, it can lead to legal consequences for the sender. This may include:

  • Legal expenses: The sender may be liable to cover the recipient's legal costs incurred in responding to the notice.
  • Defamation: If the notice contains false or defamatory statements, the sender may face defamation claims.
  • Counterclaims: The recipient may counterclaim against the sender for harassment, abuse of process, or other legal remedies.

What Happens If Someone Doesn't Respond to a Legal Notice?

If someone fails to respond to a legal notice within the stipulated period, several outcomes may occur:

1.Initiation of Legal Proceedings: The sender may proceed to initiate legal proceedings in court to enforce their claims or demands.

2.Default Judgment: If the recipient does not participate in the legal proceedings, the court may issue a default judgment in favor of the sender.

3.Contesting the Notice: The recipient may choose to contest the legal notice by presenting their side of the case, which could lead to negotiation, settlement, or a court judgment.

How to Reply to a Legal Notice

When you receive a legal notice, it is important to take it seriously and respond to it promptly.

Here are the steps you can follow to reply to a legal notice:

  • Make sure you read the notice thoroughly and understand the allegations made against you
  • It is always a good idea to seek legal advice from a lawyer to understand the legal implications of the notice and how to respond to it
  • Your response should be factual and concise. It should address the allegations made in the notice and provide any evidence or documentation to support your position
  • Once you have prepared your response, send it to the sender of the legal notice through a registered post or email. Make sure to keep a copy of the response for your records.

Common Mistakes While Replying to a Legal Notice

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when replying to a legal notice:

  • Ignoring the notice: Ignoring a legal notice is a serious mistake. If you fail to respond to a legal notice, the sender may file a lawsuit against you.
  • Responding emotionally: It is important to stay calm and professional when replying to a legal notice. Avoid using emotional language or making personal attacks.
  • Admitting liability: Do not admit liability in your reply to a legal notice. If you are unsure about whether or not you are liable, consult with an attorney.
  • Making threats: Do not make threats in your reply to a legal notice. This can only make the situation worse.
  • Not responding to all of the sender's allegations: Be sure to respond to all of the sender's allegations in your reply. If you do not respond to a particular allegation, it may be considered an admission of liability.
  • Not providing supporting evidence: If you have any evidence to support your claims, be sure to provide it in your reply. This evidence can be in the form of documents, photographs, or witness statements.
  • Not having your reply reviewed by an attorney: It is always a good idea to have your reply to a legal notice reviewed by an attorney before you send it. An attorney can help you to ensure that your reply is drafted properly and that it protects your legal interests.

What Happens When a Legal Notice Is Not Responded?

If a legal notice is not responded to within the specified time period, the sender can file a case against you in court. This can lead to legal proceedings, which can result in a judgement against you if you are found to be at fault. In some cases, failure to respond to a legal notice can also result in the sender initiating recovery proceedings, such as garnishing your wages or seizing your assets.

What Is Legal Notice Format?

A legal notice format typically includes the following information:

  • Name and address of the sender of the notice
  • Name and address of the recipient of the notice
  • Date of the notice
  • Subject matter of the notice
  • Facts of the case
  • Allegations made against the recipient
  • Relief sought by the sender
  • Time period within which the recipient must respond
  • Signature of the sender

The legal notice format may vary depending on the specific requirements of the sender and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the notice is being sent. It is always a good idea to seek legal advice if you are unsure about how to respond to a legal notice.

Why Vakilsearch?

A perfectly crafted legal notice often works in favour of the aggrieved party. It is a medium of approaching the opposite party to settle without the involvement of the courts. It is necessary that the notice is precise and to the point. A poorly drafted legal notice can weaken the case of the aggrieved party. Hence it is important to seek guidance from legal experts.

  • We at Vakilsearch will always keep your interests in mind and draft your notice as required
  • We also allow up to two rounds of iterations with no extra cost. If there are changes that need to be made to a legal notice our lawyers will do that for you
  • With the help of Vakilsearch, we will give you the best experience as we house experienced professionals with in-depth technical knowledge who will guide you at every step of the way
  • With service standards that are client-centred, reliable, and ethical, we will always be here to support you.

Note: For every issue or concern you may have, our experts will assess your situation and advise you on the best course of action.

FAQs On Legal Notice

The time you have to answer a legal notice in India can change. This is because it depends on the type of notice and the laws involved. In India, there is no set time to reply to a legal notice. Yet, it's wise to respond within 30 days. If you don't answer quickly, the person who sent it may take more legal steps against you.
In Indian law, responding to a legal notice isn't directly required. But, it's wise to reply. If you ignore a notice, the sender may sue you without more warnings. Answering the notice lets you explain your side, discuss a deal, or get legal advice.
Ignoring a legal notice doesn't erase its power. The notice stands, empowering the sender to press on with legal recourse. Dismissing it puts you at peril of a lawsuit or other legal maneuvers, bringing extra costs, hassle, and adverse judgments. Properly acknowledging and heeding legal notices is vital, along with seeking sound legal counsel to grasp your rights and duties when facing such circumstances.
One must reply to a legal notice in 15-45 days.
If the employee is not obeying the protocols by the employer, legal notice can be sent.
In case of any breach of the agreement provided or even if they do not pay the rent for 15 days than the date specified, the landlord has the right to send a notice.
A legal notice is sent as a warning in case of any violation of agreement, marital issues or any such issues. It is a chance for the other party to look into the issue and take action or correct their mistakes within the specified period.
Other than a compensation that will be charged, not replying to the legal notice is not an offence.