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Investment Pitch Deck - an Overview

An investment pitch deck is a presentation used by startups to raise capital from investors. It typically includes 10-15 slides that outline the company's problem, solution, market opportunity, team, traction, financials, and funding needs. The cost of a pitch deck in India can vary depending on the complexity of the deck, the experience of the designer, and the number of revisions required. Pitch deck designs should be clean, professional, and visually appealing. They should also be easy to understand and follow

The pitch deck for investors should be tailored to the specific audience. For example, if you are pitching to angel investors, you will need to focus on the potential for high returns. If you are pitching to venture capitalists, you will need to focus on the scalability of your business. A business pitch is a short presentation that summarises the key points of your investment pitch deck. It is typically used to introduce your company to potential investors.

6 steps in preparing a business plan
how to convince investors to invest in your business

Advantages of Having a Investor Pitch

Convince the Investors

The business pitch is where start-ups showcase their potential for success in an easily understandable presentation that bank executives, private equity investors and others who are interested. Increase the potential investors' mental clarity.

Equity Funding

If you’re a technologist with deep expertise in building products, but having difficulties in presenting your vision in a way that makes business sense, you will need a business pitch deck to close your funding round. Depending on the need for funding, the investment pitch deck can be updated and modified for various purposes and periods. It also acts as a marketing strategy for the company. An executive summary of the company is given in the investment pitch deck, along with a description of the management goal.

Build the Roadmap

A business pitch deck can serve as an internal memo for the founding team, to set benchmarks and track its progress as a business over a period of time. It is an effective structure for drafting a small business plan. A perfectly drafted Investment pitch deck can assist in adjusting the business goal to particular customers and investors.

What Does a Business Pitch Contain?

Elevator Pitch

A quick and crisp synopsize of your startup - the problem it is solving


Your solution to the massive problem you have identified.

Market Analysis

Insights into the market and the opportunity it presents


Evidence that your business differs from other businesses and why it will succeed

Business Model

How will you generate revenue and grow the same.

Go-To-Market Strategy

What’s your strategy to acquire customers and attain massive growth

Current Traction

What’s your current traction and key business metrics

Founding Team

An overview of the domain expertise and the background of the founding team and other key advisors, partners, or investors.

Attract Investors, Secure Funding, and Grow Your Startup

Creating a compelling investor pitch deck is crucial for startups seeking funding, and our service at Vakilsearch is designed to assist you in this process. Our experts will guide you through the following steps

Define Your Company's Purpose and Business Model:

  • Clearly articulate your company's purpose, addressing the problem you solve and the solution your product or service provides.
  • Outline your business model, detailing how you generate revenue and create value for customers.

Identify Your Target Market and Market Size:

  • Define your target market, specifying the customer segments you aim to serve
  • Quantify the market size, illustrating the potential reach and revenue opportunities.

Present Your Team's Expertise and Experience:

  • Showcase your team's credentials, emphasizing their relevant experience and expertise
  • Highlight your team's capability to execute the business plan and achieve success.

Highlight Your Traction and Accomplishments:

  • Demonstrate your company's progress by showcasing milestones, partnerships, or customer acquisitions.
  • Provide tangible evidence of your team's ability to deliver results.

Project Your Financial Performance and Funding Needs:

  • Present realistic financial projections, including revenue forecasts, expense breakdowns, and profitability targets.
  • Clearly articulate your funding requirements and how the funds will be utilized.

Craft a Compelling Narrative and Design:

  • Structure your pitch deck as a narrative, guiding investors through your problem, solution, and market opportunity.
  • Utilize visuals effectively, incorporating charts, graphs, and images to enhance understanding and engagement.

Seek Expert Guidance and Feedback:

  • Engage with our experienced pitch deck designers for valuable insights and refinement.
  • Receive feedback from our team to identify areas for improvement and strengthen your presentation.

What Paperwork Is Necessary for an Investors Deck?

Enterprise Plan

A business pitch is a written document that outlines the objectives and tactics for the company's future.

Technical Documents

An investor may request the relevant documentation from a business owner who is launching a technology-based venture or a medical venture. Investors can consult a specialist to evaluate potential technology. Additional information, documentation, and company operations must be provided.

Documents Concerning Financial Issues

Financial business forecasting is a requirement for every company. Detailed financial projections for the upcoming years will be needed by the potential investor who is interested in the company. The investor can comprehend the fundamental presumptions underlying the forecast.

Various Documents

Investors want to see the plans and pertinent documents related to hiring new employees and the costs associated with payroll, R&D, manufacturing, and marketing. The entrepreneur must give the investor a thorough sales and profit-and-loss forecast report.

Information Regarding the Market

Information about the target market helps the entrepreneur solve problems by giving pertinent data. Such information on the target market can be requested by the investor.

How We Help with Business Pitch Preparation

For your startup, Vakilsearch can create a business pitch. Your startup's business plan or investor pitch can be created in 15 to 20 days.

Better understanding of your business

Our Financial experts will work with you to comprehend your business, proposed plans, and capital requirements prior to developing the business pitch.

Creating a business pitch

Our Financial experts will create a business pitch for your startup based on their knowledge of your startup company and the data gathered.

Finalisation of the business pitch

You can offer your feedback or input once the draft business pitch has been created in order to finalise and prepare the final investor pitch.

Investment Pitch Deck Building Process

5 Working Days

We will ask startups to share data of their business in a proprietary format, using which we perform an in-depth analysis of the business and competitors. The data requested from startups will be broad-ranging right from the vision for the company to the finer details such as business model, customer acquisition costs, breakdown of revenues, etc.

10 Working Days

We share a rough draft of the investment pitch deck in text format. Upon confirmation from the startup, within 10 working days, we will be able to deliver an end-to-end business plan that will visually impress a potential investor or partner.

4 Working Days

We encourage iterations requested by the startups on the business pitch upto 4 working days after delivering the first draft of the investment pitch deck.

Our Services

Pitch Deck Creation

A well-crafted pitch deck is essential for any entrepreneur seeking funding or partners. We offer professional pitch deck creation services that will help you create a compelling presentation that will capture the attention of investors and partners. Our team of experienced designers and writers will work with you to develop a pitch deck that is tailored to your specific business and audience.

Investor Pitch Coaching

Even with a great pitch deck, it is important to be able to deliver your pitch effectively. Our investor pitch coaching services will help you hone your presentation skills and develop the confidence you need to succeed in front of investors. We will work with you to practice your pitch, refine your delivery, and answer any questions you may have.

Investor Connect

We also offer investor connect services that will help you connect with potential investors and partners. We have a strong network of investors and partners who are actively looking for new investment opportunities. We will work with you to identify potential investors who are a good fit for your business, and we will help you make the connections you need to raise capital.

Why Vakilsearch for Your Investment Pitch Deck?

Unmatched Expertise:

Our team brings unparalleled expertise in crafting effective pitch decks. We understand the nuances of presenting your business in a way that resonates with investors.

Tailored Pitch Decks:

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Your business is unique, and so should be your pitch deck. Our experts create tailored pitch decks that reflect the essence and potential of your venture.

Investor Coaching and Pitch Preparation:

Beyond designing the deck, we offer comprehensive investor coaching and pitch preparation. We equip you with the skills and confidence needed to deliver a compelling presentation.

Proven Track Record of Success:

With a track record of successful pitch decks, we have aided numerous businesses in securing the funding they need. Our approach is backed by real-world success stories.Choose Vakilsearch for:

  • Business Expertise: Benefit from our in-depth understanding of business dynamics.
  • Service Excellence: Experience top-notch services tailored to your unique needs.
  • Pitch Deck Mastery: Elevate your business pitch with our expertly crafted pitch decks.
  • Investment Success: Join the ranks of businesses that have successfully attracted investment with our assistance.

Whether you're starting a new venture or seeking to scale, trust Vakilsearch for a pitch-perfect presentation that sets you on the path to investment success.

FAQs on Investment Pitch Deck

Your investment pitch deck should include the following information:
Problem: Clearly define the problem your company is solving.
Solution: Explain how your product or service solves the problem.
Market: Describe the market you are targeting and its size.
Product: Provide an overview of your product or service.
Team: Introduce your team and their experience.
Business Model: Explain how you will make money.
Financials: Provide your financial projections.
Call to Action: Tell investors what you want them to do.
Your investment pitch deck should be no more than 10-15 slides long. Investors have short attention spans, so you need to be concise and to the point.
Here are some tips for creating a winning investor pitch deck:
Tell a compelling story: Investors are attracted to companies with a strong story. Use your pitch deck to tell the story of how your company came to be and why it is uniquely positioned to solve a real problem.
Use strong visuals: Visuals can help you communicate your message more effectively. Use charts, graphs, and images to illustrate your key points.
Keep it simple: Don't try to cram too much information into your pitch deck. Focus on the most important points and make sure they are easy to understand.
Practice your delivery: Your pitch deck is only as good as your delivery. Practice your pitch in front of friends, family, or colleagues to get feedback.
An investment pitch deck is a short presentation that is designed to persuade investors to invest in your company. A business plan is a more detailed document that provides a comprehensive overview of your company.
The cost of creating an investment pitch deck will vary depending on the complexity of your business and the experience of the designer. You can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $5,000 for a professional pitch deck.
There are a few things you can do to find a reputable investment pitch deck creator:
Ask for referrals: Get recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have used an investment pitch deck creator in the past.
Read online reviews: Check out online reviews to see what other people have to say about different pitch deck creators.
Interview potential creators: Talk to several different pitch deck creators to get a feel for their experience and style.
Here are some things to look for in a reputable investment pitch deck creator:
Experience: Make sure the creator has experience creating pitch decks for companies in your industry
<Portfolio: Review the creator's portfolio to see the quality of their work.
Communication: Make sure the creator is responsive and easy to communicate with.
Cost: Get quotes from several different creators to compare prices.
Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when creating investment pitch decks:
Trying to cram too much information into the deck.
Using too many text slides.
Not using enough visuals.
Not telling a compelling story.
Not practicing their delivery.
An investment pitch deck is a short presentation that is designed to persuade investors to invest in your company. A business plan is a more detailed document that provides a comprehensive overview of your company.
An investment pitch deck serves as a presentation or document which helps an audience understand, in brief, a company’s business plan - how the business model works, and how it plans to make a profit. The basic purpose of an investment deck is to help your clients, potential investors understand why they should work with you.
  • Self-attested PAN Card
  • Identity Proof of the director
  • Address Proof of the director
  • Passport-size photographs
  • Rent Agreement and NOC from the owner in case the office in a rented complex
  • Sale Deed/Property Deed if the office is in a plot owned by the business
  • Latest Bank Statement
  • The problem statement of your business
  • The target market and its size
  • The solution concept
  • Go-to-Market strategy
  • The partners in place
  • Customers onboarded or in the pipeline
  • Current company financials
  • Write down a plan on how much funding you need to scale your operations within the next 12-18 months
  • How will you use the funds obtained from investors
  • Showcase the traction you have had from your target market
  • Do a deep analysis of the target market and the need to solve the problem for which you are building the solution
  • company introduction
  • Issue and resolution
  • Success
  • Target market
  • Competitors
  • The revenue model
  • Financial estimates
  • Describe your team.
  • Plan of retreat.
  • Consider using a more succinct approach that involves describing how the good or service will benefit them rather than reciting an endless list of features. Talking about your product in terms that your target market can understand will help you persuade them more. Basically, let them know what's in it for them.
    The 18-minute rule is supported by decades of evidence; however, there is no rule governing the duration of a new business pitch. Your presentation should last no longer than 18 minutes, and you should leave it up to the audience to decide how long it should last.
    An investment pitch deck typically consists of 10 to 20 slides and is intended to provide a brief overview of your business, your business plan, and your startup vision.
    A pitch deck is a presentation that entrepreneurs use to introduce their business to potential investors. It should include the following sections:
  • Executive Summary: This is a brief overview of your business, including the problem you are solving, your solution, and your target market.
  • Problem: What problem are you solving? Why is this a big problem?
  • Solution: How are you solving the problem? What makes your solution unique?
  • Market: Who is your target market? How big is the market?
  • Traction: What progress have you made so far? Do you have any customers?
  • Team: Who are the people behind your business? What are their qualifications?
  • Financials: What are your financial projections? How much money do you need?
  • Investors want to see a clear and concise presentation that tells them why your business is a good investment. They are looking for the following things:
  • A big problem that needs to be solved.
  • A unique and scalable solution.
  • A strong team with a proven track record.
  • A large and growing market.
  • A clear path to profitability.
  • A compelling investment thesis.
  • Here are some tips on how to create a business pitch for investors:
  • Start by defining your target audience. Who are you pitching to? What are their needs and interests?
  • Tailor your pitch to your audience. What information do they need to know?
  • Be clear and concise. Investors are busy people, so get to the point quickly.
  • Use visuals to help tell your story. Charts, graphs, and images can be very effective in communicating your ideas.
  • Practice your pitch. The more you practice, the more confident you will be when you deliver it.
  • Be prepared to answer questions. Investors will have questions, so be prepared to answer them.
  • The beginning of your pitch is the most important part. This is where you will grab the investor's attention and make them want to listen to you. Here are a few tips on how to start your pitch:
  • Start with a strong hook. This could be a statistic, a quote, or a story that will get the investor's attention.
  • State your problem and solution clearly. Tell the investor what problem you are solving and how your solution is unique.
  • Be passionate about your business. Investors want to invest in people who are passionate about their businesses.
  • The purpose of a pitch deck is to get investors excited about your business and to convince them to invest in it. It is a visual representation of your business plan, and it should be clear, concise, and persuasive.
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    Written by Nithya, Reviewed by Sushmitha Pawar. Last updated on May 28 2024, 04:38 PM

    Sushmitha Pawar BA.LLB (Hons), a senior legal expert specialises in NGO registration, NGO compliance, FCRA, trust, society, and fundraising.

    Nithya Ramani Iyer, a criminologist and writer, serves as the SME and manages communications at Vakilsearch. Drawing from her experience at Seasearch Intelligence and Legal domains, she enriches our content with insightful perspectives.