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Privacy Policy

Can I Draft My Own Terms of Service Agreement?

In this blog, you will learn about Terms of Service Agreement, what should they consist of and how you can create your own privacy policy online.

Yes, you can write your own Terms of Service Agreement. So, you do not essentially need an attorney to write your privacy policy. There is no legal necessity for an attorney to be involved while writing your privacy policy. Along with the amount of information, online guides, and resources, you will be content to draft your fundamental privacy policy.

However, you might feel the requirement of an attorney to write the policy. The more complexities your business is, the more you might benefit from a lawyer or legal assistance.

What Is a Standard Terms of Service Agreement?

A Terms of Service Agreement is a standard legal document that illustrates how a website or a business uses, collects, protects, and shares the users’ personal information. It is a legal requirement operated by many consumer and privacy protection laws. If your website, mobile app, or business collects personal data from users, you will require a privacy policy. The personal information might include the following:

  • DOB (Date of birth);
  • Name;
  • Postal address/ permanent address;
  • Email address;
  • IP address;
  • Purchase activity;
  • Geolocations;
  • Social insurance or social security numbers;
  • Payment details; debit card, credit card, or account number.

A standard privacy policy also requires mentioning why an organisation or company collects personal data, information about the rights that the users have on their data, and many more.

What is the Eligibility Criteria for Own Privacy Policy?

If you are not dealing with a large amount of information, data, or international customers, it will be comparatively easy for you to write your own Terms of Service Agreement.

For example, suppose you consider an e-commerce platform or store. In that case, it collects sensitive data like financial information, phone numbers, mailing address, postal address, etc., and utilizes retargeting methods for advertising. You can observe how complex it will be for an individual who runs a small business. Make Online Draft for the Terms of Service Agreement for the Business or Websites.

Suppose you collect a huge amount of personal data, have an e-commerce business, have users in numerous legal jurisdictions or countries, or transfer data to third parties. In that case, it is better to have legal aid.

The more personal data you deal with, and the broader and far your customer base is, the greater complexity you will face in making your privacy policy.

Few resources by the help of which you can create your privacy policy without any intervention or legal assistance are:

  • You can use an online policy generator. You will have to pay a small one-time fee that will be very inexpensive than hiring a lawyer. Free policy templates are hugely available online. Informative blogs will help you write by sharing real-life examples and useful information on the dos and don’ts of a privacy policy.

 Practices to Follow While Drafting your Terms of Service Agreement:

  • You must write the policy in easy and simple language for better understanding.
  • You must update your privacy policy regularly to reflect up-gradation and changes in your business, your protocols, or the law. Notifications about the updates should also be sent to the users. Do not forget to mention the date of effect of your updated policy.
  • You should remain honest and transparent about your commitment to the user’s privacy.
  • You should make your own privacy policies easy to find and accessible for the users.
  • Follow the government regulations for the copyrights protection of personal data.
  • You must maintain strong internal security to ensure your user’s data is completely secure.
  • You should request the bare minimum information possible from your users to give your services smoothly and refrain from shady tracking methods.
  • Users should have access to their data or information. Users should also be able to choose their information collection and usage, for example, setting cookie preferences, declining subscriptions, etc.

What Are the Changes for the Own Terms?

Your Terms of Service Agreement should be customized to fit your business type correctly. Some tips are required for implementing some changes. Here are some fundamentals:

You will require the following standard information for writing your privacy policy-

  • What kind of personal data do you have to collect?

You need to identify and create a list of each piece of personal information you will collect.

  • Why and how will you collect it?

You need to illustrate how the collected personal data will be used

  1. How will you use the information?
  2. Your business details.
  3. How long will you retain the data?
  4. How will you protect the data?
  5. Do your users have any legally-granted rights? / How will your users control and access their personal data?
  6. Use of tracking technologies and cookies.
  7. Are you sharing data with a third party?
  8. Address children’s privacy issues.
  9. Lastly, your contact (phone number, email address, postal address, etc.) information through which the users can contact you.
  10. Clauses of business transfer if you ever think of selling your company in the future.
  11. A clause for dispute resolution for resolving any future disputes.
  12. Future changes to your privacy policy

Can It Be Explained Using an Example?

Let us consider an example to explain how writing your Terms of Service Agreement requires a different approach.

For example, imagine that you are running a small private blog. For this job, only collecting email addresses from your users to send your newsletter every month will be sufficient, and you probably would not require an attorney or a lawyer.

But if you operate an e-commerce company that generally ships to users worldwide, legal assistance might prove beneficial for your business and make the privacy policy. This is because when you deal with a larger amount of data and users, you will face more complexities in creating the privacy policy on your own.

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How To Write Terms and Conditions – Step by Step / Step-by-Step Guide To Writing Your Terms and Conditions

Step 1: Start with an introductory section that clearly states that the document contains the terms and conditions governing the use of your website, app, or services. Include your company name and contact information.

Step 2: Specify that by using your website, app, or services, users are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement. Provide a checkbox or button for users to indicate their acceptance.

Step 3: Clearly define the nature and scope of the services or products you provide. Specify any limitations or restrictions on their use.

Step 4: Outline the responsibilities and obligations of users when accessing and using your platform. Include guidelines for user behavior, content submission, and compliance with laws.

Step 5: Address ownership and usage rights of any intellectual property on your platform, such as trademarks, copyrights, or proprietary content.

Step 6: Refer to your privacy policy and explain how user data is collected, stored, and used. Provide a link to the full privacy policy for users to review.

Step 7: If applicable, detail the payment methods, pricing, and billing procedures for your products or services. Include any refund or cancellation policies.

Step 8: Specify the process for resolving disputes or conflicts that may arise between your company and users. Mention any arbitration or mediation clauses.

Step 9: Clearly state the limitations of your company’s liability for damages or losses incurred by users while using your platform.

Step 10: Explain the conditions under which your company may terminate or suspend a user’s account or access to your services.

Step 11: Reserve the right to update or modify the terms and conditions at any time. State that users will be notified of such changes and should regularly review the agreement.

Step 12: Indicate the governing law that applies to the terms and conditions and any legal disputes that may arise.

Displaying Your Terms and Conditions Agreement

Make sure your terms and conditions agreement is easily accessible to users. Display a link to the agreement prominently on your website or app, typically in the footer section. Require users to review and accept the agreement before proceeding with their interactions on your platform.

Advantages of Creating Terms and Conditions

The advantages of creating terms and conditions for your website include – 

Legal Protection: Terms and conditions provide legal protection for your company by setting forth the rules and guidelines for using your platform.

Clarity and Transparency: Clearly defined terms and conditions ensure that users understand their rights and responsibilities when using your services.

Dispute Resolution: Having a dispute resolution clause in your terms and conditions can help avoid costly legal battles by providing a framework for resolving conflicts.

Intellectual Property Protection: Including intellectual property clauses safeguards your company’s proprietary rights and content.

User Consent: By requiring users to accept the terms and conditions, you obtain their explicit consent to comply with the specified rules and policies.

Business Reputation: Transparent and fair terms and conditions enhance your business’s reputation, fostering trust among users and potential customers.


In this article, you have been offered tips, guidance, and insights into writing your privacy policy. Suppose you are learning to write a policy to draft on your own. In that case, getting in touch with a lawyer or legal expert is strongly recommended to ensure your document’s adequate protection or security and legal validity.

Suppose you wish to make a customised privacy policy compared to an auto-generated online policy. In that case, it is suggested for you to approach a lawyer to ensure your privacy policy gets maximum legality. You can download any generic policy templates from a reliable online source. Or you can get help from Vakilsearch. Our experts will help you create your own privacy policy.


Can I draft my own Terms of Service agreement?

Yes, you can draft your own Terms of Service agreement for your business or website. However, it is essential to ensure that it is legally sound and covers all the necessary aspects to protect your interests and inform your users or customers about their rights and responsibilities. For the best results, consult with Vakilsearch experts who provide a wide range of legal solutions, including drafting legal documents, trademark registration, GST registration, and legal consultation. We have a team of experienced lawyers who can assist you in ensuring that your legal documents are accurate, reliable, and legally compliant.

What is a Terms of Service agreement, and why is it important?

A Terms of Service agreement is a legally binding contract between a business or website and its users or customers. It sets out the rules and guidelines that users must follow while using the service or website. It is important as it helps clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, limits the business's liability, and helps in resolving disputes.

What key elements should be included in a Terms of Service agreement?

A Terms of Service agreement should include clauses related to user eligibility, user obligations, intellectual property rights, disclaimer of warranties, limitation of liability, governing law and jurisdiction, termination, and any other specific rules or policies related to the service or website.

Are there any legal requirements or guidelines for drafting a Terms of Service agreement?

While there are no specific legal requirements, it is essential to ensure that the agreement is clear, easily accessible to users, and that users provide explicit consent to the terms before using the service or website. Additionally, it must comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Can I use a template or sample Terms of Service agreement as a starting point?

Yes, using a template or sample Terms of Service agreement can be a starting point. However, it is crucial to customize it to suit your specific business needs and ensure that it covers all relevant aspects.

What are the risks of drafting my own Terms of Service agreement without legal assistance?

Drafting your own Terms of Service agreement without legal assistance may lead to omissions of important clauses, vague language, or non-compliance with applicable laws. This could result in potential disputes or legal issues in the future.

How can I ensure that my self-drafted Terms of Service agreement is legally enforceable?

To ensure legal enforceability, it is advisable to use clear and unambiguous language, cover all relevant aspects, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. Seeking legal advice can help ensure that the agreement meets legal requirements.

Should I consult with a lawyer before finalizing my self-drafted Terms of Service agreement?

Yes, it is highly recommended to consult with a lawyer before finalizing your self-drafted Terms of Service agreement. A lawyer can review and ensure that the agreement is legally sound, protects your interests, and complies with relevant laws.

Can I update or modify my self-drafted Terms of Service agreement in the future?

Yes, you can update or modify your self-drafted Terms of Service agreement in the future to reflect changes in your business or legal requirements. However, it is important to inform users about the changes and obtain their consent if necessary.

What happens if a dispute arises regarding my self-drafted Terms of Service agreement?

If a dispute arises regarding your self-drafted Terms of Service agreement, the resolution will depend on the clauses and provisions in the agreement. Seeking legal assistance can help in resolving disputes efficiently and according to the terms specified in the agreement.

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