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Pitch Decks

How To Make A Pitch Deck?

In this article we are going to discuss what is a Pitch deck and how to go about creating one

Most entrepreneurs will surely be aware of how essential Pitch Decks are in raising funding. When you meet an investor, a business pitch deck will be your only armor and weapon. It is what helps you get more meetings with investors and eventually funding. That being said, to take advantage of such a tool, you need to be able to draft a good one. A good business slide deck can make all the difference between getting washed up and gaining an investor. So, how do you make a great pitch deck? Here’s a look at everything you will need to know!

Why Do Businesses Fail?

  • Here are some of the most common reasons why businesses fail:
  • Unviable Business model
  • Lack of funds
  • Insufficient traction in the market
  • Unable to secure investment
  • Technical issues with product
  • Lack of market demand
  • Outcompeted
  • Issues with establishing customer relationship and trust
  • Disharmony amidst management
  • Pricing issues
  • Legal challenges
  • Poor hiring

This list shows that business models and money are two important reasons for businesses’ success. 

How Important Is A Pitch Deck For Investors And Startups?

Startup failure risk is high at the preliminary stage of funding. So, when a business makes a Pitch Deck Format at its initial stage, it needs to be extra careful startup failure risk

From an investor’s point of view, a pitch deck allows them to understand whether a business idea is investible. As it is the first look they get at a concept or product, it helps shape their views on the business. Investors learn more about the business model, growth, opportunities, and the market through a pitch deck. 

For a startup or entrepreneur, a good pitch deck is a necessity. It helps them meet more investors, move on to further meetings, generate interest, and open a few doors. Finding good funding or investment is impossible unless you have a good pitch deck. 

What To Include In A Pitch Deck?

  1. Overview: Minimal slide containing brand name/logo/slogan/tagline/contact details
  2. Problem: Explain what gap you want to fill, and why it is important.
  3. Solution: Describe why your solution works and is better than the rest.
  4. Market: Enumerate on the size of the market, growth, opportunities, and scalability
  5. Product: Showcase your product and add all relevant details about it
  6. Traction: Highlight your month-over-month growth 
  7. Business Model: Describe your revenue model, and why it works
  8. Go-to-Market Plan: Highlight all your plans to acquire more customers, to scale and to grow
  9. Competitive Advantage: Elaborate on your patents and what makes your product or service unique
  10. Team: Explain why your team is unique, and what they bring to the table to help the business
  11. Financials: Provide projections for the coming years and talk about earlier valuations
  12. Valuation: Express the range of funding you are looking for, and why you are asking for that

How To Make A Great Pitch Deck?

  1. Consult financial experts and draw up credible projections for your business. Always have facts, values, and results to validate and substantiate your claims. 
  2. After you have all the data and metrics required, finalize what slides you will include in your pitch deck. While we have already mentioned the list of slides that are typically present in a deck, you can add slides and take a few off depending on what stage you are at. 
  3. While setting up your document, decide on whether you want to go with an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 4:3. 
  4. Another important thing that you need to consider is what visual style you want to create. You can opt for pre-designed pitch deck templates if you are unsure of designing your own slides. In that case, go for something elegant and professional as you want the investors to focus on what you are saying, and not on the color tone of your presentation.
  5. Make sure you never put too much text into a slide as that makes it difficult for the person to read. Always maximize the readability of the slide to make it easier for the investor to follow you while you speak.
  6. Also, sometimes, investors will ask you to send them the slide via email. Therefore, never leave out information, thinking you can fill in the blanks or add data while speaking.
  7. Try to weave together a compelling story, which is especially crucial for your Problem and Solution slides as they create a lot of impacts. 
  8. Make sure you add lots of screenshots, images, and sketches of your product so that investors get a good idea about how it looks and how the interface feels to the user.
  9. Try to include a section about your core team, and add a bio about your key management and product development personnel. Explain the unique skill set each member brings to the team and also discuss the team’s interpersonal skills and work ethics.
  10. Take time and ensure that you give an unambiguous and concise description of your business model. Address your primary revenue source, and then add notes in case you have any recurring or secondary revenue sources.


Making a great pitch deck will help you score big with investors. Use these tried and tested tips to make a great pitch deck that attracts interest and funds. In case you have further queries regarding fundraising, get in touch with us and our team of experts will ensure that you receive the right kind of guidance for your requirements. 

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