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What Is The Purpose Of A Letter Of Appointment?

A letter of appointment serves as a kind of documentary evidence and allows individuals to the rights and benefits owed to them as employees. Here’s everything you need to know!


Welcoming a new employee to the team is always an exciting moment, both for the employer and the new hire. This sense of excitement can be sustained through positive experiences and a seamless onboarding process via an appointment letter.

Creating an appointment letter is a common requirement when bringing a new employee on board. Whether you hold the position of Business Leader in a multinational corporation, work as a recruiter, HR staff, or oversee all HR operations as an administrative manager, understanding the significance of an appointment letter is crucial. 

Interested in learning more about appointment letters? Continue reading below!

When an individual is selected for a role within an organization, the formal communication of this decision is typically conveyed through an appointment letter, a responsibility often handled by the human resources division.

This blog primarily focuses on appointment letters, exploring their purposes and providing insights into how to effectively draft them. 

What is a Letter of Appointment?

A Letter of Appointment is a type of HR correspondence dispatched to a job candidate subsequent to their acceptance of a job offer. This official document is provided by the company or organization that has selected the candidate, serving as a legal confirmation of their appointment to the position. Commonly referred to as an employment contract, this letter outlines key details such as the new hire’s responsibilities, salary, bonus, and start date.

Upon completion of the selection process, human resources typically issues an offer letter to a suitable applicant. Once the candidate accepts the job offer, the subsequent step is to send an appointment letter. This document validates the employer’s offer and the candidate’s acceptance, establishing a legal agreement that concludes the communication between the organization and the employee.

For the candidate, this letter marks the initial communication received from the company, and they decide whether to accept the offer. Subsequently, negotiations, if any, regarding salary can be undertaken between HR or the company and the new employee. Once the employment contract is finalized, it is presented to the candidate, encompassing all aspects of the employee’s position.

Once you’ve identified a candidate for a position, informing them through a well-crafted letter is a crucial step in the hiring process!

When should the employee get the appointment letter?

The appointment letter is typically penned by the founder, HR manager, team head, or department manager and is issued once the screening process has been successfully completed. This formal document serves as an official record of a job offer and the recipient’s acknowledgment and acceptance of that offer.

Following the offer of a position, the organization provides the appointment letter to the successful candidate. It is often printed on the official letterhead of the company, and it is customary for both parties to sign and retain a copy. In fact, the employer typically keeps one signed copy, while the employee or prospective employee holds another.

A candidate commonly receives the appointment letter on their first day of employment.

Significance of an Appointment Letter

The importance of an appointment letter can be summarized as follows:

Essential Document:

The appointment letter is a crucial document for both the company and the employee. It serves as a formal, legally binding contract that outlines all the terms and conditions governing the employer-employee relationship.

Comprehensive Information:

It details all the specifics of the position, including the company’s expectations for success. The letter includes essential information such as salary, job title, and other benefits, providing a comprehensive understanding of the role.

Legally Binding Contract:

Once both parties sign the appointment letter, they each receive a copy for their records. This ensures that all parties are in agreement with the terms specified in the document. In case of disputes in the future, the appointment letter can be used as a legal reference.

Dispute Resolution:

The appointment letter can play a crucial role in resolving disputes that may arise in the future. Its legal standing allows it to be used as evidence in court to settle any disagreements between the employer and the employee.

Key Differences Between an Offer Letter and an Appointment Letter 

An offer letter and an appointment letter serve two different purposes in the employment process. Here are the key differences between the two:

  1. Offer Letter:

   – An offer letter is typically the first formal document provided to a candidate who has been selected for a position.

   – It outlines the basic terms and conditions of the job offer, including the job title, compensation, benefits, and any other relevant details.

   – The offer letter is not a legally binding contract but serves as a formal communication of the employer’s intention to hire the candidate.

  1. Appointment Letter:

   – An appointment letter is issued after the candidate has accepted the job offer and is a formal document that solidifies the employment relationship.

   – It provides comprehensive details about the terms and conditions of employment, including the start date, job responsibilities, reporting structure, working hours, and other relevant policies.

   – The appointment letter is a legally binding document that governs the employment relationship and is signed by both the employer and the employee.

What to Include in an Appointment Letter

Now that the concept of an employment contract is clear, let’s delve into the crucial information that should be incorporated into the letter. It’s essential to emphasize the following points:

  1. Company Header:

   – Begin with the company’s official header to provide a professional and formal touch to the letter.

  1. Congratulatory Note:

   – Express congratulations to the new hire on their appointment to create a positive tone.

  1. Official Title or Function:

   – Clearly state the employee’s official title or function within the organization.

  1. Form of Employment:

   – Specify the form of employment, whether it’s full-time, part-time, temporary, or permanent.

  1. Job Description:

   – Provide a detailed description of the job, outlining key responsibilities and expectations.

  1. Date of Joining:

   – Clearly mention the date on which the employee is expected to commence their duties.

  1. Work Setting:

   – Include details about the work setting, whether it’s an office, remote, or a combination.

  1. Job Circumstances:

   – Highlight any specific circumstances related to the job, such as travel requirements or special conditions.

  1. Regular Work Hours:

   – Specify the regular work hours expected from the employee.

  1. Next Steps Timeframes:

    – Set timeframes for the next steps in the onboarding process.

  1. Required Forms:

    – Mention any forms the employee needs to fill out as part of the joining process.

  1. Transfer Opportunities:

    – Briefly mention any potential transfer opportunities available to the employee within the organization.

  1. Salaries and Benefits:

    – Clearly outline the details of the employee’s salary and any associated benefits.

  1. Dress Code Information:

    – If applicable, provide information about the dress code or workplace attire.

  1. Contact Information:

    – Include your contact information, including a phone number or email address, for any queries the employee may have.

  1. Company Stamp or Seal:

    – Conclude the letter by affixing the company’s stamp or seal for authenticity.

Important Considerations

When crafting an appointment letter, it’s essential to consider the following points:

  • Begin the letter by addressing the recipient by name and specifying your position within the organization.
  • Ensure all critical information about the job is clearly communicated in the letter.
  • Offer the recipient a complete overview of your business, including its terms and conditions.
  • Clearly specify the expectations and responsibilities of the recipient in the new role.
  • Sign and stamp the appointment letter to authenticate its formal standing.
  • Have the recipient initial the letter and return a signed copy, confirming their acceptance.

Format of an Appointment Letter: Essential Elements

The format of an appointment letter typically includes the following elements:

  1. Letterhead: The company’s official letterhead, including the company name, logo, address, and contact information.
  2. Date: The date on which the letter is being issued.
  3. Salutation: A formal salutation, such as “Dear [Employee’s Name],”
  4. Opning Paragraph: A warm and welcoming opening that confirms the offer of employment and expresses the company’s enthusiasm to have the individual join the organization.
  5. Details of Employment: This section includes the job title, department, reporting structure, and the start date of employment.
  6. Terms and Conditions: This part outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including the compensation package, benefits, working hours, and any other relevant details.
  7. Probationary Period (if applicable): If there is a probationary period, the letter should specify its duration and the terms associated with it.
  8. Policies and Procedures: Reference to the employee handbook or any specific policies that the employee should be aware of.
  9. Closing: A closing sentiment expressing confidence in the employee’s abilities and looking forward to a successful working relationship.
  10. Signature: The letter should be signed by an authorized signatory, typically someone from the HR department or senior management.

It’s important to ensure that the appointment letter complies with local employment laws and regulations.


To sum up, the employment offer letter serves as a key reference point when discussing compensation or other employment terms with a candidate. It enables a detailed discussion of the offered position, its duties, and the advantages associated with working for the company.

Upon acceptance of the position, the appointment letter becomes a valuable tool for communication and orientation before the individual officially joins the company. 

For any further assistance or details, feel free to reach out to Vakilsearch.

FAQs for Letter Of Appointment

What is the summary of the appointment letter?

The appointment letter serves as a formal document offering a position to an individual. It outlines key details such as job title, responsibilities, start date, and compensation. Its summary encapsulates the terms and conditions of employment, providing clarity for both the employer and the employee.

What are the features of an appointment letter?

An appointment letter includes essential features like the job title, duties and responsibilities, compensation details, working hours, and any probationary period. It also mentions relevant policies, expectations, and the start date, providing a comprehensive overview of the employment arrangement.

What is the conclusion of the letter of appointment?

The conclusion of the letter of appointment typically reiterates the excitement about the individual joining the organisation. It may include instructions for acceptance, further documentation, or any specific actions required before the commencement of employment, concluding the letter on a positive note.

Who gives an appointment letter?

An appointment letter is typically issued by the employer or the HR department of a company. It formalises the offer of employment and represents the organisation's commitment to the terms outlined. The individual receiving the letter can then accept the offer by signing and returning it.

Is an appointment letter a legal document?

Yes, an appointment letter is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment. It serves as a binding agreement between the employer and the employee. In case of disputes or legal matters, the appointment letter can be used as evidence to clarify the agreed-upon terms.

Can an appointment letter be revised?

Yes, an appointment letter can be revised, but any changes must be communicated transparently to the employee. Revisions could be made due to factors such as role adjustments, compensation changes, or amendments to terms. Both parties should agree to any modifications in writing to maintain the legality and clarity of the employment agreement.

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About the Author

Vignesh R., a Property Legal Consultant at Vakilsearch, holds a B.A. LL.B. degree. He specialises in services such as Sale Deeds, Property Registration, Property Document Verification, Relinquishment Deeds, and Rent and Lease Agreements.

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