Schemes Schemes

WB Krishak Bandhu Scheme 2024 – Objective, Documents & Advantages

WB Krishak Bandhu Scheme is a programme for farmers in West Bengal. Here is a detailed article about the scheme's registration and application requirements and perks.

Krishak Bandhu Yojana Information, Registration Requirements, and New Beneficiary List for the WB Krishak Bandhu Scheme 2024 | All farmers in West Bengal are eligible for the Krishak Bandhu Scheme, which Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee created for the benefit of the state’s farmers. In this post, we will tell our readers about the eligibility conditions, the application process, procedure to check the beneficiary list, the status of an application form, benefits, features, and any other details relating to the scheme.

The Krishak Bandhu scheme is designed to offer farmers in West Bengal various benefits, including guaranteed income and death benefits. The scheme’s implementation will enable farmers to access a host of financial benefits as pledged by the Chief Minister of West Bengal. It is expected to provide critical financial assistance to impoverished farmers throughout India.

A continuation of DBT benefits for marginalized communities. For GST services, visit GST Services.

Relaunch of the WB Krishak Bandhu Scheme

To help farmers financially in 2018, West Bengal’s Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee introduced the WB Krishak Bandhu programme. Now, the Chief Minister has decided to restart this programme. The announcement that the financial support provided by this programme would be increased was made on June 17. Trinamool Congress pledged to double the WB Krishak Bandhu scheme’s benefits in its electoral platform. Approximately 68 lakh farmers will profit from this programme.

Objective Of WB Krishak Bandhu Scheme

A programme called the West Bengal Krishak Bandhu Scheme was created to offer financial assistance to farmers in the Indian state of West Bengal. The scheme’s primary goal is to give farmers financial assistance so they can cover the costs of agricultural activities like buying seeds and fertiliser and to act as a safety net in case of crop failure or other unforeseen circumstances. The scheme’s main objective is to assist farmers in raising their standard of living and income in order to ultimately contribute to the overall development of the agricultural industry in the state of West Bengal.

The WB Krishak Bandhu Plan Conspire’s primary objective is to provide financial assistance to the state of West Bengal’s ranchers. In accordance with the Plan, the Recipients Will Also Receive A Rs 2 Lakh Life Insurance Front. The groups of ranchers will become self-subordinate with the aid of the monetary incentives provided by the public authority so that they are not required to depend on others for their needs. The WB Krishak Bandhu Scheme will help ranchers become in better financial condition.

Details Of Krishak Bandhu Scheme 2024

🔥 Name 🔥Krishak Bandhu Scheme
🔥 Launched By 🔥 Mamta Banerjee
🔥 Beneficiaries 🔥 Farmers In West Bengal
🔥 Announced On 🔥 1 January 2019

Essential Documents For Death Benefit Claim

  1. Advantage Guarantee
  2. ID Evidence Validated Duplicate
  3. Elector Card,
  4. Aadhar Card,
  5. Driving License,
  6. Pan Card,
  7. Identification And So Forth.
  8. Demise Endorsement Bore Witness To Duplicate
  9. Krishak Bandhu Card Verified Duplicate
  10. Self-Statement Of Candidate Validated Duplicate
  11. ROR Verified Duplicate
  12. Lawful/Normal Graduation Announcement In The Event Of Minor Claimant

Components Of Krishak Bandhu Scheme

They Are Two Components Of The West Bengal Scheme For The 2024 Year As Maintained Below

  1. Assistance With Obtaining Funds To Buy Agricultural Inputs Like Seeds, Fertilizers, And Pesticides
  2. Assistance With The Upkeep And Repair Of Agricultural Machinery Insurance Protection For Crops And Livestock
  3. Farmers’ Technical Assistance and Training
  4. Financial Assistance For Farmers In The Event Of Crop Failure Or Other Unexpected Events
  5. Initiatives To Encourage Sustainable Agriculture And Enhance Soil Health
  6. Guaranteed Pay Ranchers in general and the recipients who will be selected in the plan will receive financial assistance under the Guaranteed Pay. The Plan Has Two Additional Options, Which Are Listed Below: Ranchers
  7. Are Eligible To Receive Rs. 5000 Per Annum For Both The Rabi And Kharif Seasons If They Own At Least One Section Of Land.
  8. The first portion will be served during the month of June, followed by the second portion during the month of November.
  9. Additionally, Ranchers Would Receive Least Assistance Of Rs. 2000 Per Year On A Rata Premise.
  10. Demise Benefit The Ranchers’ Groups Would Be Furnished With Rs. 2 Lakh, Including Self Destruction, Under The Passing Advantage Conspire. Every rancher who is between the ages of 18 and 60 can benefit from the new insurance contract benefits.

Financial Support for Small and Marginal Farmers Will Double

Under the WB Krishak Bandhu plan, financial support for small and marginal farmers would also be boosted. Farmers with less than one acre of cultivable land would receive 4000 annually rather than 2,000 on a pro rata basis. The Krishak Bandhu Scheme went into operation in 2018, and as of February, 1.5 crores had been spent on its implementation. A death payment of 200000 would be given to a farmer under this programme if he or she passes away before age 60.

Krishak Bandhu West Bengal Scheme

Farmers in the West Bengal area will access advantages such as guaranteed income and death benefits whenever and wherever they need them thanks to the introduction of the Krishak Bandhu plan. Farmers would get access to various benefits through the scheme’s implementation, with financial rewards being the key ones, as the Chief Minister of West Bengal State promised. For all of India’s farmers struggling with poverty, this programme will prove to be the most valuable resource in terms of financial assistance.

Advantages Of The Krishak Bandhu Scheme Program

According to MS Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state, the Krishak Bandhu plan has a lot of advantages. Here are a few of the advantages: –

  1. According to the plan, every recipient would receive a life insurance policy of 200000.
  2. All farmers who pass away accidently while the programme is being implemented will receive insurance coverage.
  3. The recipients would receive the 5000 crop cover insurance in two instalments.
  4. The budget for implementing this plan has been set at 3000 crores.
  5. All of the program’s recipients will also receive the premium for crop insurance from the state government.
  6. The recipients additionally receive two payments of 5,000 per acre.

Application Method

You can follow the straightforward instructions provided below if you wish to apply for the West Bengal Krishak Bandhu and want to download the online form: –

  1. First, click on this link to access the official scheme application form.
  2. Search the webpage for the application form.
  3. Provide all the information requested on the form.
  4. Select “Submit.”

Know About Krishak Bandhu Scheme

  1. Visit the Krishak Bandhu scheme’s website.
  2. Before you, the home page will load.
  3. You must select the About Krishak Bandhu link on the front page.
  4. After that, a new page providing information on this plan will appear in front of you.
  5. On this website, you may examine every single information about the Krishak Bandhu.

Register for Krishak Bandhu Scheme on the Website

  1. Visit Krishak Bandhu’s website for further information.
  2. Before you, the home page will load.
  3. You must click on “about krishak Bandhu” on the site.
  4. You must now choose the login button.
  5. You must then enter your login and password.
  6. You must now choose the login button.
  7. You may log into the portal by following this process.

How To Log In As An Agent

  1. Visit the Krishak Bandhu scheme’s website.
  2. When the home page loads, select “about krishak Bandhu.”
  3. You then need to click on login.
  4. You must now select Agent Login.
  5. A fresh page will then display in front of you after that.
  6. On this new screen, you must enter your login and password.
  7. You must then click the login button.
  8. You may do agent login by following this process.

How To Recover Your Password

  • Initially, visit Krishak Bandhu’s official website.
  • Before you, the home page will load.
  • You then need to click on “about krishak Bandhu.”
  • You must now click on login.
  • You then need to click on “forgot your password.”
  • You will now see a new page where you must input your email address before clicking “send OTP.”
  • You must now type the OTP into the OTP box.
  • You will see a new screen where you must enter your new password.
  • You must now choose “confirm”
  • This process will allow you to change your password.

How to Check the Beneficiary List for the Krishak Bandhu Scheme

You can follow the straightforward instructions provided below if you wish to examine the scheme’s beneficiary list:

  • Visit the Krishak Bandhu’s official website for the year 2020 first.
  • Click on the Krishak Bandhu tab on the website.
  • You will see a new web page where you must log in using your credentials.
  • After entering your login information, select Beneficiary Search by clicking.
  • Make your block and district selections on the new website.
  • Finally, your computer will download a PDF list of the recipients.
  • Search the list for your name.


This scheme which is promoted by government had benefited many of the farmers. You can get many health and financial benefits while enrolling into this scheme. If you want to know more about WB Krishak Bandhu Scheme 2024, get in touch with the legal experts of Vakilsearch.

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About the Author

Abhinav Mukundhan, a Research Content Writer at Vakilsearch and a B.A. LL.B. graduate, specialises in legal and regulatory topics, including TMT law, IRDA guidelines, GDPR, cryptocurrency regulations, and government schemes.

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