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Business Ideas

How to Start a Panipuri Business

Starting a Panipuri business could be the ideal choice for you if you enjoy eating street cuisine and have a passion for entrepreneurship. This blog will give you a step-by-step walkthrough on how to launch your own Panipuri business, complete with an overview, a list of essential equipment and licences, an investment strategy, possible earnings, and brand marketing.

The renowned Indian street meal panipuri, often referred to as golgappa, has become well-known not just in India but also in other parts of the world. The crisp, oblong puris are stuffed with potatoes, chickpeas, chutney, and a spicy, sour water. Numerous Panipuri enterprises have risen in recent years as a result of the panipuri’s popularity. Entrepreneurs who wish to convert their love of food into a successful business may find that starting a Panipuri business is a great option. We’ll give you a step-by-step tutorial on how to launch your own Panipuri business in this blog.

Panipuri Business – Overview

It’s crucial to comprehend the fundamentals of the Panipuri industry before beginning a firm. Choosing the type of Panipuri business you want to launch is the first step. You have the option of starting a solitary panipuri business, a food cart, or a food truck instead. While a food truck or cart will cost less to operate, a standalone store will cost more.

License Required for Panipuri Business

Getting the required licences and permits from the neighbourhood authorities is vital before starting a Panipuri business idea. Depending on the location, several licences could be needed, although the following ones are frequently needed:

  1. Food Licence: You must register your business with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in order to receive a food licence. This licence is necessary to make sure that your company complies with the rules and requirements for food safety.
  2. Business Licence: The local government will also require you to apply for a business licence. You will be able to lawfully run your business in this area with the help of this licence.
  3. Registration for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is required if your annual revenue exceeds Rs. 20 lakhs.

Equipment Required for Panipuri Business

The next stage is to make an investment in the tools you’ll need to launch your Panipuri business. Depending on the kind of business you intend to launch, different equipment may be required, but some standard equipment includes:

  1. Panipuri-Making Device: A panipuri-making device can create puris more quickly and effectively. If you want to sell a lot of Panipuri, this machine would come in handy.
  2. Refrigerator: To keep the water and ingredients for the Panipuri fresh, a refrigerator is necessary.
  3. Gas Stove: The potatoes and chickpeas used in the filling must be cooked on a gas stove.
  4. You’ll need storage containers to keep the ingredients and chutney organised.

Investment Plan for a Panipuri Business

The amount of money needed to launch a Panipuri business will vary depending on the kind of enterprise you intend to launch. The amount needed to open a separate store may be more expensive. On the other side, the investment needed will be lesser if you intend to launch a food truck or cart.

Typical costs to take into account while opening a Panipuri business include:

  1. Cost of Equipment: The price of buying the required tools, such as a panipuri-making machine, a refrigerator, a gas stove, storage containers, and utensils.
  2. Rent is something you should think about if you want to operate a stand-alone store. The shop’s location and size will affect the rent.
  3. Cost of the raw ingredients, such as puris, potatoes, chickpeas, and chutney.
  4. Cost of acquiring the required licenses and permits, sometimes known as “licenses and permits.”
  5. Salary of staff: If you intend to hire staff, you must factor in the expense of their pay.

To make sure you have enough money to launch and run your firm, you must develop a thorough investment plan and budget.

How Much Profit Can Be Made in the Panipuri Business?

  • A Panipuri business’s potential for profit can change depending on its location, level of competition, and level of demand. However, a Panipuri business might be successful if it is well-planned and carried out.
  • The Panipuri business has a profit margin that can range from 50% to 60%. Depending on where it is offered, panipuri can be purchased for anywhere between Rs. 10 and Rs. 20 per plate.
  • To increase profitability, it’s critical to maintain low rent, raw material, and staff costs.

Procedure to Start a Panipuri Business

The following steps are involved in starting a Panipuri business:

  1. Select the Business Type: Choose whether you want to open a stand-alone store, a food truck, or a cart as your new Panipuri company.
  2. Licencing and Permitting: Obtain the required licences and permits from the local government, such as a GST registration, a business licence, and a food licence.
  3. Purchase Equipment: Purchase the tools you’ll need, such as a panipuri maker, a refrigerator, a gas burner, storage bins and cutlery.
  4. Establish a menu: Make a menu that includes the Panipuri and other foods you intend to sell.
  5. recruit Staff: If you need help managing the business, recruit staff.
  6. Promote Your Company: Utilise social media, fliers, and word-of-mouth advertising to promote your company.

Brand Awareness & Promotion for Panipuri Business

Any company, even a Panipuri company, must focus on building its brand and promoting it. Here are some practical strategies for promoting your Panipuri company:

  • Social media: To advertise your company and reach a larger audience, use social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Distribute flyers in your neighborhood to draw in new consumers.
  • Word-of-Mouth: Encourage the positive word-of-mouth of your delighted clients.
  • Offer discounts and limited-time promotions to draw in more customers.


Entrepreneurs who are passionate about both cuisine and business may find success and happiness in starting a Panipuri firm. A Panipuri business can be profitable if it is well-planned, funded, and carried out.

To ensure the success of your business, it is crucial to acquire the required licences and permissions, spend money on the necessary equipment, develop a menu, possibly hire staff, and advertise. Vakilsearch is aware of the difficulty beginning a business might present, as well as the difficulty in locating the required licences and permits. We provide a variety of services, such as company registration, trademark registration, and legal compliance, to assist entrepreneurs in starting and expanding their firms. To find out more about how we can assist you with launching your own Panipuri company, contact us right away.

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