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Bookkeeping and Accounting

Management Accounting – Meaning, Advantages & Functions

It has been announced that GimBooks, a cloud-based bookkeeping and management accounting platform, based in Raipur, has won the government's Atma Nirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge, which is aimed at promoting innovation in the business sector. In order to make business easier for millions of small entrepreneurs, the app aims to provide them with an easy-to-use, affordable solution that is mobile-first, easy to use, and aimed at making life easier for them.

What is Management Accounting?

Management accounting, also known as managerial or cost accounting, is a branch of accounting that focuses on providing financial information and analysis to aid internal decision-making within an organization. It deals with collecting, processing and presenting financial data which can help management plan, control and make strategic decisions.

Importance of Managerial Accounting:

Informed Decision-Making

Management accountants provide data that supports managerial decisions, regarding pricing, product development and investments.

Resource Allocation
Management accountants help allocate resources efficiently, optimize costs and maximize profits.

Performance Evaluation
Management accountants enable managers to assess the performance of various departments, projects and products.

Budgeting and Forecasting
Management accountants are essential for setting budgets and forecasting future financial performance.

Strategy Formulation
Management accountants aid in formulating and executing organizational strategies.

Scope of Managerial Accounting:

The scope of managerial accounting includes:

  • Tracking and analyzing costs to control and reduce expenses
  • Evaluating financial data to aid planning and decision-making
  • Creating budgets for various aspects of the business
  • Comparing actual performance with budgeted figures
  • Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations
  • Contributing to long-term planning and goal-setting

Techniques in Managerial Accounting:

Common managerial accounting techniques include:

  • Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis: 

This includes examining how costs, sales volume, and prices affect profits

  • Variance Analysis

This required comparing estimated and actual performance to identify discrepancies.

  • Activity-Based Costing: 

This involves assigning costs based on activities and resource consumption.

  • Marginal Costing

This requires analyzing the impact of changes in production levels on costs and profits.

  • Break-Even Analysis:

This approach is useful in determining the point at which revenues cover costs.

  • Budgeting and Forecasting

This involves creating financial plans and predictions for the future.

Advantages of Management Accounting

The advantages of management accounting can be classified into the below-mentioned categories

Decision Making

This is the primary and most important benefit of management accounting. This process uses proven techniques from different fields of study (such as statistics and economics). And presents the findings to the management in the form of forecasts, charts, and tables. Such a detailed analysis makes the task of decision making more justified and easier for the management.


Unlike financial accounting, management accounting meaning is an ongoing and continuous process and does not adhere to any strict timelines. Therefore, information (both financial and non-financial) is presented at regular intervals for the management to plan the business activities. Such presentations may contain budgets, in-depth analysis and financial forecasts. For example, if such information shows a decrease in sales during a certain period for a certain region, the sales manager can plan some remedial actions to improve the situation and can direct his team accordingly.

Identifying the Problem Areas

If an internal department is not performing to its true potential or a particular product is performing below the expected lines, the management will be well-served, if the underlying causes can be identified early enough. An efficient and diligent management accounting team can do this important task for the management. With timely reports and data, it can forecast and identify such issues well in advance and can help the management to plan for remedial actions accordingly.

Strategic Management

Management accounting is very much an internal process and it doesn’t act according to any law. Hence, the company can mould the structure of the management accounting process to suit its requirements. If the company thinks certain business areas need more investigation and in-depth analysis, it can develop adequate strategies accordingly. Based on information received from management accounting, the management can take important decisions such as modifying the sales strategy, continuing/discontinuing a product/service, launching a new product, focusing on a certain target market and so on.

Functions of Management Accounting

Management accounting performs the following functions in general-

Margin analysis

It determines the cash flow or profit generated by a business from a particular project, product, customer, product line and region.

Break-even analysis

It calculates the mix of contribution margin and determines the volume of units at which the organization breaks even. Based on this information, the management determines the price points for its services and products.

Target costing

It helps in designing new products by ascertaining the costs of these designs, comparing them to the targeted costs and informing the management of any deviations at any stage.

Constraint analysis

It assesses the primary bottlenecks in the business and how they influence the ability of the company to earn profits

Variance analysis

It reviews the trend of various costs incurred to look for unusual variances. If management accounting spots any variance, it dives deeper and examines individual transactions as well. All such information is then accumulated and the reasons for these variances are reported to the management.

Inventory valuation

It determines the direct costs of inventory items and goods sold. It also allocates overhead costs to them.

Capital budgeting analysis

If a proposal to acquire fixed assets is received, it assesses the need for such an acquisition. And determines the most appropriate financial option required to acquire the asset.

Limitations of Managerial Accounting:

  • Decisions can be influenced by personal judgments.
  • Primarily for management and not for external stakeholders.
  • Relies on accurate and timely data.
  • Setting up advanced managerial accounting systems can be expensive.


A company should also consider its management accounting objectives and limitations when employing management accountants.  From the above-mentioned facts, it allows the management to better manage the business. Management can also face regulators and auditors with much-needed confidence and assurance. However, it’s highly imperative for a management accountant to ensure the reliability and correctness of the data ascribed and reports generated.

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