ESI Registration ESI Registration

दो या दो से अधिक रोजगार भविष्य निधि खातों (ईपीएफओ) का विलय कैसे करें?

क्या आप जानते हैं कि भारत में दो या दो से अधिक रोजगार भविष्य निधि खातों को विलय करने के नियम और कानून हैं? दो या दो से अधिक खातों को विलय करने के लिए, आपको विशिष्ट दिशानिर्देशों का पालन करना होगा। इस लेख में, हम भारत में दो या दो से अधिक ईपीएफओ खातों को विलय करने के लिए आपको जिन चार चरणों का पालन करने की आवश्यकता है, उन पर चर्चा करेंगे।


A common question of many EPFO ​​members is how to merge PF accounts? This is a valid question if you, as a professional, have recently changed jobs in search of better remuneration and growth prospects. However, such a change would naturally mean the merger of your old and new PF accounts.

To help you merge PF accounts seamlessly, the government has come up with Universal Account Number or (UAN). It is a unique 12 digit number given by EPF to the members. UAN number enables linking of all PF accounts to a single account, which makes tracking quite easy. There are other benefits of UAN number as through this the employee can easily do a faster fund transfer system from one PF account to another. You can also link Aadhaar number with UAN, thereby reducing the need for signature to withdraw PF funds or transfer funds.

What is the process to merge EPF accounts in India?

The process of merging EPF accounts in India is simple and you can do it online. Before merging you should be prepared with the following:

  • Account Number
  • employer name
  • name of employee
  • total earnings.

You will also need to provide the details of your existing accounts which you want to merge with your existing account. After providing the required information, you will be given an account merger form, which you need to fill and submit to EPFO. After the merged account, you will need to update all your related contact information.

Note: In case of having two or more EPFO ​​accounts in India, it is important to merge the two or more accounts together so that EPFO ​​members are available to receive benefits and subsidies.

Please follow this procedure to merge your multiple accounts of EPF

If you have two or more EPFO ​​accounts, merging them into a single account is important to avail the benefits and grants available to EPFO ​​members.

Through Employment Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) portal

  1. Go to the website of EPFO.
  2. Click on the Services section.
  3. Select an employee and link an EPF account.
  4. After selecting the One EPF Account link, a window will appear.
  5. On the screen the employee has to fill in the information including phone number and UAN along with other data.
  6. After filling all the important information, you should click on Generate OTP and it will give you an OTP on the registered mobile phone number.
  7. After entering the OTP, click on Verify OTP.
  8. You will be redirected to another window where you need to enter the details of the earlier EPF accounts that you want to merge. Mark the given declaration before clicking on submit. Merging two EPF accounts is a simple process and ensures that you have a single consolidated account. Merging PF accounts is a very easy process.

Via email

Via email

If the member has two UANs, he/she can request EPFO ​​to deactivate the last allotted UAN. To do so, the user has to send an email to . They have to mention the current UAN and previous UAN. After due verification, the earlier UAN will be blocked and the current UAN will be kept active. User has to submit claim for transfer of service and funds to existing UAN later. Click here to know about Online Provident Fund Registration

Why should we merge two or more EPF accounts in India?

Merging two or more EPFO ​​accounts can help ease your financial consolidation. Here are some reasons why you would want to merge PF accounts:

  • You can consolidate your pension and salary payments into one account, allowing you to save for the long term.
  • You can make it easy to track your expenses and income tax returns.
  • You can improve the financial transparency of your organization by storing all your information in one place.

If you want to merge your accounts with the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), here are a few things to keep in mind. First, you need to determine who will be responsible for merging the accounts — you, your spouse, or a family member. Secondly, it is important to remember that all EPFO ​​members have to

Benefits of having an account

  1. It is easy to download PF passbook of all EPF account at one place i.e. EPF Passbook Portal.
  2. When EPF members change jobs, we do not need to link KYC like Aadhaar, Bank and PAN with each PF account.
  3. यूएएन सदस्य पोर्टल पर पीएफ दावों को ऑनलाइन ट्रांसफर करना आसान है।
  4. पीएफ क्लेम स्टेटस जैसे पीएफ निकासी और स्थानांतरण को ट्रैक करना आसान है।
  5. अंत में, कई यूएएन को याद रखने के बजाय एक यूएएन को याद रखना आसान है।

EPF कैलकुलेटर के बारे में जानें।

विलय करने के बाद क्या करना होता है

भारत में अपने ईपीएफओ खातों को विलय करने के बाद कई काम होते हैं। नीचे हमने सबसे महत्वपूर्ण चीजों को बताया है।

जब आप अपने ईपीएफओ खातों को भारत में विलय करते हैं, तो उसके बाद कुछ काम करने होते हैं। नीचे हमने सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कामों को दर्शाया है:

  • ऑनलाइन पोर्टल में अपना विवरण अपडेट करें। इसमें अपने नाम, आधार संख्या और बैंक खाता विवरण अपडेट करना शामिल होगा। यदि आपके ईपीएफ खाते का नंबर बदल गया है तो आपको इसे अपडेट करने की आवश्यकता होगी।
  • अपने खातों की सत्यापन करें। यह सुनिश्चित करेगा कि सभी विवरण मेल खाते हैं और कोई त्रुटि नहीं है। आवश्यकता पड़ने पर ईपीएफओ आयकर विभाग के लिए आय का प्रमाण या निवास स्थान के प्रमाण पत्र जैसी अतिरिक्त जानकारी के लिए भी पूछेगा।
  • अपने बीमा कवर को सक्रिय करें। इससे सुनिश्चित होगा कि संबंधित समयावधि के दौरान आप नियोक्ता पेंशन लाभ के लिए कवर किए गए हों।
  • अपनी मौजूदा पेंशनयोग्य स्थिति (फुल-टाइम कर्मचारी, पार्ट-टाइम कर्मचारी, कैजुअल वर्कर इ


If you are looking to merge PF accounts/EPF accounts in India, you should keep a few things in mind. First, make sure all the accounts you want to merge are opened before starting the process. Secondly, ensure that your bank account details and EPF account number match – otherwise, the merger process will not be able to proceed. Lastly, if any of your existing EPF benefits (such as corpus funds) are linked to any of your old accounts, you will need to contact the EPF and update their records before the merger is possible. For more information, contact LawyerSearch.

About the Author

Nithya Ramani Iyer is an experienced content and communications leader at Zolvit (formerly Vakilsearch), specializing in legal drafting, fundraising, and content marketing. With a strong academic foundation, including a BSc in Visual Communication, BA in Criminology, and MSc in Criminology and Forensics, she blends creativity with analytical precision. Over the past nine years, Nithya has driven business growth by creating and executing strategic content initiatives that resonate with target audiences. She excels in simplifying complex concepts into clear, engaging content while developing high-impact marketing strategies. Nithya's unique expertise in legal content and marketing makes her a key asset to the Zolvit team, enhancing brand visibility and fostering meaningful audience engagement.

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