Section 8 Company Registration
Documents Required for Section 8 Company
Section 8 Company is a company licensed under the Companies Act, 2013. The…
NGO Registration in India: Impact of Recent Legal Changes
In its ongoing efforts to monitor the activities of NGO Registration in India,…
Comparative Analysis of NGO Registration Processes Across Countries
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in addressing social, economic, and environmental…
FCRA Amendment for Political Parties
The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), enacted in 2010, establishes a framework governing…
History of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) registration is a crucial element for Non-Governmental…
Understand Section 80G Deduction & 80GGA Income Tax Act
Section 80G Under the Income Tax Act, certain contributions or donations are eligible…
Society Registration
Housing Society Bye laws Explained: Important Rules
Housing Society Bye laws Cooperative society members’ actions are governed by bylaws aligned…
Society Registration
Investment of Funds in Co-operative Societies
Overview Co-operative Societies in India are the most popular and successful form of…
How To Get PAN Card For A Registered NGO In India?
Overview One of the most important documents an NGO should have in India…
Society Registration
How to Dissolve a Cooperative Housing Society
Introduction Housing cooperative societies play a pivotal role in the realm of community…
Society Registration
How to Check Online Society Registration? An Overview
Overview: The most basic form of a non-governmental organization in India is known…
Society Registration
Whether a Society Registered Under Societies Registration Act, 1860?
Introduction The concept of a society, where like-minded individuals come together to pursue…
Society Registration
Society Registration In Karnataka – Process, and Renewal
Introduction Society Registration In Karnataka – Societies, as organized groups of people working…
Society Registration
Special General Meeting of Cooperative Society
Special General Meetings (SGMs) act as critical facilitators when matters of urgency demand…
Society Registration
Class and Sub-Class of Co-operative Societies
Unveiling the Simplicity Behind the Complexity: Explore the Class and Sub-Class of Co…
Society Registration
Year-End Checklist for Cooperative Societies
Introduction: A year-end checklist serves as a comprehensive guide for Cooperative Societies to…
Society Registration
Co-operative Credit Societies in India: Registration and Benefits
Cooperative credit society are credit institutions characterized by member ownership and control. Registered…
Society Registration
Co-operative Societies: Objectives, Roles, & Laws
Introduction Co-operative Societies stand as pillars of strength in the fabric of Indian…
Society Registration
Benefits of Society Registration
Overview A society is a collective of individuals living together, an organization, or…