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Why Are Special Economic Zones Important?

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were first introduced in the 1970s in an attempt to boost economic growth in developing countries. The article discusses the benefits of Special Economic Zones for developing countries and why developed countries benefit from them as well.

Special Economic Zones: A Brief History

SEZs are areas within a country that have been designated for the establishment of private enterprise. The zones typically offer tax breaks, subsidized infrastructure and other preferential treatment to businesses, which has resulted in significant poverty reduction and job creation in many cases.

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Today, SEZs are a key part of China’s economic development strategy. There are now more than 2,000 SEZs operating in 47 countries worldwide. In 2016, China announced plans to create 100 new SEZs, adding to its current total of 214. India has also invested significantly in SEZs over the past few years, with plans to establish 300 zones by 2020.

The benefits of SEZs are clear: they help spur economic growth and create jobs in developed and developing countries. In addition, they can play a role in reducing poverty and inequality by supporting innovation and entrepreneurship.

What Are the Benefits of Special Economic Zones?

As the world continues to become increasingly interconnected, it is clear that special economic zones can provide immense benefits to both developing nations and other developed countries. These zones offer several incentives, such as low or zero tax rates, which can help businesses in these regions to become more competitive. Additionally, these zones can provide increased access to capital and resources, which can help spur economic growth in both developed and developing countries.

Overall, special economic zones are a valuable tool for helping to promote economic development and prosperity in both developed and developing nations.

How Do SEZ Benefit Developing Nations and Other Developed Countries?

When a country establishes a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), it benefits its citizens and those in other developing countries. SEZs offer a number of benefits, including:

  1. Increased Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): SEZs are magnets for FDI, as they provide an environment that is more conducive to business growth. This increased investment leads to job creation and economic development in the host country.
  2.  Reduced Trade Barriers: To be designated as an SEZ, countries must eliminate trade barriers such as tariffs and non-tariff barriers. This opens up the domestic market to foreign competition, which drives down prices and increases consumer choice. It also leads to the development new export markets for goods and services produced in the SEZ.
  3.  Greater Competition: By allowing foreign companies to operate in their respective markets under more competitive conditions, SEZs help creates a level playing field for businesses worldwide. This encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, ultimately leading to greater economic growth and prosperity for all involved.

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What Countries Have Special Economic Zones?

Special economic zones (SEZs) are areas within a country designated for increased foreign investment and business activity. SEZs can be found in all types of countries: developed and developing. They have been particularly popular in East Asia, encouraging the growth of manufacturing and service industries. 

There are several reasons why SEZs can benefit both developed and developing countries:

  1. They provide an opportunity for companies to access new markets, which can help them grow their businesses.
  2. SEZs can help create jobs in the surrounding area, benefiting the local population.
  3. SEZs can help to promote innovation by encouraging companies to experiment with new ideas.

Statues of International Law on SEZs

The statutes of international law that govern special economic zones (SEZs) are often challenging to find. SEZs are areas where a country allows foreign investors to operate with fewer restrictions than those normally imposed on domestic businesses. They have been described as a unique form of the preferential trade regime. Their establishment resulted from a negotiated compromise between developing countries, which wanted free access to markets and investment, and developed countries, which wanted to protect their market share.

There are several reasons why SEZs may be beneficial for both the developing and developed countries involved. For developing countries, SEZs can provide an opportunity for increased economic growth and development. Foreign investment within SEZs can lead to increased exports and more jobs for the local population. In some cases, this investment can also lead to developing new industries that would not otherwise have existed in the country. For the developed country, SEZs can provide an opportunity for increased exports and revenue. Foreign investment within SEZs can lead to increased competition within the domestic market, leading to higher prices and improved quality products.


Special economic zones (SEZs) are a popular and effective way for developed countries to help stimulate economic growth in underdeveloped areas. SEZs are often seen as an opportunity for businesses to get involved in new markets while also gaining some benefits of being located in a more advanced economy. In addition, SEZs can offer other benefits such as job creation and increased investment opportunities.

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About the Author

Vignesh R., a Property Legal Consultant at Vakilsearch, holds a B.A. LL.B. degree. He specialises in services such as Sale Deeds, Property Registration, Property Document Verification, Relinquishment Deeds, and Rent and Lease Agreements.

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