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What Is a Foreign Subsidiary Company: Benefits and Risks

Businesses open an office in another country and are called as foreign subsidiary, now learn more about it

Because of globalisation, more businesses than ever before are searching for the best alternative for international expansion. Establishing a foreign subsidiary company is a key step in expanding a company’s reach into new markets while also reaping tax benefits.

A Foreign subsidiary is a corporation that is owned in part by another company from another country. A subsidiary company is occasionally known as a daughter company. The holding company, sometimes known as the parent company, is the company that owns the foreign entity. Even if a parent firm owns 100% of a daughter company, they are not the same entity. 

In terms of tax and responsibility, the subsidiary is a distinct legal entity from the holding company. 

However, the holding company has an impact on how the subsidiary does business: rules, decisions, and plans are implemented in proportion to the parent company’s ownership position in the subsidiary. Furthermore, if the foreign entity’s shareholding is less than 50%, it is referred to as an affiliate company.

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Example of a Subsidiary Firm

A very good example of a subsidiary firm is Instagram. While the two firms function independently, Instagram is an entirely subsidiary of Meta. Instagram was purchased by Facebook in 2012 (that became Meta in 2021), and while the two companies operate independently, Instagram is an entirely subsidiary of Meta. Similarly, Whatsapp is an entirely subsidiary of meta. Similarly, Alphabet Inc. subsidiaries include Google LLC and Google Nest.

Most products (particularly in the food business) are made by subsidiaries of a few large multinational corporations. Yum! subsidiary firms include KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell. Brands

Benefits of Establishing a Foreign Subsidiary

There are numerous benefits to establishing a subsidiary in a new country. Aside from discovering new and exciting company opportunities, there are numerous tax advantages and opportunities for worldwide expansion.

  • Gaining Access to New Markets and Expanding Globally

A foreign subsidiary allows the parent firm to introduce its products or services to new, profitable markets around the world. It also allows you to hire full-time staff abroad without the need for a middleman, such as an employer of record.

  • Alignment of Business Culture

The board of directors is chosen by the parent company, making it easier to integrate the daughter company into the holding company’s corporate culture and principles.

  • Control Over the New Company’s Operations

If the parent firm owns a majority stake in a foreign subsidiary company, it has significant influence on the subsidiary’s strategy and business activity. This allows the parent company to better implement business initiatives in line with its desires and intentions.

  • Workload Diversification

Subsidiaries aid in the management of an increasing company’s ever-expanding activity. The burden can be divided into smaller groups and allocated to subsidiary companies, allowing both domestic and international staff to concentrate entirely on smaller tasks. As a result, the whole effort becomes more manageable.

  • More Trust in the New Market

Companies that establish a subsidiary in a specific country are more likely to be treated seriously by local enterprises. Not to mention the government and, in general, the local industries. This is due to the fact that local businesses are more likely to do business with a foreign subsidiary that is registered locally and has legal and fiscal assets in the country where it is doing business.

  • The Holding Corporation has Limited Liability

A parent firm is only liable for the operations of its foreign subsidiary company. This means that the parent firm has a lot of power while taking very few risks.

  • If things do not go as planned, there is the possibility of Reselling the Property.

If a subsidiary firm fails to fulfill the parent company’s criteria, it can choose to sell it and recoup its investment.

  • Opportunities for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

A corporation that brings in Foreign direct investment not only brings money, but also valuable technological and business knowledge and skills. This is a massive benefit for any host country.

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Disadvantages of Establishing a Foreign Subsidiary Company

While acquiring subsidiaries in foreign nations can be extremely helpful to parent corporations, there are certain drawbacks. These disadvantages are largely related to establishing a foreign subsidiary and navigating it in accordance with all of the parent company’s strategies.

  • The Length and Cost of the Procedure

It takes a long time to set up a foreign subsidiary company. Properly drafting a plan may take months or years. Furthermore, the costs of purchasing and successfully running a firm in an entirely new market will necessitate extensive research and a significant investment.

While the payback is unquestionably worthwhile, not many businesses can afford the initial commitment of both time and money, especially if you intend to expand into multiple new markets or employ from multiple foreign nations. 

  • Differences in Culture and Scheduling

Being a member of a worldwide corporation requires a company to become accustomed to a variety of diverse business cultures and ways to accomplish tasks. Because foreign subsidiaries are often staffed with people from the host nation, the holding company’s management may encounter some clashing schedules and holidays.

However, if the formation of a foreign subsidiary company is done effectively, these issues should only pose minor difficulties.

  • Increased Bureaucracy

Making choices at the company level can be difficult because they must pass through several layers of both the parent and daughter companies. Furthermore, because the parent company and the subsidiary are in separate countries, often conflicting International tax rules and other restrictions apply.

These factors indicate that the shot-calling procedure will take substantially longer than usual, and that more people will be required to participate. Finally, both organisations may need to hire a legal team to navigate the legal variances between the two countries.


After weighing the benefits and disadvantages, it appears that establishing a Foreign Subsidiary Company has more to gain than to lose. However, if the new firm is not properly purchased and established, all of the benefits can turn into disadvantages.

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About the Author

Akash Varadaraj, a Corporate Governance & Compliance Consultant at Vakilsearch, is a B.A. LL.B. graduate. He specializes in corporate compliance matters, including company name changes, increasing authorized share capital, director appointments and removals, and secretarial audits.

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