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SHRESHTA Scheme 2024 – Online Apply Form & Instructions

Avail Residential education to SC high school students in the selected locations via SHRESHTA Scheme. Know more about the same.


Registration for the Shreshta Scheme 2024 would provide poor kids with the opportunity to receive high-quality residential education. It intends to strive for socioeconomic advancement. Know everything about the process in detail.

Improve access to quality education for underprivileged students with Shreshta Scheme. For advice, visit Business Consulting Services.

SHRESHTA Scheme 2024

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment launched the SHRESHTA programme for residential education for SC high school students in defined locations. All of the participants’ educational expenses from std 9 to 11 will be covered by scholarships throughout the duration of the programme. Only students who belong to the scheduled castes are qualified for this programme. The government will put the scheme into effect in the academic year. To be eligible for this programme, applicants must pass the National Admission Test for SHRESHTA (NETS), also referred to as the entrance exam. Essentially, it is a nationwide computer-based exam given by the national testing agency.

177 Private Schools Selected Under SHRESHTA Scheme

As you are all aware, the Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment, Virendra Kumar, created the SHRESHTA Scheme to give the most backward SC students the chance to receive a decent education. The government has identified 177 private schools. The proposal allots roughly 1300 seats for students attending these colleges in grade 9 and 1700 seats for students attending these institutions in grade 11. The national entrance exam for SHRESHTA, which is used to choose students from scheduled castes across all states and union territories, is administered by the National Testing Agency.

The exam will be computer-based, and the results will be used to determine admission to the schools. All of the students who will be selected based on the exam will be offered the choice to attend a specific university using a web-based counselling system. The programme will cover both the cost of tuition and housing. In accordance with this initiative, each grade receives a scholarship worth ₹1 lakh, ₹1.10 lakh, ₹1.25 lakh, and ₹1.35 lakh.

SHRESHTHA Scheme Schedule 

Opening of the portal for marking choices 22 May 2022 to 30 May 2024
Last date for filling up choices for the first round 30 May 2024
Announcing the first round result 31 May 2024
Reporting at the allotted schools 1 June 2022 to 7 June 2024
Opening of the portal for filling up choices for a second round 8 June 2022 to 12 June 2024
Last date for filling up choices for the second round 12 June 2024
Declaration of second-round result 13 June 2024
Reporting at the allotted schools 14 June 2022 to 20 June 2024
Last date of joining the schools 20 June 2024

*Latest update as of 2024 is not yet published 

Key Highlights of SHRESHTA Scheme

Name Of The Scheme Shreshta Scheme
Launched By Government Of India
Beneficiary Student Belonging To Scheduled Caste Category
Objective To Provide Education
Official Website
Year 2024

Last Date For Correction Extended

The national testing organisation has extended the deadline for making changes to applications for admission to grades 9 and 11. Students can now make changes to their application form between April 16 and 18, 2024. The National Testing Agency officially informed the public of this information. Till 5 p.m. on  18 April  2024, students can make changes to their application forms on the official website. It is urged that all students carefully edit their applications because there will be no other opportunities to do so.

The NTA’s official website should always be visited by parents in order to receive the most recent updates. Classes 9 and 11 will each have about 3000 seats, all of which are entirely supported by the federal government. There are no test fees to take the exam, which will be held online on 7 May 2024. The exam is open to students from all states and union territories (as per their eligibility criteria). Hindi and English will be the exam’s languages.

Residential Schools Under SHRESHTA Scheme

All applicants for admission to CBSE-affiliated schools who pass the NETs exam will be shortlisted. Through this programme, scholarships will be given directly to the colleges admitting the selected candidates. This scholarship will pay for both school and housing expenses. Only residential schools that have been in operation for five years or longer, are affiliated with the CBSE up to class 12, and have a pass rate of at least 75% in classes 10 and 12 over the previous three years are eligible for this programme. Residential schools that are interested must submit their online approval by  25 March  2024.

Important Dates Regarding SHRESHTA Scheme 

Events Dates
Online submission of application form 12 March 2024 to 12 April 2024 up to 5:00 p.m.
Correction window 13 April 2024 to 15 April 2024
Announcement of the city of examination Third or fourth week of April
Downloading of admit cards from NTA website 2 may 2024 onwards
Date of examination 7 May 2024
Timing of examination 2:00 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Duration of examination 3 hours
Declaration of result To be announced on NTA website

*Latest update as of 2024 is not yet published 

Schedule Of Examination 

Date of examination 7 May 2024
Mode of examination Pen and paper mode
Timing of examination 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Duration of examination 3 hours
Entry in the examination hall 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Instructions by invigilator 1:30 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.
Test commences 2:00 p.m.

*Latest update as of 2024 is not yet published 

Objective Of SHRESHTA Scheme

The SHRESHTA Scheme’s major goal is to guarantee that all students from the scheduled caste category would be able to pursue an education without having to worry about costs. Through this programme, the government will pay for school and hostel fees. The nation’s literacy rate will increase through  this plan. Apart from that, students won’t have to rely on anyone else to pay for their education costs because the government will cover them. The plan will help pupils become independent. In addition, the standard of living for students will rise with the implementation of this plan.

Benefits and Features of SHRESHTA Scheme

  1. In order to provide SC high school students in specified areas with residential education, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has launched the SHRESHTA Scheme
  2. The participants of this programme will get scholarships covering all of their educational costs for the ninth through eleventh grades
  3. Only pupils who are members of the scheduled caste will be eligible to profit from this programme
  4. The programme will be implemented by the government beginning with the school year
  5. Students must pass the National Entrance Test for SHRESHTA (NETS), often known as the entrance exam, in order to participate in this programme
  6. Essentially, it is a computer-based national level test that is administered by the national testing organisation
  7. All applicants for admission to CBSE-affiliated schools who pass the NETs exam will be shortlisted
  8. Scholarships will be given out directly through this programme to the schools that are admitting the selected applicants
  9. This scholarship will pay for both school and housing expenses
  10. Only residential schools that have been in existence for five years or longer, are connected with the CBSE up to the 12th grade, and have a pass rate of at least 75% in classes 10 and 12 over the previous three years are eligible for this programme
  11. Residential schools that are interested must submit their online approval by 25 March 2024.

Instructions Regarding SHRESHTA Scheme

  1. One paper with four sections each for maths, science, social science, and GK makes up the exam
  2. This exam will be given to students in high school in the targeted areas who wish to enrol in the nation’s best private residential school
  3. The entrance exam paper will be based on the NCERT curriculum for classes 8 and 9 and for classes 10 and 11 respectively
  4. Students who have completed or will complete class 8 or class 10 in the academic year 2023–2024 with the intention of enrolling in class 9 or class 11 are eligible to apply under this programme
  5. The students can write the exam in English and Hindi. 

Some Important Instructions For The Candidates

  1. Candidates are recommended to arrive at the exam centre two hours before to the test
  2. The SC certificate should be brought by the students as well for verification
  3. As soon as the examination room opens, candidates should take their seats
  4. Candidates are likely to miss some of the crucial instructions that will be announced at the testing facility if they fail to arrive on time for any reason
  5. Candidates are required to bring their admit cards and display them upon request
  6. Students must also bring a valid photo ID to the testing location
  7. Candidates must sit according to there roll number 
  8. The candidate may have their candidature revoked if they fail to occupy the seat that has been assigned to them
  9. The onus of proof rests with the candidate to confirm that the questions are appropriate for admission to the targeted class
  10. If a candidate provided false information, their application will be rejected
  11. There won’t be a retest for a candidate if they don’t show up on the scheduled test day
  12. On the day of the examination, the candidate must present the important documents
  13. A printout of the admissions ticket and a properly completed self-declaration downloaded from the NTA website
  14. One authorised photo ID with one passport-size photo
  15. Ballpoint pen, either blue or black.

Some Instructions Regarding Unfair Means and Breach of Examination Rules

  1. If a candidate engages in any unethical behaviour during the examination, their case will be filed under
  2. Candidates’ results who engage in unethical behaviour won’t be released
  3. Candidates’ results who showed up at a centre other than the one that was assigned to them or who let another candidate or person to take the exam on their behalf would be nullified
  4. No argument will be considered in this regard.

Instructions Regarding SHRESHTA Scheme’s Scores

  1. The results will be posted live on the NTA website
  2. The results won’t be reevaluated or double-checked
  3. Revaluation or rechecking-related correspondence won’t be answered
  4. OIt is necessary to adhere to the admissions policy at the time of admission.
Did You Know 

The Government pays the full cost of the school tuition and residential expenses for the approximately 3,000 seats offered each year for admission in grades 9 and 11.

Eligibility Criteria Of Candidates for SHRESHTA Scheme

  1. Only students from schedule castes are eligible to apply under this programme
  2. The pupil must be enrolled in classes between eighth and tenth throughout the current school year
  3. The parents’ combined annual income should be no more than ₹2.5 lakh
  4. Candidates for the ninth grade must have been born between  1 April 2006, and  31 March 2010
  5. Candidates for the class of 2011 should have been born between April 1, 2004, and 31 March 2008
  6. There are no entrance costs for the test
  7. The candidate must be the long-term president of India.

Required Documents

SOURCE : Vakilsearch
  1. Aadhaar Card
  2. Residence certificate
  3. Online Caste certificate
  4. Income certificate
  5. Ration card
  6. Birth certificate
  7. Passport size photograph
  8. Mobile number
  9. Email id etc.

Pattern Of Examination 

Subject Number of questions Marks
Mathematics 30 120
Science 20 80
Social science 25 100
General awareness/knowledge 25 100
Total 100 400

Some Instructions Regarding Online Application Form

  1. Candidates must carefully study the instructions provided in the information bulletin
  2. Under this programme, only online applications from students will be accepted
  3. The candidate must choose four cities of their choice
  4. The candidate will make an effort to be assigned the examination city in the order they choose in their online application form
  5. There will be no human intervention in the computer-based centre distribution process
  6. Once made, decisions cannot be altered for any reason
  7. Only one form may be submitted by a student. 

Procedure To Apply Under SHRESHTA Scheme

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of shreshth Yojana and click on registration for SHRESHTA 2024SHRESHTA Scheme
  • Step 2: On this new page click new registration and read the instructions very carefullySHRESHTA Scheme
  • Step 3: Tick on the checkbox and click here option to proceedSHRESHTA Scheme
  • Step 4: Application form will appear and enter all your details in it
  • Step 5: Click submit and login on the portal
  • Step 6: After that you have to fill application form with your details
  • Step 7: Upload all the required documents with form and click submit. 

SHRESHTA Scheme Admit Card

  1. The applicant must download this admissions document from the website
  2. The candidate is not permitted to show up at an examination site other than the one that is listed on their admission card
  3. All applicants must carefully read and adhere to the directions on the admission card
  4. The candidate should contact the NTA hotline right once if there are any discrepancies in their information, including their photo and signature on the confirmation page or admission card
  5. There won’t be any extra admit cards given out at the testing location
  6. The admit card cannot be changed by candidates in any way
  7. For future use, candidates must keep their admit cards in good shape
  8. The distribution of admit cards does not imply eligibility approval. At further phases of the admissions process, the eligibility will be examined.
Note: If a candidate cannot access the website to download their admit cards, they should call the helpline at 011407590000 between the hours of 10am and 5pm.

Procedure To Login On The Portal

  • Step 1: Go to the official website  and click all registration for SHRESHTA 2024
  • Step 2: A login form will appear and enter all your details in it
  • Step 3: Click sign in.

View SHRESHTA Counselling 2024 Schedule

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of SHEESTHA yojana 
  • Step 2: Click on SHRESHTHA counselling schedule
  • Step 3: On the new page, you have to click on the download option
  • Step 4: The Schedule will be on your computer screen.

Procedure To You Seat Matrix For SHRESHTA Counselling 2024

  • Step 1: Visit the official website and click on seat Matrix for SHRESHTHA counselling 2024
  • Step 2: On the new page, select the round number, Institute, program and gender
  • Step 3: Click submit and required details will be on your computer screen.

View Score Card for Shreshta Nets 2024

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of SHEESTHA yojana and click on score card for SHRESHTHA nets 2024
  • Step 2: On the new page, you have to enter your application number, date of birth and security pin and click submit
  • Step 3: Required details will be on your computer screen.

Procedure to View Contact Details

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of Shreshtha Yojana and click on contact us
  • Step 2: On this new page you can view contact details. 
Info: For admission to classes 9th and 11th, candidates are chosen by the National Entrance Test for SHRESHTA (NETS), which is administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA).


Irrespective of the socio economic status it is mandatory to provide education of high quality to all the students. This is what the shrestha program strives to do. Get to know everything about the scheme directly from subject matter buiness consulting experts at Vakilsearch. Get in touch with our team right away! 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Shreshta scheme?

Shreshta (Residential Education for Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas) is a scheme launched by the Government of India to provide access to high-quality education to students from economically weaker sections of society in targeted areas. The scheme aims to provide scholarships to meritorious students to cover all their educational expenses.

2. Who is eligible for the Shreshta scheme?

The Shreshta scheme is aimed at students from economically weaker sections of society in targeted areas. The scheme is specifically designed to empower Scheduled Caste (SC) students. The eligibility criteria for the scheme may vary depending on the state government's guidelines.

3. Who launched the Shreshta scheme?

The Shreshta scheme was launched by the Government of India.

4. When was the Shreshta scheme introduced?

The Shreshta scheme was introduced in India in the year 2024 by, Dr Virendra Kumar, the Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment.

5. How to apply for the Shreshta scheme?

The application process for the Shreshta scheme may vary depending on the state government's guidelines. Interested students can visit the official website of the scheme to get more information about the application process.

6. What is the Shreshta Scheme of a state government?

The Shreshta scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Government of India. However, state governments may have their own versions of the scheme with different eligibility criteria and benefits. Interested students can visit the official website of their state government for more information about the scheme.

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About the Author

Suveera Patil, a Consumer & Dispute Resolution Consultant at Vakilsearch, is a B.A. LL.B. graduate. She specializes in handling cheque bounce cases and providing legal insights on consumer rights and financial disputes.

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