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Term Sheet

What is a safe term sheet?

Draft an accurate safe term sheet with Vakilsearch and understand what is a safe term sheet, how to draft and its components at Vakilsearch.

 A safe term sheet is one that will allow you to get the deal done without giving away too much equity or other potential risks. A good example of a safe term sheet is one that gives both parties enough time to negotiate, but not so much time that it becomes an obstacle. This investment instrument allows investors to provide capital to a startup in exchange for the right to receive equity at a later date. The safe term sheet typically includes details such as the valuation cap, discount rate, investment amount, and conversion terms. It is important for both startups and investors to carefully review and negotiate the terms of the safe before entering into an agreement to ensure a fair and beneficial investment deal.

Overview on Safe Term Sheet

A safe (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) term sheet is a type of investment instrument used in early-stage startup funding. It allows investors to provide capital to a startup in exchange for the right to receive equity at a later date. A safe is designed to be a simpler and more flexible alternative to traditional equity financing. It typically includes a valuation cap and a discount rate, and may also include other terms such as a minimum or maximum investment amount and a deadline for conversion to equity. Safe term sheets can be used for both seed and later-stage funding rounds, and are often used in conjunction with convertible notes. However, it’s important for both investors and startups to carefully review and negotiate the terms of a safe before entering into an agreement.

What is a Safe Term Sheet?

A term sheet is a document that outlines the key terms of a potential deal. It’s not a contract and it doesn’t bind either party to anything, but it can be used as evidence in court if things don’t go according to plan. Let Vakilsearch help you today to draft a safe term sheet.

A safe term sheet is a legal document that outlines the terms of a Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) between a startup company and an investor. A safe is a type of investment instrument used in early-stage startup funding that allows investors to provide capital to a startup in exchange for the right to receive equity at a later date. The term sheet typically includes details such as the valuation cap, discount rate, investment amount, deadline for conversion to equity, and any other relevant terms. It is an important tool for both startups and investors to ensure they understand the terms and conditions of the investment agreement.

How to Write a Safe Term Sheet.

Writing a safe term sheet requires careful consideration of the terms and conditions of the investment agreement. Here are some steps to help you write a safe term sheet:

  • Determine the terms:

    Decide on the valuation cap, discount rate, investment amount, and other relevant terms that you want to include in the safe.

  • Write an overview:

    Provide an overview of the investment, including the amount of the investment, the stage of the company, and the intended use of the funds.

  • Describe the safe:

    Explain the terms and conditions of the safe, including the mechanics of the conversion to equity, the rights and obligations of the parties, and any other relevant details.

  • Include representations and warranties:

    Include representations and warranties from the company that the information provided is accurate and complete.

  • Specify conditions to conversion:

    Set out any conditions that must be met before the safe converts to equity, such as achieving certain milestones or receiving additional financing.

  • Address potential risks:

    Consider potential risks and include provisions that address those risks, such as events that may trigger the termination of the safe or changes to the terms of the investment.

  • Seek legal advice:

    It’s important to have an experienced attorney review and help draft the safe term sheet to ensure it complies with all relevant laws and regulations and is enforceable.

Overall, a well-written safe term sheet will clearly outline the terms and conditions of the investment agreement and help both parties understand their rights and obligations.

Components of a Safe Term Sheet

A safe (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) sheet is a legal document that outlines the key terms and conditions of an investment agreement between a startup company and an investor. The components of a safe term sheet typically include the following:

  • Overview:

    An overview of the investment, including the amount of the investment, the stage of the company, and the intended use of the funds.

  • Valuation cap:

    The maximum valuation of the company at which the safe can be converted to equity.

  • Discount rate

    The percentage discount from the price per share that the safe holder will receive when the safe converts to equity.

  • Conversion triggers:

    The events that will trigger the safe’s conversion to equity, such as a subsequent equity financing round or a sale of the company.

  • Conversion terms:

    The terms and mechanics of the conversion to equity, including the rights and obligations of the parties.

  • Investment amount:

    The amount of the investment, and any conditions or limitations on the investment.

  • Dilution protection:

    Provisions that protect the investor from future dilution of their ownership percentage in the company.

  • Representations and Warranties:

    Representations and warranties from the company that the information provided are accurate and complete.

  • Governing law and jurisdiction:

    The governing law and jurisdiction of the agreement.

  • Termination provisions:

    Provisions that allow either party to terminate the agreement under certain conditions.


So, what is a safe term sheet? A safe term sheet is a document that enables a company to secure funding without exposing itself to excessive risks or giving away too much equity. By doing so, both parties can benefit from the investment, with the investors being protected from unrealistic promises made by others, and the company safeguarding its future growth. For any queries or drafting a safe term sheet with ease, contact our legal experts at Vakilsearch.

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