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Partnership Firm

Partnership Firm for Share Trading

if you are planning to start a business venture and considering registering a partnership firm, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will cover everything about the partnership deed in India and its significance.

Table of Contents


A partnership, as the name suggests, is a contractual contract that enables two or more people to operate a business jointly and split profits. Partnership businesses’ main goal is to make money. To form a partnership corporation, there must be a contract among the members, which is the first and most important prerequisite. Forming a partnership in India may be done with a few simple clicks. In three simple stages, you may get started writing your partnership deed.

Description of Partnership Deed

When two or more persons collaborate to run a business, a partnership deed is the formal legal contract. This agreement outlines all of the key terms and circumstances regarding the business, including profit-and-loss allocation, liabilities,  established regulations, compensation, and exit procedures, among others.

Advantages of the Partnership Deed

For legal reasons, a partnership deed is always preferable. The following are some advantages of creating a partnership deed:

  • Protects each partner’s legal rights; 
  • Defines how much each partner makes or loses; 
  • Assists in obtaining a PAN in the company’s name; 
  • Makes it simpler for the business to register for GST; 
  • Allows request for an FSSAI licence 

Partnership Types

Depending on how the partners interact in a commercial venture, several partnerships exist. The following partnership types are typically found.

General Partnership – When two or more people get into a business partnership, the arrangement is known as a general partnership. Each partner in this partnership is equally responsible for all aspects of the company. Profits are shared equally in this arrangement, as are obligations. 

Limited Partnership – One partner in this kind of partnership has unlimited liability, whilst the other has limited. Limited partners have little or no authority over the day-to-day management of the firm. 

Limited Liability Partnership – Each participant in this kind of partnership is responsible for their proportionate share of the partnership’s investment. Under this partnership, the partners are not personally accountable for the company’s debts.

Can a Partnership Firm Trade shares in India?

Yes, a partnership firm can invest in the stock market. However, the partnership firm cannot hold shares in its name. No partnership firm may own shares of any corporation. In order to own shares in the company, partners must register a Demat account in their joint names and provide documentation of their partnership.

Five Important Components of a Partnership Firm

Below, we provide a detailed explanation of five crucial components of a partnership firm.

  1. Agreement

A written agreement creates a partnership. It is not brought about by social position or inheritance. As a result, the son can inherit a portion of the partnership’s assets from his father’s death, who was a part of the company, but he cannot join the association unless he signs a contract with the other parties involved.

  1. Max Number of Partners

A partnership requires the presence of two or more individuals because it is the culmination of a contract. Although the Indian Partnership Act of 1932 makes no reference to the maximum number of partners in a general partnership, 20 people are generally thought to be the upper limit.

  1. Running a Partnership Business

The parties’ agreement to run a firm is the third prerequisite for a partnership. Every trade, industry, and profession are included when the term “business” is used in its broadest definition. Therefore, it will not be a partnership if the goal is to carry out some social action.

  1. Distribution of Profits

This crucial component stipulates that the agreement to do business must have as its goal the distribution of profits among all partners. In situations where just one person is entitled to all of the business’s profits or where the business is operated for charitable purposes and not for profit, a partnership cannot exist. However, the partners are free to decide how they want to divide the profits. It is not necessary for the partners to concur to split the losses. However, the partnership agreement should define how the profits and losses would be divided.

  1. Mutual Agency

This component states that any of the partners may act on behalf of the other partners if there is mutual agency between them all. It allows each partner the ability to conduct business on behalf of other partners.

Documents Necessary to Create a Partnership

A collection of papers must be submitted in order to register a partnership deed. Consider these documents:

  • Each partner’s PAN card
  • The first application form
  • A signed copy of the partnership agreement
  • The firm’s PAN
  • Address verification for the organisation and each partner
  • A complete, notarized acknowledgement affidavit
  • Images of each of the partners.

The paperwork needed to register the partnership deed must be signed by a representative of the appropriate authorities. You can go to the Vakilsearch website to register easily. The service is ideal for anyone looking to set up a partnership firm to invest in and trade derivatives on the Indian stock market.

Advantages of Registering a Partnership Firm

A partner of a registered firm may always file a case in court if there is a disagreement among the owners between a partner and the company,  and the disagreement is based on contractual rights or rights granted under the Partnership Act. This power is not given to a partner in an unlicensed firm. If necessary, the partners of a registered firm can always bring a case in court to protect any contractual rights, such as the right to the recovery of the cost of the items delivered. Partners in an unregistered firm are ineligible for this power. All these major benefits of registering a partnership firm are suggested by Vakilsearch.


A legal partnership arrangement enables two or more persons to share ownership of a company. These partners split the costs, obligations, and potential losses, as well as the ownership and revenues. A well-planned partnership can increase a new company’s chances of success, whereas a poorly-planned one might lead to poor management and conflicts. A partnership in India may now be formed with only a few mouse clicks, all thanks to Vakilsearch. Your partnership deed may be written in three easy steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a partnership firm engage in share trading activities, and what are the legal considerations for doing so?

Yes, a partnership firm can engage in share trading. Legal considerations include compliance with securities laws, disclosure requirements, and adherence to partnership agreement terms governing trading activities.

What advantages does forming a partnership offer for individuals looking to enter the share trading business?

Forming a partnership in share trading provides advantages like shared expertise, pooled resources, and collective decision-making, enhancing the overall effectiveness of trading operations.

How is the registration process for a partnership firm involved in share trading, and what documents are required?

Registering a partnership for share trading involves submitting the partnership deed, PAN cards, address proof, and registration fees to the Registrar of Firms.

What role do the partners play in the decision-making and operations of a partnership firm engaged in share trading?

Partners actively participate in decision-making, sharing responsibilities for research, analysis, and trading strategies, fostering collaborative efforts to achieve trading objectives.

Are there specific regulatory requirements or licenses needed for a partnership firm involved in share trading activities?

Compliance with securities regulations is crucial. While no specific license is required for share trading, adherence to market regulations and legal norms is essential.

How are profits and losses distributed among the partners in a share trading partnership, and what factors determine the distribution?

Profit and loss distribution in a share trading partnership is typically based on the partnership agreement, considering factors like capital contribution, effort, and agreed-upon terms.

What are the tax implications for a partnership firm engaged in share trading, and how are capital gains treated?

Tax implications involve income tax on profits and capital gains tax. Profits are taxed as per the income tax slab, and capital gains are subject to capital gains tax rates.

Can a partnership firm trade in various financial instruments beyond shares, such as commodities or derivatives?

Yes, a partnership firm can trade in various financial instruments, including commodities and derivatives, based on the trading objectives outlined in the partnership agreement.

Are there restrictions on the number of partners or their qualifications for a partnership firm in share trading?

No specific restrictions on the number of partners exist, but partners' qualifications, expertise, and financial contributions may be outlined in the partnership agreement.

What risk management strategies should a partnership firm adopt when involved in share trading, and how can they protect against market fluctuations?

Risk management strategies include diversification, stop-loss orders, and thorough research. Partners can protect against market fluctuations by staying informed, setting risk thresholds, and implementing effective risk mitigation measures.

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