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Increase in Trademark Disputes Within the Cannabis Industry

Cannabis businesses face unique challenges when it comes to trademarking. In this informative article, learn about the common causes of disputes and how to protect your intellectual

Trademarks serve as valuable assets for businesses. It protects their brands and distinguishes their products or services from competitors. It helps to build consumer trust. In an ever-expanding cannabis industry, trademarks play a crucial role. Trademark disputes in cannabis have become increasingly common as the industry continues to grow and attract more businesses.. 

However, this thriving industry has witnessed a surge in trademark disputes. It is driven by unique challenges and legal complexities. The cannabis industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years. It is fueled by changing attitudes, legalisation efforts, and the emergence of new markets. 

As this industry matures, the significance of trademarks becomes increasingly apparent. A strong trademark allows cannabis businesses to differentiate themselves. It establish brand recognition, and secure a competitive advantage in a crowded marketplace.

This article will discuss the legal landscape for cannabis trademarks and ways to avoid and resolve trademark conflicts in the cannabis industry.

Cannabis Industry and Trademarks

A trademark is a symbol, word, or phrase used to identify and distinguish a company’s goods and services from those of others. In the cannabis industry, trademarks are vital 

  • For creating brand recognition and 
  • Protecting intellectual property rights. 

Trademarks help businesses establish their presence in the market and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Cannabis companies have a hard time trademarking their products. It is because cannabis is still against the law in the US at the national level. This makes it difficult for them to get official trademark registrations from the US Patent and Trademark Office. In India, cannabis is still a controlled substance. There aren’t any specific laws or rules for cannabis trademarks.

Causes of Trademark Disputes in Cannabis

The following are some common causes of trademark conflicts in the cannabis industry:

Factors Description
Similar or identical trademarks Cannabis businesses often choose similar or identical trademarks. It leads to disputes over who has the right to use them. This is particularly common in the cannabis industry, where few words and phrases can describe the products.
Geographic locations Cannabis businesses often operate in specific geographic locations. It can lead to disputes over trademark rights. A business may have the right to use a trademark in one state. It cannot use it in another state. It might cause conflicts between businesses operating in different locations.
Intellectual property infringement Cannabis businesses may violate the ownership rights of other companies by using the same or very similar logos or brand names. It results in intellectual property infringement disputes.

Factors Contributing to an Increase in Trademark Disputes

Similar or Identical Trademarks

Cannabis businesses often choose similar or identical trademarks. It leads to disputes over ownership rights.

Geographic Locations

Cannabis businesses operating in different locations may have conflicting trademark rights, causing disputes.

Intellectual Property Infringement 

Unauthorized use of logos or brand names by cannabis businesses can violate the ownership rights of other companies, leading to trademark disputes.

Legal Landscape for Cannabis Trademarks

The legal environment for cannabis trademarks is intricate and dynamic. In certain foreign nations, such as the USA, cannabis remains illegal under federal law. It makes it challenging for companies to secure USPTO trademark registrations. 

But several states have approved the use of cannabis for either medicinal or recreational purposes. Businesses in such states are able to register their trademarks at the state level.

Cannabis trademarks are not subject to any special laws or rules in India. Cannabis remains a prohibited drug. However, businesses can still apply for trademark registrations for products and services related to the cannabis industry, such as 

  • Smoking accessories 
  • Hemp-based products, and 
  • Medical cannabis.

The legal landscape for cannabis trademarks is expected to change as more countries legalise cannabis.

Avoiding and Resolving Trademark Disputes in the Cannabis Industry

Trademark disputes can be costly and time-consuming for cannabis businesses. However, there are ways to avoid and resolve these conflicts:

1. Conduct a Comprehensive Trademark Search

Before applying for a trademark, businesses should conduct a comprehensive search to ensure the trademark is available. This can help prevent disputes over similar or identical trademarks.

2. Obtain Trademark Registrations

Businesses should obtain trademark registrations for their 

  • Brands, 
  • Logos, and 
  • Other intellectual property. 

This can help establish ownership rights. It can prevent others from infringing on their intellectual property.

3. Consider Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

Trademark disputes can often be resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods, such as 

  • Mediation or 
  • Arbitration. 

These methods can be quicker. It is less costly than litigation.

4. Litigation as a Last Resort

If alternative dispute resolution methods fail, litigation can help to resolve the conflict. But, this can be a lengthy and expensive process, so it should be considered a last resort.

What is trademark infringement in the cannabis industry?

Trademark infringement in the cannabis industry occurs when one uses another brand’s trademarked intellectual property without authorization. This includes logos, colors, catchphrases, or any elements that can cause confusion with an established trademark. 

For example, creating a cannabis-infused soda with packaging resembling a popular soda brand or using a similar slogan would be considered trademark infringement. It is essential for cannabis businesses to respect other brands’ intellectual property rights and create unique branding to avoid such issues.

Why is trademark infringement a problem in the cannabis industry?

Trademark infringement is a significant issue in the cannabis industry due to the absence of federal regulation. Unlike other sectors, there is no federal law governing trademarks in cannabis, leading to a fragmented legal landscape. With limited state resources to enforce trademark laws, counterfeit products can easily enter the market. This poses risks to consumers, who rely on trademarks for product authenticity and quality assurance.

Recent Examples of Trademark Infringement in the Cannabis Industry

In recent years, the cannabis industry has seen several trademark infringement cases involving major brands. For instance, Mars Wrigley filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against cannabis companies using Skittles’ brand imagery and logo, leading to a win for Mars Wrigley in 2022. Nike also sued a hemp company for attempted trademark infringement over the use of the slogan “Just Hemp It.” Other notable trademark infringement cases involved brands like Sour Patch Kids, Cinnabon, Hershey, and Gorilla Glue.

While trademark infringement cases can be challenging to overcome, there are exceptions. Edible Arrangements filed a lawsuit against Green Thumb Industries (GTI) for using the name “Incredible Edible,” but dropped the suit in 2022, as GTI argued that the term “edibles” had long been used in the cannabis industry, and the legal landscape was rapidly changing.

What Are The Types Of Trademark Protection Available To CBD Or Cannabis Brands?

There are different types of trademark protection available to CBD or cannabis brands:

  1. Common Law Trademarks: This provides limited trademark protection within the geographic area of use. However, enforcement can be challenging due to its limited scope.
  2. State Trademark Office: State trademark registration is valuable for businesses operating in states where cannabis is legal. It helps protect brands within the state’s jurisdiction but does not extend to other states.
  3. Federal Trademark Registration: CBD brands can federally trademark their products if they comply with the 2018 Farm Bill’s definition of “industrial hemp” and contain less than 0.3% THC. However, CBD products that make medical claims or are ingestible may face challenges with FDA regulations.

Trademark application strategies should be tailored to each CBD brand’s specific business needs and should consider FDA compliance for ingestible products and medical claims.


Under U.S. trademark law, if your business is directly involved in selling or producing cannabis or cannabis-derived products, the USPTO is likely to reject your trademark application. The USPTO examines the description of goods and services closely to determine if there is a bona fide intent to sell cannabis-related products. If the description indicates a clear intention to sell such products, the chances of the application being approved by the USPTO are diminished.

Why Do Cannabis & CBD Businesses Need Trademark Protection?

CBD businesses should pursue federally registered trademarks for several reasons, including:

  1. Exclusive Use: Trademark protection grants exclusive rights to use the trademark in commerce within the CBD or Cannabis industry.
  2. Brand Protection: Trademarks safeguard the brand against competitors in the same industry, preventing confusion and potential disputes.
  3. Dispute Resolution: Trademarks make it easier to settle disputes related to names, logos, and product packaging.
  4. Differentiation: Product packaging is crucial in setting the cannabis industry apart, and trademarks help establish unique branding.
  5. Customer Loyalty: Trademarks reduce consumer confusion and foster customer loyalty and a positive brand perception.
  6. Brand Experience: Trademarks contribute to creating a distinct brand experience by encompassing names, logos, and packaging.
  7. Asset Value: A registered trademark becomes a tangible asset that can be licensed, transferred, or assigned a monetary value.
  8. Legal Recourse: Trademark owners can take legal action in federal court against trademark infringement.
  9. Deterrence: Having a registered trademark deters competitors and copycats from exploiting the brand’s reputation.
  10. Global Expansion: Registered trademarks open opportunities to expand into foreign markets and protect the brand’s integrity internationally.


As more and more people start growing and selling cannabis, they will start arguing over who gets to use specific brand names and logos. People who work in the cannabis business need to understand the rules about trademarks. They should do things ahead of time to prevent and solve problems with trademarks.

Cannabis businesses can protect their brand identity and intellectual property rights.

  • By conducting comprehensive trademark searches
  • Obtaining trademark registrations, 
  • Considering alternative dispute resolution methods.

Using litigation as a last resort, cannabis businesses can protect their brand identity and intellectual property rights.

Vakilsearch can help businesses in the cannabis industry with trademark issues. Vakilsearch’s team of experienced lawyers provide expert guidance on the legal landscape for cannabis trademarks. We help businesses navigate complex trademark issues. Contact us today.

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