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How to Become a Web Developer in 2023

Understanding the web development world in 2023 isn't as difficult as it appears. From the industry's growth potential to a step-by-step guide on kickstarting your career, this blog will help you with the journey to web development

As digitalisation engulfs the world, the demand for web developers is surging, especially in burgeoning tech hubs like India. The art of creating engaging, functional websites and applications is not just a skill but a ticket to a promising career. So, how does one become a web developer in 2023? 

Is Web Development a Growing Field?

Absolutely! Web development, especially in India, is experiencing rapid growth. With the proliferation of startups, the boom in e-commerce, and the expanding digital footprint of traditional businesses, web developers are more in demand than ever. According to a NASSCOM report, the IT sector in India is expected to grow at 10% annually, with web development being a significant contributor.

The need for web developers has surged recently, thanks to growing online businesses and digital trends. As more enterprises shift online, the demand for professionals to create websites and apps rises. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests an 8% job growth for web developers from 2020 to 2030, outpacing many other professions. Besides its growing demand, web development offers solid career progression, with many starting as junior developers and climbing up the ranks to senior roles or managerial positions.

How to Become a Web Developer in Five Steps:

Learn web development fundamentals:

To build a house, you first need a foundation. Likewise, before diving into the nuances of web development, familiarise yourself with the basics. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the building blocks. Numerous online platforms, like Coursera and Udemy, offer foundational courses tailored for Indian audiences.

Choose a development specialisation:

Web development is vast. From front-end (user interface) development to back-end (server-side) to full-stack (both front and back end), you must decide which area excites you most. Each has its own set of required tools and languages, so choosing a specialisation helps narrow down your learning path.

Learn key programming languages for web development:

Depending on your chosen specialisation, there’s a list of languages to master. For front-end, dive deeper into JavaScript and frameworks like React or Angular. Back-end developers should acquaint themselves with languages like Python, Ruby, or Node.js and databases like SQL or MongoDB.

Work on projects to develop your Web Developer skills:

Theory without practice is like a car without fuel. Start with small projects, maybe a personal blog or a portfolio website. Gradually take on bigger challenges. In India, several NGOs require web assistance; volunteering can provide valuable experience.

Build a web development portfolio:

To showcase your skills to potential employers or freelance clients in India, a portfolio is crucial. Highlight projects you’re proud of, detail the challenges faced, solutions provided, and technologies used. Platforms like GitHub can also serve as a portfolio for developers.

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What Is the Salary of a Web Developer?

Web developer salaries in India vary based on experience, specialisation, and location. 


In India, a web developer’s salary largely hinges on their experience. Typically, as experience grows, so does the pay.

Those in the field for under a year might earn ₹ 2-3 lakhs annually.

Developers with 2-5 years of experience can expect ₹. 5-10 lakhs yearly.

Veterans with over five years can pull in over ₹ 15 lakhs annually.


A web developer’s skill set directly influences their earnings. Developers proficient in trending technologies like React, Angular, Node.js, or Vue.js tend to earn more. Likewise, those skilled in backend tech and databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL can demand better pay.


City-based web developers, especially in tech hubs like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi, typically earn more than their counterparts in smaller locations, due to the higher living costs in metropolises.

Job Role:

The specific role held by a developer also dictates their pay. Senior roles, team leads, and project managers generally out-earn entry-level or junior positions. This disparity is because senior roles, which involve leadership, strategy, and ensuring project completion, demand deeper expertise and come with greater responsibilities.

What Is Needed to Become a Web Developer?

A strong portfolio, demonstrable skills, and continuous learning often outweigh degrees. Familiarity with tools like Git, an understanding of SEO best practices, and a keen design sense can further amplify your appeal as a web developer in the Indian market. Here are some educational paths for aspiring web developers:

  • Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree: This offers a thorough grasp of programming and crucial web development techniques.
  • Coding Bootcamps: These are fast-paced programs focusing on imparting web development expertise quickly.
  • Online Courses: A favoured choice for those looking to learn at their rhythm, with numerous web development courses available online.
  • Apprenticeships: Some tech firms provide apprenticeship opportunities, granting hands-on experience in real-world web development scenarios.


Since its beginnings in the 1990s, web development has undergone vast changes. As technology propels forward, web development is set to embrace even more sophisticated methodologies. Many now predominantly access the internet via mobiles, prompting developers to adopt a mobile-first approach, ensuring sites are optimised for smaller screens before adapting them for desktops. 

Artificial intelligence is infiltrating web development, offering automation, enhanced performance, and a richer user experience. The rise of voice search technology is nudging developers to integrate voice-friendly navigation and content. Meanwhile, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), which merge the perks of apps with the versatility of websites, are gaining popularity. Additionally, the horizon hints at an expansion of virtual and augmented reality in web design, promising more immersive experiences for users.

FAQs on Web Development:

How hard is it to become a web developer?

How hard is it to become a web developer? Becoming a web developer demands dedication and continuous learning. With evolving technologies, one has to keep updating their skills. However, with the right resources and commitment, anyone can master it.

Is 30 too old for web development?

Age is just a number in the world of web development! Many have started their journey in their 30s and found immense success. In India, especially, with its diverse workforce, age is rarely a barrier; skill and passion are what matter.

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