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International Trademark Registration Process

As soon as you've come up with a new name for your company, products, or services, the first step is to apply for trademarks globally. Trademarks help identify your company or brand and distinguish it from any other competitors. Learn how to register a trademark in this article!

International Trademark Registration Process: How to Register a Trademark Internationally

If you are thinking of registering a trademark overseas, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Be sure to research the country’s trademark laws where you plan to file your application. In some instances, you may need to file a trademark application in more than one country.
  2. Be aware of filing fees and timing requirements for foreign trademark applications. Some countries have more restrictive filing requirements than others. For example, you may need to submit an application fee and provide supporting documentation sooner than in other countries.
  3. Keep in mind that not all trademarks will be protected in every country.

Before filing your application, you will need to determine whether your mark is protected under local law.

Steps Involved in International Trademark Registration Process

  • Submit a Trademark application to your National Trademark Office
  • WIPO examines your Trademark application
  • National Trademark Office examines your application for each requested country

To prevent copyright infringement, use Vakilsearch’s trademark public search engine to locate previously registered trademarks.

IP Monitoring

If you want to protect your intellectual property in the global sphere, then you need copyright registration. This trademark prevents others from copying your goods or services without your consent. If you sell personal goods or make digital goods, then it is very important to receive IP protection through copyright. The process starts with filing multiple notices of when and where goods are pitched for sale.

What Are the Benefits of Registering a Trademark

There are many benefits of registering a trademark internationally. Among these benefits are the following: 

  • Increased protection: A trademark registered in one country enjoys increased protection in other countries and globally. This is because registered trademarks are considered to be official and legitimate trademarks.
  • Faster registration process: Trademark registration is often faster and easier when it is done internationally. This is because international trademark offices have more resources and experience than local offices.
  • Greater recognition: A trademark registered internationally will be more recognized and respected than a trademark not registered internationally. This is because registered trademarks are associated with higher-quality goods and services.

International Trademark Registration Process: What to Consider Before Registration

When you want to register an foreign trademark, you should keep a few things in mind:

  1. Be sure to research the relevant trademark laws in each country.
  2. Ensure that the mark is properly registered and that another party is not using it without permission.
  3. Make sure to keep updated on any changes in the trademark law affecting your mark.

Steps for Registering a Trademark

You’ll need to take a few steps to register your trademark internationally. The first step is to file a trademark application with the relevant authority. This will include providing detailed information about your trademark, including the name and logo. You will also be required to provide evidence of use. After filing, the trademark will be published for opposition, which means other businesses can file objections to your mark. If no one objects within six months, your mark will be registered.


If you are looking to register a trademark internationally, there are a few things you need to take into account. First and foremost, you will need to research the trademark laws of the country you are registering in. Second, you will need to file an application with the appropriate government agency.

Third, you will need to provide documentation that your mark is actually being used and is not just being filed for the purpose of protection. Fourth, you will need to wait for approval from the government agency before filing for registration of trademark Finally, once your trademark has been approved, you will need to maintain it by filing renewals with the government agency on a yearly basis.


What is global trademark TCS?

The Global Trademark TCS represents the international recognition of the TCS brand. TCS, an abbreviation for Tata Consultancy Services, is a prominent multinational IT services and consulting company headquartered in India. A global trademark offers legal protection for the TCS brand and its associated products or services worldwide. This means that TCS has registered its trademark rights in various countries, enabling them to safeguard their exclusive use of the brand name and logo in those jurisdictions.

Can I use TM on my logo in India?

In India, it is permissible to use the TM symbol on your logo. The TM symbol, standing for Trademark, serves as an indicator of your trademark. By displaying the TM symbol, you are notifying others that your logo is a distinctive mark associated with your business or brand.

Should I use TM or R?

The choice between using the TM symbol or the R symbol depends on the status of your trademark registration. If your trademark is not yet registered but you wish to assert your rights and claim ownership, you can use the TM symbol. On the other hand, the R symbol can only be used on a registered trademark.

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