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FSSAI License for Food Industry: The Complete Details

Explore FSSAI for Food Business: Embark on the food business journey with FSSAI registration! Whether it's a small-scale bakery or a large food manufacturing unit, compliance is essential.


For anyone venturing into the food business in India, be it a restaurant, bakery, hotel, or food stall, obtaining an FSSAI registration is a crucial requirement. Additionally, individuals involved in food manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and storage must also hold an FSSAI registration to legally operate their food businesses.

FSSAI, an abbreviation for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, plays a pivotal role in overseeing and regulating the entire food business landscape in the country. As an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, FSSAI holds the responsibility of maintaining food safety standards across the nation.

The foundation of FSSAI lies in the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (FSS Act), a comprehensive legislation governing food safety and regulations in India. Through its robust framework, FSSAI ensures that food products undergo stringent quality checks, effectively combating food adulteration and the sale of sub-standard goods. Crucially, FSSAI plays a significant role in registering and licensing Food Business Operators (FBO) in India, while also laying down the necessary rules and regulations for conducting food-related businesses in the country. With FSSAI registration, the food industry in India operates with enhanced safety and consumer trust, promoting a healthy and thriving food ecosystem.

What is FSSAI Registration?

In India, anyone, be it an individual or a business entity, involved in the food business, which includes activities like manufacturing, processing, storage, distribution, and sale of food products, is required by law to obtain FSSAI Registration or License.

FSSAI Registration and License vary depending on the size and nature of the food business. Food Business Operators (FBOs) must obtain the appropriate registration or license based on the scale of their operations.

FSSAI Registration entails the issuance of a 14-digit registration or license number that is printed on all food packages. This unique number provides essential information about the state of assembly and the producer’s permit. The primary objective behind this registration process is to foster greater accountability among FBOs and ensure the maintenance of food product quality.

The regulations governing the licensing and registration process are outlined in the Food Safety & Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011. These regulations set the standards and requirements for obtaining FSSAI Registration or License, ensuring that all food businesses adhere to the necessary guidelines and safety measures.

By mandating FSSAI Registration or License, the Indian government aims to create a more robust and transparent food business ecosystem, safeguarding consumer health and instilling confidence in the quality and safety of food products. Whether it’s a small-scale food vendor or a large food processing unit, compliance with FSSAI Registration or License is a fundamental step towards maintaining food safety and ensuring consumer well-being.

Acquire your FSSAI registration swiftly with our efficient services, offering a hassle-free experience for your food license.

Food Business Operators (FBOs) Who Require FSSAI Registration

In India, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has set forth stringent regulations mandating FSSAI Registration or License for a wide range of food businesses. The following kinds of food businesses are obligated to obtain an FSSAI Registration or License:

Petty Retailers and Retail Shops: This category includes retail shops, snacks shops, confectionery or bakery shops, and similar establishments.

Food Stalls and Premises: Temporary and fixed stalls involved in the preparation, distribution, storage, and sale of food products, such as Gol Gappa stalls, chat stalls, fruit/vegetable vendors, tea stalls, snacks stalls, bread pakoda stalls, samosa stalls, Chinese food stalls, South Indian food stalls, sweet stalls, juice shops, etc.

Food Hawkers: Individuals selling packaged or freshly prepared food while travelling from one location to another, typically on foot or movable carts.

Dairy Units: This includes milk chilling units, petty milkmen, and milk vendors.

Vegetable Oil Processing Units: Businesses engaged in vegetable oil processing.

Slaughtering Houses: Meat shops, mutton shops, chicken shops, lamb meat outlets, etc.

Meat and Fish Processing Units: Facilities involved in the processing of meat and fish products.

Food Manufacturing/Processing Units: This covers all units engaged in food manufacturing or processing, including repacking of food products.

Proprietary Food and Novel Food: Businesses dealing with proprietary and novel food items.

Cold/Refrigerated Storage Facilities: Units offering cold storage for food products.

Food Transporters: Companies transporting food products in specialised vehicles such as insulated refrigerated vans/wagons, milk tankers, food wagons, and food trucks.

  • Food Wholesalers, Suppliers, Distributors, and Marketers.
  • Hotels, Restaurants, and Bars.
  • Canteens and Cafeterias, including mid-day meal canteens.
  • Food Vending Agencies and Caterers.
  • Dhabas, PGs providing food, Banquet halls with food catering arrangements, Home-based Canteens, and Food stalls in fairs or religious institutions.

Food Importers and Exporters: Businesses dealing with the import and export of food items, including food ingredients.

E-Commerce Food Suppliers: This includes cloud kitchens and online food suppliers.

The type of FSSAI license or registration required by each type of food business depends on their specific eligibility criteria. The FSSAI website provides detailed information about the eligibility criteria for each kind of business and the type of license or registration required. Adhering to these FSSAI regulations ensures compliance with food safety standards, safeguarding the health and well-being of consumers across the country.

Types of FSSAI Registration

The process of obtaining FSSAI registration is contingent upon various factors, including the type of business, turnover, and production capacity of Food Business Operators (FBOs). The FSSAI offers different types of licenses based on these criteria, namely the Basic Registration, State License, and Central License.

FSSAI Basic Registration: FBOs with an annual turnover of less than ₹ 12 lakh are eligible for the FSSAI Basic Registration. This registration is suitable for small-scale businesses. To obtain the FSSAI Basic Registration, applicants need to fill out Form A, which serves as the application form.

FSSAI State License: For FBOs with an annual turnover ranging from more than ₹ 12 lakh to less than ₹ 20 crore, the FSSAI State License is mandatory. This license caters to medium-sized businesses. The application form for the FSSAI State License is Form B.

FSSAI Central License: FBOs with an annual turnover exceeding ₹ 20 crore are required to acquire the FSSAI Central License. This license is designed for large-scale businesses. To apply for the FSSAI Central License, applicants need to fill out Form B, which is the same form used for the FSSAI State License.

It is essential for FBOs to determine their eligibility for the respective licenses and complete the registration process accordingly. This systematic approach ensures compliance with FSSAI regulations and guarantees adherence to food safety standards. By obtaining the appropriate FSSAI registration, businesses can instill confidence among consumers, demonstrate their commitment to food safety, and contribute to a healthier and more reliable food ecosystem in India.

Procedure For FSSAI Registration Online

For Food Business Operators (FBOs) in India, obtaining FSSAI registration is a crucial step to ensure compliance with food safety standards and regulations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how FBOs can obtain FSSAI registration:

Online or Offline Registration: FBOs have the option to apply for FSSAI registration online or offline. For online registration, they need to fill and submit the appropriate FSSAI registration form, i.e., Form A for basic registration and Form B for state or central license, on the FoSCoS (Food Safety and Compliance System) portal. Alternatively, they can register offline by submitting the respective forms to the Food and Safety Department.

Document Submission: Along with the registration form, FBOs must submit the necessary documents. These documents can be uploaded online on the FoSCoS portal during the application process or physically submitted to the Food and Safety Department.

Application Processing: The Food and Safety Department will review the submitted FSSAI registration form and accompanying documents. Within 7 days from the date of receipt, the application may be accepted or rejected. If rejected, the applicant will be notified in writing.

Document Scrutiny: The Department will carefully scrutinize the documents to ensure that all required criteria are met. In some cases, the Department may conduct an inspection of the food premises to verify compliance.

FSSAI Registration Certificate: If the Department is satisfied with the application and all criteria are met, an FSSAI registration certificate will be granted to the applicant. The certificate will contain the registration number and the applicant’s photo ID. FBOs can also download the certificate from the FoSCoS portal.

Display of Certificate: It is essential for FBOs to prominently display the FSSAI registration certificate at their place of business during business hours. This display demonstrates the FBO’s compliance with food safety standards and instills confidence in customers.

FSSAI Registration Eligibility

If you are involved in a small-scale food business in India, FSSAI Basic Registration is a fundamental requirement. This category of registration is specifically designed for businesses with modest turnovers and covers various food-related activities. Here’s a closer look at the businesses that fall under the FSSAI Basic Registration:

Annual Turnover Not Exceeding ₹ 12 Lakh: If your food business has an annual turnover of ₹ 12 lakh or less, you are eligible for FSSAI Basic Registration. This threshold ensures that small-scale enterprises are not burdened with elaborate regulatory procedures.

Petty Retailers: Petty retailers who deal in food products are also included under the purview of FSSAI Basic Registration. Whether you operate a small grocery store or a quaint bakery, this registration is a must to comply with food safety standards.

Food Manufacturers and Sellers: Individuals who personally manufacture or sell any food article are required to obtain FSSAI Basic Registration. Whether you prepare homemade pickles or bake delicious cakes, compliance is crucial to maintain the integrity of your products.

Temporary Stall Holders: If you run a temporary food stall, such as during local fairs or events, FSSAI Basic Registration is essential. It ensures that even transient food businesses uphold food safety and hygiene standards.

Distributors in Religious or Social Gatherings: Individuals who distribute food in religious or social gatherings, excluding caterers, are covered under FSSAI Basic Registration. Whether you offer prasad during religious ceremonies or food at community events, compliance is mandatory.

By obtaining FSSAI Basic Registration, you demonstrate your commitment to food safety and quality. It not only ensures legal compliance but also builds trust and credibility with your customers. As a small-scale food business, FSSAI Basic Registration empowers you to contribute to the larger goal of ensuring safe and wholesome food for all. So, if your food business falls under any of the mentioned categories, don’t wait; get your FSSAI Basic Registration today and set the foundation for a successful and responsible food venture.

FSSAI License Eligibility

If you are running a medium or large-scale food business in India, obtaining the FSSAI License is essential to comply with food safety regulations. The FSSAI License is categorised into two types: State FSSAI License and Central FSSAI License, depending on the size and scale of your business operations.

State FSSAI License: FBOs with small to medium-sized manufacturing units, transporters, marketers, traders, etc., fall under the purview of State FSSAI License. To be eligible for the State License, your business turnover should range between ₹ 12 lakh to ₹ 20 crore.

Manufacturing Units: If your manufacturing capacity is up to 2MT per day, you must apply for the State FSSAI License. Similarly, dairy units handling business up to 5000 litres per day are also covered under this category.

Catering Businesses: Whether you run a 3-star hotel or above, repackers, relabelling units, clubs, canteens, or any catering business, regardless of turnover, you are required to obtain the State License.

The State FSSAI License is issued with a tenure ranging from a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 5 years.

Central FSSAI License: For large manufacturers, importers, exporters, and businesses with a turnover exceeding ₹ 20 crores operating in two or more states, the Central FSSAI License is mandatory.

Importers and Exporters: All importers and exporters dealing with food products must apply for the Central FSSAI License.

The Central FSSAI License is also issued with a tenure ranging from 1 year to a maximum of 5 years.

Both the State and Central FSSAI Licenses are critical for ensuring compliance with food safety standards, regardless of the scale of your business. The licenses demonstrate your commitment to maintaining high-quality food products and adhering to hygiene standards.

To apply for the FSSAI License, you need to submit the required documents and meet the eligibility criteria as per the regulations. The process ensures that businesses engaged in food manufacturing, distribution, and trading contribute to the larger goal of providing safe and healthy food to consumers.

As a medium or large-scale food business owner, obtaining the FSSAI License not only keeps you legally compliant but also enhances your reputation and credibility among customers and stakeholders. So, don’t delay! Apply for the appropriate FSSAI License based on your business size and expand your venture while upholding the highest standards of food safety and quality.

Documents Required for FSSAI Registration/License

To obtain FSSAI basic registration, FSSAI state license, and FSSAI central license, the following documents are required:

  • Photo identity proof of the food business operators.
  • Business constitution certificate (partnership deed, certificate of incorporation, shop and establishment license, or other business registration certificate).
  • Proof of possession of business premises (rental agreement, NOC from the owner of the rented premises, utility bills, etc.).
  • Food safety management system plan.
  • List of food products manufactured or processed.
  • Bank account information.
  • Supporting documents (if required), such as NOC by Municipality or Panchayat, Health NOC, copy of License from the manufacturer, etc.

Additionally, specific documents are required for obtaining the FSSAI state license and FSSAI central license:

For FSSAI State License:

  • Form B duly completed and signed.
  • Plan of the processing unit showing dimensions and operation-wise area allocation.
  • List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID.
  • Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity.
  • Authority letter from the manufacturer nominating a responsible person with name and address.
  • Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm portability.
  • Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act 1861/Multi-State Coop Act 2002.

For FSSAI Central License:

  • Form B duly completed and signed.
  • Plan of the processing unit showing dimensions and operation-wise area allocation.
  • List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID.
  • Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity.
  • Authority letter from the manufacturer nominating a responsible person with name and address.
  • Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm portability.
  • Source of raw material for milk, meat, etc.
  • Recall plan (wherever applicable).
  • Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU.
  • NOC/PA document issued by FSSAI.
  • IE code document issued by DGFT.
  • Form IX.
  • Certificate from the Ministry of Tourism.
  • Supporting document for proof of turnover and transportation.
  • Declaration form.

Ensure to provide all the necessary documents as per the requirements to facilitate a smooth and timely process of obtaining your FSSAI registration or license.

Benefits of Procuring FSSAI Food License

Obtaining an FSSAI license offers numerous advantages for food businesses, making it a crucial step in the food industry. Firstly, having a license provides legal benefits, ensuring compliance with food safety regulations and avoiding potential penalties or closures. Moreover, it builds goodwill and trust among customers, as the FSSAI logo on food products signifies adherence to quality and safety standards.

Food safety is paramount, and FSSAI registration plays a vital role in ensuring that the entire food chain, from manufacturing to distribution, meets stringent hygiene standards. This, in turn, creates consumer awareness and confidence in the products they purchase.

Another significant benefit is the assistance it provides in business expansion. FBOs with FSSAI registration can attract investors more easily, as it demonstrates their commitment to quality and compliance. The registration also facilitates import and export of food products, making international trade smoother.

Now that you know all about the importance of FSSAI License for Food Industry, are you ready to kick-start your business? Moreover, reach out to us at Vakilsearch at the earliest in case you have any queries regarding which FSSAI license category to register under to start your business.


How to download the FSSAI registration certificate?

Begin by accessing the FSSAI website, specifically the FoSCoS portal. Once there, sign in to your account, which will redirect you to a new page. From the ‘Dashboard’ section, choose the specific license or registration for which you require the certificate. Finally, proceed to download the certificate.

What details are mentioned on the FSSAI registration certificate?

The FSSAI registration certificate will include the FBO’s name and address, food business premises address, type of business, and the validity period.

What is the FSSAI License validity period in India?

The FSSAI license is initially issued with a validity of 1 year, with the possibility of extending it for up to 5 years. Renewing the license is essential once its validity expires.

How to renew your registration/license after expiry?

To renew, either download Form 9 or get it from the RTO office. Complete the form, attach required documents, and submit them at the RTO counter with the renewal fees. Collect an acknowledgement slip.

What are the different categories of license?

There are three different types of FSSAI license. They are Central License, State License, and Basic Registration.


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