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Forms Under Companies Act, 2013

The Companies Act, 2013, has provided an exhaustive set of forms to keep the compliances in check for the companies that are getting registered under various corporate entities. The forms enable the Registrar to verify if the companies are on track with respect to the compliances set by the Act.

The Companies Act, 2013 has its current impeccable shape after a number of improvisations to the earlier versions of the Act. Company law in India is not a new age law and has been in existence from 4 B.C. The Company law, though was brought in by the British, took its shape and form as per the Indian standards and economy. With the change in economic standards and progression in industrialisation of the country, the compliances under the law became greater and cumbersome. The Companies Act, 2013 mandates certain rules and regulations for the companies and the respective procedures pertaining to registration and other activities. It was also ensured that the companies thus registered took measures to keep the Registrar of Companies (RoC) updated about the compliances the company is adhering to. The Act, therefore, came up with various forms for this purpose, that would help in keeping these compliances under check with minimal effort.

Forms Prescribed by the Companies Act, 2013:

The Companies have to duly file the requisite forms with the Registrar as directed by the Act. While most of the forms are required to be filed annually, the filing of the others is event-based. Financial statements, application for filing the director’s KYC (Know Your Client form) etc are done on a yearly basis.

Few forms on the other hand are required to be filed only once, after the incorporation of the company, such as the form for filing the nominee’s consent in a One Person Company (OPC), application for reserving the name of the company, MoA (Memorandum of Association), AoA (Articles of Association), etc.

Few other forms are filed subject to the happening of an event, for instance when the address of the registered office is changed, the same has to be updated to the RoC through the stipulated form. The situation doesn’t always happen and may not happen to every other company that is registered, therefore if the event of changing the address does not occur, the form will not be filed. Also, failing to file these forms when they ought to be filed, will attract penalties as mentioned in the Act.

 The Complete List of Forms Under the Companies Act is Listed Below:

Form Number Description Type of Forms
INC 1 Application for Reservation of Name: e-Form
INC 3 One Person Company -Nominee Consent Form e-Form
INC 4 One Person Company -Change in Member/Nominee e-Form

One Person Company – Intimation of Exceeding Threshold of more than Rs 50 lakh of share capital or Rs 2 crore of turnover


INC 6 One Person Company – and Private Limited Company Letterhead– Application for Conversion e-Form
INC 8 Declaration put forth by an Advocate, Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant or Company Secretary in Practice (that all requirements of the companies act and rules with respect to the registration of the company have been duly complied with). Physical

Declaration put Forth by the Subscribers/First Directors to the Memorandum (that the person has not been convicted for any offense or not been found guilty  of any fraud or misfeasance during the preceding five years and that the documents presented to the Registrar are correct and complete).


INC 11
Certificate of Incorporation India
INC-11A Certificate of Incorporation Pursuant to Conversion of Unlimited Liability Company into Limited Liability Company Physical
INC-11B Certificate of Incorporation Pursuant to Conversion of a Company Limited by Guarantee to a Company Limited by Shares Physical
.INC 13 Memorandum of Association Physical
INC 14 Declaration by an Advocate, an online ca, Cost Accountant or Company Secretary in Practice(to mention that the Articles of Association are in line with the provisions of Section 8 and rules made thereunder and that all the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder in relation to registration of the company under Section 8 and matters precedent or incidental thereto have been complied with). Physical
INC 15 Declaration by Persons Making the Application under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 Physical
INC 16/17 License under Section 8(1) and 8(5) of the Companies Act, 2013. Physical
INC 20A Declaration of Commencement of Business e-Form
INC 22 Notice of Situation or Change of Situation of Registered Office e-Form
INC 22 A ACTIVE (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) e-Form
INC 24 Application for approval of Central Government for change in the name of the company e-Form
INC 25  Certificate of Incorporation Pursuant to Change of Name Physical
INC 25A Advertisement to be Published in the Newspaper for Conversion of Public Company into Private Company  Physical
INC 26 Advertisement to be Published in Newspaper for License for Existing Companies Physical
INC 27 Conversion of a Public Company into a Private Company or Vice versa, Including Company Limited by Guarantee to a Company Limited by Shares  e-Form
INC 28 Notice of the Order of the Court or Other Competent Authority e-Form
INC 32 Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company electronically (SPICe) e-Form
INC 33 e-Memorandum of Association e-Form
INC 34 e-Articles of Association e-Form
INC 35 New GST registration online, Employees State Insurance Company Registration Plus Employees Provident Fund Organisation Registration, Professional Tax Registration and Opening of Bank Account (AGILE-PRO) e-Form
RD 1 Application to the Regional Director e-Form
RD GNL 5 Filing Addendum for Rectification of Defects or Incompleteness e-Form
SH 10 Register of Shares or Other Securities Bought Back Physical
DPT 3 Return of Deposits e-Form
DPT 4 Statement Regarding Deposits as on the Date of Commencement of the Companies Act Physical
CHG 1 Application for Registration of Creation or Modification of Charge (other than debentures) e-Form
CHG 2 Certificate of Registration of Charge Physical
CHG 3 Certificate of Modification of Charge Physical
MGT 1 Register of Members of the Company Physical
MGT 2 Register of Debenture Holders/Other Security Holders Physical
MGT 3 Notice of Situation or the Change in the Situation or Discontinuation of a Situation Where A Foreign Register Shall Be Kept Physical
MGT 9 Extract of annual return  Physical
MGT 11 Proxy Form Physical
MGT 12 Polling Paper Physical
MGT 13 Report of Scrutinizers Physical
MGT 14 Filing of Resolutions and Agreements to the Registrar  e-Form
MGT 15 Form for Filing Report on Annual General meeting Physical
BEN 1 Declaration by the Beneficial Owner who Holds or Acquires Significant Beneficial Ownership in Shares Physical
AOC 1 Statement Containing Salient Features of Financial Statements of Subsidiaries, Associate Companies, or Joint Ventures Physical
AOC 2 Disclosure of Related Party Physical
AOC 3 Statement Containing Salient Features of the Audited Financial Statements Pertaining to Subsidiaries, Associate Companies and Subsidiaries Physical

Statement Containing Salient Features of Financial Statements to be filed by Companies Complying with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards)Rules 2015


AOC 4 Form for Filing Financial Statement and other Documents with the Registrar e-Form
AOC 4 (XBRL) Form for Filing XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) Document in Respect of Financial Statement and Other Documents to be Filed with the Registrar  e-Form
AOC 4 CFS Form for Filing Consolidated Financial Statements and other Documents with the Registrar e-Form
AOC 4 NBFC Form for Filing Financial Statement and Other Documents with the Registrar for NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Companies)  e-Form
AOC 5 Notice of Address at which the Books of Accounts are Maintained e-Form
ADT 1 Information to Registrar by Company for Appointment of Auditor e-Form
ADT 2 Application for Removal of Auditors from Office Before the Expiry of Term e-Form
ADT 3 Notice of Resignation of Auditors e-Form
ADT 4 Form to Report to the Central Government in Case of Any Offense or Fraud Physical
CRA 1 Maintenance of Cost Records by Companies Physical
CRA 2 Form for Intimation of Appointment of Cost Audit or by the Company to Central Government e-Form
CRA 3 Form of the Cost Audit Report  Physical
CRA 4 Form for Filing Cost Audit Report with the Central Government e-Form
DIR 2 Consent to Act as Director Physical
DIR 3 Application for allotment of Director Identification Number (DIN) before Appointment in an Existing Company e-Form
DIR 3 KYC Application for KYC of Directors e-Form
DIR 3C Intimation of DIN by the Company to the Registrar for DIN Services  e-Form
DIR 3A Declaration Submitted if the Person Applying for DIN does not Have a Surname Physical
DIR 3B Intimation of Allotment of DIN to the company by the Director Physical
DIR 5 Application for surrender of DIN Physical
DIR 6 Intimation of Changes in Particulars of Director to be given to the Central Government e-Form
DIR-8 Intimation by a Director to a Company about Directorships/Disqualifications etc Physical
DIR 9 A Report by a Company to ROC for Intimating the Disqualification of the Director Physical
DIR 10 Form of Application for Removal of Disqualification of Directors Physical
DIR 11 Notice of Resignation of a Director to the Registrar e-Form
DIR 12 Particulars of Appointment of Directors and the Key Managerial Personnel and the Changes Among Them e-Form
MR 1 Return for the Appointment of a Whole Time Director, Managing Director or Manager e-Form
MR 2 Form of application to the Central Government for Approval of Appointment/Reappointment and Remuneration or Increase in Remuneration/Waiver for Excess/Over Payment to Managing Director, Whole Time Director or Manager e-Form
MR 3 Secretarial Audit Report Physical
CAA 1 Creditors Responsibility Statement Physical
CAA 2 Notice of Meeting of any Class or Classes of the Meeting of the Creditors or Members Physical
CAA 10 Declaration of Solvency Physical
CAA 11 Notice of Approval of the Scheme of Merger Physical
STK 1 Notice by Registrar for Removal of a name of a Company from the Register of Companies  Physical
STK 2 Application by Company to ROC for Removing its Name from the Register of Companies e-Form
FC 1 Information to be Filed by Foreign Company e-Form
FC 2 Return of Alteration in the Documents Filed for Registration by Foreign Company e-Form
FC 3 Annual Accounts Along with the List of All Principal Places of Business in India Established by a Foreign company e-Form
FC 4 Annual Return of a Foreign company e-Form
FC 5 Nomination by IDR (Indian Depository Receipts) holder Physical
RSC 1 Application Under Section 66 to the Tribunal to Confirm the Reduction of Share Capital Physical
MSME Half Yearly Return Filed to the Registrar with Respect to any Outstanding Payments to Micro or Small Enterprise Physical
Form 23C Application to the Central Government to Appoint a Cost Auditor e-Form
Form I-XBRL Filing of XBRL Document in Respect of Cost Audit Report and other Documents with the Central Government e-Form
Form A-XBRL Form for Filing XBRL Document in Respect of Compliance  Report and other Documents to be Filed with the Central Government e-Form
Form 23D Information by Cost Auditor to Central Government e-Form


About the Author

Nithya Ramani Iyer, a Business Finance & Compliance Consultant at Vakilsearch, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (B.Com) with a specialization in Finance and Taxation, along with a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) in Financial Management. With over 10 years of experience, she specialises in business finance, legal compliance, and risk management, helping businesses secure funding and meet regulatory requirements.

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