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Consultancy Agreement

What is the Equity Clause in Consulting Agreement?

In this blog post, we have jotted the entire concept of How to write an equity clause in a consulting agreement in a simple and clear-cut way

The equity clause in your Individual Voluntary Agreement (IVA) plan is a provision that could require you to transfer a portion of your equity to your lenders. Equity is the difference between your property’s current market worth and the total of any mortgages and other obligations that are still owed on it. Whatever equity you have in your property will be considered an asset by your lenders. Your IVA petition may contain a clause forcing you to relinquish a portion of your equity and pay it into your IVA in order to assist your lenders. This blog is about Equity Clause Consulting Agreement

Examples of Terms in Equity Clauses

Depending on the specifics of the equity clause and any adjustments provided by lenders, there may be additional restrictions on the amount of equity you may be compelled to release and any additional borrowing you may attempt to release. In guidelines, the following expressions are acceptable:

Your entire outstanding debt to lenders covered by your IVA, along with any additional expenses or fees related to keeping your IVA in good standing, may never be greater than the sum requested in the clause. However, statutory interest is excluded from this.

Any new monthly payment must be more than half of the one you are already making to the IVA. You may only refinance your mortgage or secured loan once, up to an amount equal to 85 percent of the original. The maximum amount that can be refinanced for a new mortgage or secured loan maybe 85% of the loan value of your part of the property. Any fees or charges you must pay to establish the new borrowing may be financed using the money you release. If you and another person have a joint mortgage, your lender may only ask you to release a portion of your share of the equity.

Agreements for Equity Compensation

An Equity Compensation Agreement shall be a written contract setting forth the terms and conditions of the operation of the Program. When paying an employee or consultant agreement using equity, businesses often combine cash and equity. It is unusual for an agreement to grant 100% equity because there is a possibility that the supplier won’t get paid enough.

Performance Criteria 

In an equity agreement, it’s crucial to specify the tasks that the recipient must complete and the performance standards that they must meet in order to be eligible for the equity.

The employee’s performance expectations should be reflected in equity awards. When equity payments will be given out and what will happen if performance standards aren’t fully reached should both be explicitly stated in the agreement. The performance standards must be precise, achievable, and measurable as a result.

Some Benefits of Consultancy Agreement 

Consulting agreements may be beneficial if you only infrequently require a consultant’s specialised knowledge or skills. A valid consultant arrangement is exempt from many of the obligations and liabilities under the law that pertain to relationships involving employment. They become more versatile as a result, and you have greater freedom to specify the conditions of the connection.

Equity Structures

Equity Structures may take many different forms.

The top forms are as follows:

  • Grants Options Stock Warrants
  • The agreement should specifically describe the type of stock that will be granted as well as the methods for evaluating the equity.
  • The agreement must clarify voting rights and the type of shares if you’re considering stock grants.
  • Whether any grants will eventually become fully vested should also be specified.
  • Any extra performance requirements that can have an impact on vesting must also be specified.
  • If you’re considering stock options, the formal agreement must outline the exercise process, waiting period, and strike price.
  • Any restrictions on stock transfers and any details relating to tax withholding should be included.

Benefits and Risks of Equity Consulting

  • Equity acquisition is a difficult procedure.
  • Retaining a seasoned attorney and a responsible accountant is a smart move.
  • To find out if you have the right to seize equity, see an attorney first.
  • Be mindful of the exclusions to the securities regulation that some states impose.
  • However, most states also grant exemptions to companies that grant equity agreements to fewer than 25 people.
  • One frequent misconception about equity agreements is the idea that obtaining equity is cost-free.
  • This is untrue since if someone receives shares of a corporation, they must report its value and pay taxes on it.
  • When a business is first starting started, the value should be small.
  • Additionally, both parties will pay additional fees for legal and accounting services.
  • Ask your accountant about filing an 83 if your equity starts to vest over time (b).
  • When an 83(b) is filed within 30 days of obtaining equity, the recipient can pay taxes on the amount received up front rather than the amount that will eventually become vested.

How to Write an Equity Clause for Contract Agreements

Some agreements are not written to include all the clauses. An equity clause is one of those clauses that are often missing from an agreement and are necessary for more complex deals.

An equity clause is a clause in an agreement dealing with stock or option awards. These clauses define what happens when the company issues new shares, or when a company goes public, splits, or undergoes liquidation. Equity clauses are often used in consulting agreements to compensate for the time and effort that is required for a client to make a decision.

The following factors should be considered when deciding on the amount of equity to request from the employer:

The equity clause is a clause in the consulting agreement that basically says, “I will give you equity in the company if we successfully launch our product.”

An equity clause is typically included in the consulting agreement to motivate and incentivize employees to work for the company. Employees are provided with a stake in the company, which gives them an incentive to work hard for a successful launch of the product.


The company and the consultant should come to an agreement on what the equity clause would look like in a consulting agreement. What percentage of ownership the consultant would have in exchange for the time, effort, and intellectual capital they put into developing a partnership with the company.

The equity clause should be customized to fit the situation and work arrangement which is why both parties should come to an agreement well in advance of commencing work. For more information regarding this, you can get in touch with the experts from Vakilsearch

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