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Empowering Tribal Women in India: Unveiling the Transformative Impact of the LAMPS Scheme

India's Large Area Multipurpose Societies (LAMPS) scheme unlocks economic potential for tribal women. Providing micro-loans, skills training, and market access, LAMPS empowers them to start businesses, boost incomes, and build brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

LAMPS Scheme 

The Large Area Multipurpose Societies (LAMPS) scheme stands as a beacon of hope for tribal women in India, aiming to uplift their lives and communities through economic empowerment. Let’s delve into its overview, key features, and the transformative impact it brings.

Origins and Vision

Established in 1984 under the National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC), LAMPS has been instrumental in providing a robust support system for tribal women. Recognizing the crucial role they play in their families and communities, the scheme focuses on equipping them with the necessary resources and skills to achieve financial independence and contribute meaningfully to their socio-economic development.Area Multipurpose Societies (LAMPS) Scheme.

Key Features of the LAMPS Scheme Empowering Tribal Women

The Large Area Multipurpose Societies (LAMPS) scheme shines a light on the path to economic empowerment for tribal women in India. 

Here’s a closer look at its key features, each one a stepping stone towards a brighter future:

  1. Financial Assistance:

Imagine a tribal woman, her eyes sparkling with hope as she receives a micro-loan from LAMPS. This financial injection becomes the seed for her dreams, allowing her to invest in income-generating activities like:

  • Handicrafts: Weaving vibrant textiles, crafting intricate pottery, or creating stunning jewelry – LAMPS empowers women to turn their artistic talents into thriving businesses.
  • Agriculture: Owning a small plot of land or a few poultry, LAMPS provides the means for women to cultivate crops or raise livestock, ensuring food security and additional income.
  • Animal Husbandry: Caring for goats, sheep, or even a dairy cow, LAMPS helps women tap into the potential of animal husbandry, providing nutritious food and valuable dairy products.
  • Small Businesses: From setting up a local grocery store to running a mobile food stall, LAMPS fuels the entrepreneurial spirit of women, fostering self-reliance and community development.
  1. Capacity Building and Training:

LAMPS goes beyond just providing money. It equips women with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the business world:

  • Financial Literacy: Understanding basic financial concepts like budgeting, saving, and loan repayment empowers women to make informed decisions and manage their finances effectively.
  • Marketing and Branding: Learning how to showcase their products, build a brand identity, and reach potential customers is crucial for women to stand out in the market.
  • Product Development: LAMPS encourages innovation and helps women refine their products, adapt to changing trends, and cater to specific market needs.
  • Business Management: From inventory management to customer service, LAMPS equips women with the skills to run their businesses efficiently and sustainably.
  1. Promoting Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment:

LAMPS fosters a spirit of self-reliance, encouraging women to become their own bosses:

  • Micro-enterprises: With LAMPS’ support, women can set up small businesses like tailoring units, food processing units, or beauty parlors, generating income and creating job opportunities within the community.
  • Skill-based enterprises: Women can leverage their traditional skills like pottery making, weaving, or herbal medicine preparation to build thriving businesses, preserving cultural heritage while generating income.
  • Cooperatives: LAMPS encourages collective action, enabling women to come together and form cooperatives for shared resource management, marketing, and production, maximizing their impact and amplifying their voices.
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  1. Linking Tribal Women to Markets:

LAMPS bridges the gap between tribal producers and potential markets:

  • Market Access: LAMPS facilitates participation in local markets, trade fairs, and online platforms, connecting women with a wider customer base and expanding their reach.
  • Fair Trade Practices: LAMPS promotes fair trade practices, ensuring that women receive fair prices for their products and are not exploited by middlemen.
  • Value Addition: LAMPS encourages women to add value to their products through packaging, branding, and innovative designs, increasing their market competitiveness and profitability.

By focusing on these key features, the LAMPS scheme empowers tribal women to become active participants in the economic landscape of India. It’s a beacon of hope, illuminating a path towards a brighter future, not just for them, but for their families and communities as well.

Features of the LAMPS Scheme

The LAMPS scheme, designed to empower tribal women in India, unfolds its impact through a well-coordinated implementation strategy. Let’s explore the roles of key players and the formation and functioning of LAMPS:

  1. National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC):

  • Guiding Force: NSTFDC acts as the nodal agency for the scheme, overseeing its implementation across India.
  • Policy Formulation: It frames policies and guidelines, ensuring adherence to the scheme’s objectives.
  • Funding Channel: NSTFDC provides financial assistance to LAMPS through State Channelising Agencies (SCAs).
  • Capacity Building: It organizes training programs for LAMPS staff to enhance their skills in financial management, project implementation, and monitoring.
  1. State Channelising Agencies (SCAs):

  • Local Champions: SCAs, often state-level tribal development corporations, function as intermediaries between NSTFDC and LAMPS.
  • Fund Disbursal: They receive funds from NSTFDC and distribute them to LAMPS based on their needs and performance.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: SCAs supervise the functioning of LAMPS, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Support Services: They offer technical guidance and handholding support to LAMPS in project implementation and management.
  1. Formation and Functioning of LAMPS:

  • Grassroots Organizations: LAMPS are registered as cooperative societies under the Cooperative Societies Act, ensuring democratic governance and member participation.
  • Membership: Tribal women form the core membership of LAMPS, actively participating in decision-making processes.
  • Management Structure: LAMPS have a managing committee elected by members, responsible for daily operations and overseeing financial activities.

Success Stories of the LAMPS Scheme:

The LAMPS scheme paints a vibrant tapestry of success stories across India, interwoven with threads of economic empowerment, social transformation, and community resilience. Let’s explore how the scheme has blossomed in the lives of tribal women:

  1. From Subsistence to Sustainability:

Imagine Malti, a tribal woman in Odisha, once struggling to feed her family. With a small LAMPS loan, she purchased goats, their gentle bleats now a joyful melody. Their milk nourishes her family, while surplus sales generate income, a testament to her transformed livelihood.

  1. Skills Blossoming, Aspirations Soaring:

Picture Sita, a young woman from Chhattisgarh, her eyes gleaming with newfound confidence. The LAMPS scheme funded her tailoring training, transforming her nimble fingers into tools of creation. Her vibrant garments, adorned with tribal motifs, grace local markets, earning her respect and financial independence.

  1. Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges:

The LAMPS scheme acts as a catalyst for collective action. In Tamil Nadu, a group of tribal women formed a LAMPS-supported handicrafts cooperative. Their intricately carved wooden figurines now find admirers across the nation, their success story erasing societal biases and paving the way for economic inclusion.

  1. Seeds of Change Sprouting in Communities:

As Lakkhi, a tribal woman in Rajasthan, received her LAMPS loan to cultivate vegetables, it wasn’t just her life that blossomed. The surplus produce nourished her community, fostered food security, and strengthened local markets. The LAMPS scheme’s ripple effect is transforming not just individuals, but entire communities.

  1. Education: The Torch Lighting the Future:

The LAMPS scheme’s impact extends beyond immediate economic gains. In Andhra Pradesh, it funded scholarships for tribal girls, their bright eyes holding the promise of a brighter future. Education, empowered by LAMPS, is breaking the cycle of poverty and igniting aspirations for generations to come.

Future Directions of the LAMPS Scheme

The LAMPS scheme has undoubtedly empowered countless tribal women in India, yet its journey towards a transformative future continues. Let’s explore potential avenues for expanding reach, ensuring sustainability, and forging stronger synergies with other initiatives:

  1. Expanding the Reach:

  • Identifying Underserved Regions: Reaching beyond existing areas, prioritize states and communities with high tribal populations yet limited access to LAMPS.
  • Targeting Vulnerable Groups: Focus on marginalized tribal communities, including women with disabilities and single mothers, ensuring inclusivity and equitable access to resources.
  • Leveraging Technology: Utilize digital platforms to spread awareness, facilitate loan applications, and provide market linkages, bridging geographical barriers and reaching remote areas.
  1. Enhancing the Sustainability of LAMPS:

  • Skill Development and Diversification: Equip LAMPS members with advanced skills in entrepreneurship, financial management, and marketing, fostering diversification and resilience.
  • Market Linkages and Value Addition: Build stronger partnerships with private enterprises and government agencies to secure sustainable market access for tribal products.
  • Resource Mobilization: Explore additional funding sources beyond government grants, such as corporate social responsibility initiatives or crowdfunding platforms, diversifying resource streams.
  1. Integrating LAMPS with Other Tribal Development Schemes:

  • Synergy with Skill Development Programs: Align LAMPS with government skill development initiatives to provide skill training tailored to LAMPS’ activities, maximizing resource utilization.
  • Collaboration with Microfinance Institutions: Partner with microfinance institutions to expand access to financial services and offer competitive loan options for LAMPS members.
  • Leveraging Existing Government Programs: Integrate LAMPS with existing tribal development schemes like MGNREGA or Van Dhan Vikas Yojana to optimize resource allocation and amplify outcomes.


Who can benefit from the LAMPS Scheme?

The LAMPS scheme specifically targets tribal women, especially those from marginalized groups like single mothers or women with disabilities. You must be a member of a registered LAMPS society and typically be at least 18 years old. Financial need may also be a factor in eligibility.

What kind of financial support does LAMPS offer?

LAMPS provides micro-credit loans with low or no interest for income-generating activities. These can include agriculture, animal husbandry, handicrafts, and even small businesses. Additionally, you might receive subsidies for essential items like seeds, fertilizers, or farm equipment.

How do tribal women apply for LAMPS benefits?

Your first step is to contact your local LAMPS society. They will guide you through the application process and provide you with the necessary forms. You'll need to submit documents like identity proof, residence proof, and potentially land ownership documents. Finally, you'll need to submit a project proposal outlining how you plan to use the loan and the expected outcomes.

How does LAMPS empower tribal women to become entrepreneurs?

LAMPS goes beyond just providing loans. They offer skill development programs in areas like financial management, marketing, product development, and business management. This equips women with the knowledge and confidence to run their own businesses successfully. Additionally, LAMPS provides micro-credit loans specifically for starting small businesses and connects women with buyers through trade fairs and online platforms.

How does LAMPS help women access markets for their products?

LAMPS organizes workshops and training programs on marketing and branding to help women present their products effectively. They also facilitate participation in local and national trade fairs, providing a platform to showcase their products to a wider audience. Additionally, LAMPS supports listing products on online platforms to reach even more potential customers.

What measures are in place to ensure LAMPS runs effectively?

The scheme is overseen by State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) and the National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC). They regularly monitor and evaluate LAMPS activities to ensure transparency and accountability. Additionally, the scheme promotes community participation, with LAMPS members actively involved in decision-making processes.

How can we make LAMPS even more sustainable?

One key strategy is to focus on skill development, equipping women with skills that go beyond loan utilization and help them generate income in the long term. Additionally, encouraging diversification of income sources can reduce dependence on loans. Finally, building sustainable market linkages for continued product sales is crucial for long-term success.

What does LAMPS provide credit for?

LAMPS provides credit directly to tribal women for income-generating activities like those mentioned above. This empowers them to invest in their own businesses and livelihoods.

What is LAMPS in banking?

LAMPS itself is not a bank, but it works with financial institutions as intermediaries to disburse loans to tribal women.

What does LAMPS stand for in agriculture?

LAMPS doesn't have a specific meaning in agriculture, but it supports various agricultural activities through loans, subsidies, and market linkages.

What is the full form of LAMPS?

LAMPS stands for Large Area Multipurpose Societies.
Remember, this information is for general guidance only, and specific details may vary depending on state regulations and program specifics. Contact your local LAMPS society or State Channelising Agency for the most up-to-date information.

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