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Consultancy Agreement

Differences Between Consultancy Agreement and Service Agreement

Businesses use contracts when hiring outside help. Service agreements and consultancy agreements are two different types of contracts. They serve different purposes.

When businesses need to hire external service providers, they often use a contract to outline the terms and conditions of the work to be done. Two common types of contracts are Service Agreements and Consultancy Agreements. Although they are similar in many ways, there are some key differences between them. 

Service Agreement

  •  A Service Agreement is a contract between a service provider and a client.
  • The service provider can be an individual or a company offering a specific service. This includes website development, marketing services, or graphic design.
  • The Service Agreement includes details such as the scope of work, payment structure, deadlines, and other relevant terms and conditions.
  • The service provider is responsible for completing the work as specified in the contract.
  • The client has limited input into how the work is done or what methods are used.
  • The client is mainly concerned with the end result and whether it meets their requirements.

Consultancy Agreement

  •  A Consultancy Agreement is a contract between a consultant and a client.
  • The consultant is usually an expert in a specific field like finance, marketing, or human resources.
  • The agreement includes details like the scope of work, payment structure, deadlines, and relevant terms and conditions.
  • The consultant is responsible for providing expert advice and guidance to the client.
  • They may work with the client to develop strategies, policies, or procedures.
  • The client provides input into the final outcome.

 Things to Include in the Service Agreement

When drafting a Service Agreement, businesses should include details such as:

The scope of work:  What services will the service provider provide? 

What deliverables does the client expect?

The payment structure: How much will the service provider be paid and when?

The deadlines: When is the work expected to be completed?

Termination clause: How can either party terminate the agreement?

Confidentiality clause: How will confidential information be handled?

Intellectual property rights: Who owns the intellectual property rights to the work created?

Warranty and liability: What happens if the work is defective or causes damage?

Things to Include in Consultancy Agreement

When drafting a Consultancy Agreement, businesses should include details such as:

The scope of work: What consultancy services will be provided and what deliverables are expected?

The payment structure: How much will the consultant be paid and when?

The deadlines: When is the work expected to be completed?

Termination clause: How can either party terminate the agreement?

Confidentiality clause: How will confidential information be handled?

IP rights: Who owns the intellectual property rights to the work created?

Non-compete clause: Will the consultant be restricted from working with competitors?

Liability and indemnification: Who is responsible for any damages or losses incurred by the client as a result of the consultancy services?

Who Needs Consultancy Agreement and Who Needs Service Agreement? 

For expert advice or guidance:

  • Hire a consultant
  • Use a Consultancy Agreement
  • Examples: process improvement, product development, business expansion

For a specific service:

  • Hire a service provider
  • Use a Service Agreement
  • Examples: website development, marketing services, product packaging design

Why Should One Hire the Service Provider? 

Hiring a service provider can be beneficial for businesses for a number of reasons, including:

Access to specialised expertise:

Service providers are often experts in their field and have specialized knowledge and skills that businesses may not have in-house.


Hiring a service provider can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee, especially for short-term projects or one-time services.


Service providers can complete the work faster than in-house employees who may have other responsibilities.


Service providers can be hired on a project-by-project basis, allowing businesses to scale up or down as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the main difference between a Service Agreement and a Consultancy Agreement?

The main difference is that a Service Agreement is for a specific service to be provided by a service provider. A Consultancy Agreement is for the provision of expert advice and guidance by a consultant.

What should be included in a Service Agreement?

A Service Agreement should include details such as the scope of work, payment structure, deadlines, termination clause, confidentiality clause, intellectual property rights, warranty and liability.

Who should use a Consultancy Agreement?

Businesses that require expert advice or guidance in a particular field should use a Consultancy Agreement.


Here are a few points to conclude:

  • Businesses need contracts when hiring external service providers.
  • Service agreements and consultancy agreements are different types of contracts with varying purposes.
  • Consultancy agreements should include the same details but with a focus on expert advice and guidance.
  • Businesses that need expert advice or guidance should use a consultancy agreement.
  • Hiring a service provider is beneficial for businesses. It gives access to expertise, is cost-effective, time-saving, and flexible.

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