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Do I Need to Consult a Lawyer for My Trademark Renewal?

Check out this article for more information about whether or not an attorney is required to register a trademark and trademark renewal.

Trademark renewal and trademark registration is a complex process. Do you need an attorney to register your trademark? If so, what will they cost you? The short answer is yes. But the answer to those questions might depend on where you live and how sophisticated your attorney has to be to represent your best interests. This blog discusses about the need for a lawyer for trademark renewal.

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, it would be wise to contact an experienced attorney. Perhaps even an attorney who specializes in trademark law. Experienced attorney knows their stuff, but they can also make sure that your brand protection scheme fits within the confines of the law. 

What Is a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes your business from other businesses. Trademarks protect your business’s name, logo, and other unique features. They can also help you market your products or services to potential customers.

In addition to protecting your business’s name, trademarks can be used to protect your business’s image. For example, you can register a trademark for your business logo. This helps protect your business’s brand from being confused with other businesses’ logos.

Trademarks can also help you market your business. For example, you can register a trademark for your business’s logo if you want to sell products that are similar to the logo. This helps potential customers find your business when they’re looking for products that are similar to the logo.

Trademarks can also help you protect your business’s intellectual property. For example, you can register a trademark for your business’s logo if you want to protect the design of the logo from being copied by other businesses.

The Trademark name search tool at Vakilsearch lets you find the previously registered trademarks to avoid copyright infringement.

Who Is a Trademark Attorney?

A trademark attorney specializes in trademark laws, designs, and practices. They provide legal advice and assistance about trademark laws and other IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) laws in their practice. An expert in trademark laws who fights cases with their knowledge about the topic.

A trademark attorney must be registered to practice before the IPAB (Intellectual Property Appellate Board). A trademark attorney assists a trademark holder or potential trademark holder in every way possible by providing legal guidance. They also ensure that the trademark they are applying for does not infringe on the trademarks of others.

There is some debate over appointing an attorney to file for trademark registration. Still, if measured on a weighing scale, the side of hiring an attorney is much more likely to prevail. There is a possibility that a common man filing a trademark for the first time will not appoint an attorney, especially when all the laws and rules are properly outlined for the filing of a trademark. 

Anyone who wants to register a trademark can do so themselves. When considering practical applicability, hiring an attorney will ease the process of registering a trademark.

 In order to register a trademark, certain procedures must be followed:

  • An application is filed.
  • A thorough search of all India’s trademark records is conducted.
  • The Trademark Office takes about two years to review or grant a trademark application and post it in the Trademark Journal.
  • Whenever a party claims a similar trademark, it will have to be settled by fighting a case and proving the originality of the trademark.
  • In the event that a case is won, the trademark will be granted by the court/office.

Why Should an Attorney Be Appointed?

  • Whenever there is an objection to a trademark, an attorney is the only one qualified to argue the case and resolve it so that registration is granted, making the appointment of an attorney critical.
  • Appointing an attorney always results in a positive outcome. Upon the death of the person who filed the trademark, the attorney can act as the deceased person’s legal heir with the consent of the deceased’s heir. 
  • If left to the attorney, there are tasks like renewing the trademark every decade that will save more time.
  • This way, he will take the burden off his client, and the client does not have to do every job themselves.

Trademark Agents: Who Are They?

Unlike a trademark attorney, a trademark agent is not a lawyer. In contrast, a trademark attorney has more knowledge, is a qualified lawyer, and practices law outside the IPAB Trademark Office, so they have the upper hand over the trademark agents. A person who is an attorney filing a trademark can avoid appointing a trademark attorney as they may be familiar with the laws in the field to file a trademark. It is not necessary to hire a trademark lawyer services


It is recommended that an expert trademark attorney be appointed who would be able to give legally sound opinions to a layperson who does not know the law. In addition to this, a trademark attorney can also provide legal knowledge following a consultation

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