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Caveat Petition

Consequence of Filing a Caveat Petition

In this article, we examine the role of Filing a caveat petition under the Civil Procedure Code and what effects it can have on a case.


When it comes to taking a matter to court, there are several detailed procedures that need to be followed and formalities that need to be completed before you have your day in court. These procedures have been laid out in the Civil Procedure Code. The purpose of these procedures and formalities is that it helps collect as much basic information about the case as possible. It also helps record the fundamental arguments of the parties involved. And last, but not the least, it standardises the way information is presented to the court. All of these help bring the judge up to speed with the case before the hearings begin, hence saving court time. Here Know about the  Consequence of Filing a Caveat Petition

These procedures and formalities are nothing but prescribed means in which a party to a case can say what they want to say. Some of these are mandatory and some are circumstantial. One such procedure for a party to say what they want to say to the court is filing a caveat petition.

Caveat in Latin literally means ‘beware’ or ‘make aware’. Caveat is a notice that is served by the aggrieved party. However, unlike other notices, which are served by one party to another, Caveat is served to the court. And another unique feature about the Caveat is that it does not initiate any sort of legal proceedings. So let us understand what is  a Caveat .

What Is a Caveat?

A caveat petition is filed by a person with the court when he or she is anticipating being named as a defendant in a case or suit that has been filed or is about to be filed and demands that he or she be notified of such a hearing so that he or she can be present at the hearing and be given a fair chance to speak in their defence at such hearing. In other words, the person filing the caveat, also known as the caveator, can demand that the court must notify him or her if he or she is named in a particular case or suit that could be filed or has already been filed and he or she wishes to exercise his or her right, as per natural law, to be present at the hearing of such a case and defend him or herself if needed. 

In the caveat petition, the caveator has to mention the following details:

  • Name and the details of the court where the petition is being filed
  • Case / Suit no. if the caveat is in reference to a case or suit that has already been filed.
  • If the case or suit has not yet been filed, then a brief description along with basic details of the case or suit that the caveator is anticipating
  • Name of the person filing the caveat petition (the caveator)
  • Name of the person who is the caveator is expecting to file a case or a suit
  • Address of the caveator where the court can notify the caveator of the anticipated proceedings
  • Address of the other party where a notice of the caveat has been sent.

Effects of Filing a Caveat

Once a caveat is filed and the caveat notification has been sent to the party against whom the caveat petition is filed, the responsibility is shifted to the court. The court has to keep track for a period of ninety days if the caveator is indeed named in the case or suit as anticipated by him or her. If the caveat is regarding a matter that is sub-judice at the time of filing the caveat, then the court keeps track of that particular case with regard to the caveat and shall notify the caveator if what he or she has anticipated in the caveat materialises. The notification of the caveat will also contain the date of the next hearing so that the caveator can be present at the hearing and defend themselves if they find it necessary. Any order passed without notifying the caveator will be considered invalid and null. The caveat is valid for a period of 90 days from the date of filing the petition. The benefits of filing a caveat are as follows:

  • It enforces the caveator’s fundamental right to be heard. The right to be heard is a very integral part of a defendant’s rights under the provisions of natural justice.
  • A caveat acts as a warning mechanism for both parties involved. The person against whom the caveat is filed is notified that the caveator is aware of his or her intentions to file a case and is prepared to take the matter to court and the caveator is notified when he or she is named so that he or she has ample warning to prepare for the hearing
  • No ex-parte injunction can be filed against a caveat once the application has been submitted. Under no circumstance can anyone be restrained from enforcing a caveat in court.
  • A caveat also saves time on a lot of procedures. If a person does not file a caveat then the process gets very lengthy. When a person files a case or an application against another person and that person has not filed a caveat, then once the application has been made, the court will send a notice to the other party giving them thirty days to respond in writing. The other party then takes time to understand the case and prepare to respond. He or she has to respond to the notice in a prescribed format or file a counterclaim with separate paperwork. All of this is avoided the moment a caveat is filed.
  • The caveator is kept notified of the proceedings of the case / suit right until the end of the case.
  • Any action demanded by the applicant or plaintiff of the case cannot be granted by the court, even on a temporary basis, without first hearing the caveator’s side.

Over Come the Effects of Filing a Caveat

1.Filing a caveat petition may have consequences that could potentially impact your legal case.
2.The effects of filing a caveat can be overcome by taking appropriate legal measures.
3.Seeking professional legal advice is crucial to minimize the negative effects of filing a caveat petition.
4.Understanding the legal ramifications of filing a caveat can help you better prepare for potential consequences.
5.With the right legal strategy, it is possible to overcome the effects of filing a caveat and achieve a favorable outcome in your case.


The procedures of the civil procedures code can be tedious and complicated. Also, given that there are prescribed formats for the procedures, they may require a certain degree of legal knowledge to execute. And if there is any mistake in the paperwork, the court will not accept the case, causing further delays in the matter. So when it comes to matters dealing with legal paperwork, it is always better to seek guidance from a legal expert who will ensure that everything is done as per prescribed procedure. If you are looking for a legal expert to handle a legal matter or for any kind of legal guidance and advice, contact vakilsearch. We will ensure that you get the right kind of legal help from our large network of legal experts and professionals.

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