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How Do You Check if a Company Is Real or Fake? 8 Tips

Avoid Scams, Discover reliable methods to determine if a company is genuine or a scam. Protect your interests with our comprehensive guide. Know experts tips.

In today’s digital age, the convenience of online transactions comes with the increased risk of encountering fake or fraudulent companies. Scams can happen to anyone, and it’s essential to know how to distinguish between a legitimate business and a potentially harmful one. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide you with step-by-step guidance on how do you check if a company is real or fake?, whether you’re a consumer, investor, or job seeker.

The Need to Detect Fake Companies

In an era of online commerce, it’s effortless to make purchases with just a click. However, this convenience also opens the door to illegal businesses that may misuse your personal information. A seemingly legitimate company can quickly turn out to be a scam. To safeguard yourself, it’s crucial to know how to differentiate between real and fake businesses and here are 8 tips that can help you:

  • Tip 1: Verify Contact Details

The first step in confirming a company’s legitimacy is to check its contact information on their official website. According to Company information India, it’s mandatory to verify essential offline details such as the company’s telephone number and physical address.

  • Tip 2: Check Registration on the MCA Website

In India, legitimate companies must register with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). The MCA website serves as a government-regulated online portal containing information about all incorporated companies in India. You can find the registration number,  PVT limited company registration type, date of incorporation, and more on this platform.

  • Tip 3: Scrutinise the Company’s Website

Even if a company has a website, delve deeper into its address and contact number. Every legitimate website typically has a ‘contact’ page, providing contact details. Call the provided number and cross-verify it on Google Maps to ensure it’s a genuine office and not a fraudulent one. However, remember that phone numbers can be faked, so don’t rely solely on this aspect.

  • Tip 4: Watch for Spelling and Grammar Errors

Meticulously examine the content on the company’s website. Poorly constructed sentences and spelling mistakes are red flags. Inaccurate language usage indicates potential issues, prompting you to investigate further before making a decision.

  • Tip 5: Analyse the Privacy Policy

Reviewing a company’s privacy policy can reveal its legitimacy. Look for information about the company’s history, operation duration, and any suspicious content. The privacy policy may also disclose the registered business address, which you can verify on the MCA website.

  • Tip 6: Consider Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Customer feedback and reviews provide valuable insights into a company’s reputation. Reading multiple reviews gives you a comprehensive overview and helps you assess the company’s credibility.

  • Tip 7: Evaluate Payment Methods

If you find the company registration page, pay attention to the payment methods. Legitimate companies should accept payments through secure and reliable channels, not through questionable methods like paper checks or cash. Ensure you have recourse to recover your money if things go awry.

  • Tip 8: Evaluate EIN Status

To verify a company’s legitimacy, check its Employer Identification Number (EIN), a nine-digit identifier used by the IRS for tax purposes. Most businesses, including some small ones without employees, have an EIN. You can search for a company using its EIN on websites like EIN Finder. If a company claims not to have an EIN, inquire further. Additionally, you can cross-reference businesses with their state tax numbers to confirm their authenticity.

Additional Expert Tips:

  • Look for signs of fraud on the company’s website, such as stock photos and poorly worded policy pages
  • Check if the company is registered with relevant trade organisations
  • Seek advice from friends and family who may have experience with the company
  • Check online through  Better Business Bureau’s search page.


Vakilsearch experts emphasise the importance of due diligence when dealing with companies. Verifying their legitimacy can protect you from potential scams and frauds. Always remember that a thorough background check is a small price to pay for your peace of mind and security.

The methods mentioned above are valuable tools to assess a business’s legitimacy. However, always trust your instincts. If something feels off about a company, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Protecting yourself from fake companies is an essential step towards ensuring your safety and financial security.

Incorporate these tips into your due diligence process to check if a company Is Real or Fake effectively. Remember, taking the time to verify a company’s legitimacy is an investment in your security and peace of mind. Whether you’re a consumer, investor, or job seeker, these steps will help you make informed decisions and protect yourself from scams. For legal services related to company verification and more, consider Vakilsearch as your trusted partner in safeguarding your interests.


How do you prove a company’s Legitimacy?

To prove a company's legitimacy, you can request its registration documents, check for a valid physical address, and verify its financial records and reputation through official sources.

How do I find information on a company?

You can find information on a company by searching online business directories, accessing the company's website, reviewing financial reports, or using government databases and business intelligence services.

How do you check if a company is legally registered in the US?

In the United States, you can check if a company is legally registered by searching for it in the Secretary of State's database for the specific state where the company is incorporated.

How do we know if a company could be bogus?

A company could be considered bogus if it lacks a physical address, has incomplete or inconsistent registration details, or if it makes unrealistic promises without a credible track record.

How can I check if a company is real in India?

To check if a company is real in India, you can verify its registration with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) through the MCA website or consult a professional service for company verification.

How can I detect a fake company?

To detect a fake company, check its official registration details, look for reviews and complaints online, and verify its contact information. Also, visit the company's physical address if possible.

How can I verify a company?

You can verify a company by checking its registration details with government databases, reviewing its financial statements, and researching its reputation through customer reviews and business directories.

How to check if a company exists or not?

To check if a company exists, search for it on official business registration websites, such as the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) in India, or use business directories and verification services.

How do I find a real company?

To find a real company, verify its registration with official government databases, check its physical address, and look for credible reviews and testimonials from reliable sources.

How to check fake companies' lists?

Check lists of fake companies on government regulatory websites, consumer protection forums, and industry watchdog sites. These sources often publish warnings and updates about fraudulent businesses.

Is there an app to detect fake?

Yes, there are apps designed to detect fake businesses by verifying their registration and credentials. Examples include Dun & Bradstreet's D-U-N-S Number app and government e-governance apps.

How to check PVT Ltd company details?

To check details of a PVT Ltd company, visit the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website, search for the company using its CIN (Corporate Identification Number), and review its filings and registration status.

How do you prove a company?

You can prove a company by obtaining its registration certificate, verifying its details with government records, and reviewing its legal and financial documents for authenticity.

Is MCA Gov in jobs real or fake?

Check the legitimacy of MCA Gov jobs by visiting the official MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) website and verifying job listings directly from their career or recruitment section.


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