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Import Export Code

Can I Apply for PR with IEC?

Discover the significance of possessing an Import Export Code (IEC) in the context of Permanent Residency (PR) applications. Vakilsearch can assist in navigating this intricate process.

In the world of international commerce, the Import Export Code (IEC) plays a pivotal role, acting as a license that authorises individuals or entities to engage in cross-border trade activities. But does possessing an IEC influence the possibility of obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) in a foreign country? This blog delves into the interconnection between having an IEC and pursuing Permanent Residency, shedding light on its significance, and apply for PR with IEC, potential advantages, challenges, and specific cases where IEC might impact PR eligibility. 

Understanding the Link Between IEC and Permanent Residency

The Import Export Code (IEC) is a unique 10-digit number issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), a department functioning under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. It is essential for any individual or business entity wanting to engage in the import or export of goods and services.

Permanent Residency (PR), on the other hand, allows foreign nationals to reside in a host country for an indefinite period. PR holders often enjoy benefits such as work and travel rights, access to public services, and, in some cases, a pathway to citizenship.

The connection between IEC and PR may not be direct, but possessing an IEC can significantly impact your PR application in certain situations.

Significance of IEC in PR Applications – Apply for PR with IEC

Demonstration of Economic Activity

An IEC showcases your active involvement in international trade, implying a degree of economic activity and financial stability. Many countries view applicants with economic engagement positively, considering them potential contributors to the host nation’s economy.

Enhanced Business Credibility

Holding an IEC reflects a legitimate business intent and credibility, aspects that can strengthen your case during the PR application process. It portrays your ability to engage in lawful trade, adding a layer of trust to your profile.

Skillset and Expertise

In specific immigration programs, having an IEC can demonstrate your expertise and experience in international trade. This can be a favourable factor, especially if the country you’re applying to has a demand for individuals with your skillset.

Apply for IEC Code Online

Potential Advantages of IEC in PR Applications

Favourable Points System

Some countries operate on a points-based immigration system where certain qualifications, skills, or attributes earn you points. Possessing an IEC might earn you additional points, enhancing your overall eligibility for PR.

Business or Investor Immigration Programs

Certain countries offer PR pathways for investors or entrepreneurs. Having an IEC can fulfil the prerequisite of being involved in international trade, aligning with the objectives of such immigration programs.

Evidence of Financial Stability

An IEC reflects financial stability, which is often a crucial aspect of PR applications. Financial stability is indicative of your ability to settle in the host country without requiring immediate financial assistance.

Challenges of Apply for PR with IEC

Relevance to Specific PR Programs

Not all PR programs consider an IEC as a relevant or significant factor. Depending on the country and the nature of the PR program, the relevance of an IEC may vary.

Comprehensive Assessment

PR applications involve a holistic evaluation of various aspects, including education, work experience, language proficiency, and more. While an IEC can be beneficial, it may not compensate for deficiencies in other areas.

Specific Cases and Countries – Apply for PR with IEC


Canada, known for its Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), factors in a candidate’s skills, experience, and adaptability. While having an IEC may not directly grant points, the experience gained through international trade could contribute to CRS points.


Australia offers a Business Innovation and Investment (BIIP) program, targeting investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Having an IEC may demonstrate business intent and experience, aligning with the goals of this program.


While possessing an Import Export Code (IEC) is not a direct ticket to obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) in a foreign country, it undeniably holds significance in certain contexts. The IEC showcases economic activity, credibility, and a skillset that can bolster your PR application. However, its impact varies based on the immigration policies and requirements of the host country. Understanding the specific immigration programs, their prerequisites, and how an IEC aligns with them is crucial in navigating this intricate process. Vakilsearch, a reputable legal services provider, can guide you through this process, helping you understand how your IEC fits into your PR journey. It’s advisable to consult immigration experts or legal professionals like us to determine the best approach for your PR journey while considering the role of your IEC.

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