USA Trademark
How Long Does the US Trademark Last?
The US Trademark Act of 1946 requires the applicant to file an application…
USA Trademark
What Cannot Be Trademarked in the USA?
Overview Trademark is an important legal concept that allows individuals and businesses to…
Patent Infringement
Patent Infringement Lawsuit: Everything You Need To Know
Intellectual Property (IP) rights have gained considerable import in the contemporary age of…
USA Trademark
US Trademark Search by Class
A trademark or brand name is the torchbearer of a business. A trademark…
USA Trademark
Can You Register Trademarks in Different Languages in the USA?
A trademark is a distinct symbol, phrase, word, or a combination of words,…
Patent Infringement
Patent Infringement Case Study in India
Patent infringement concerning a patented innovation without prior consent from the patent holder…
USA Trademark
US Trademark Registration, Search, and Renewal – USPTO
Overview: A trademark is a distinctive sign used by an individual or company…
Trademark Infringement
How to Win a Trademark Infringement Case
Trademark infringement cases are common due to several grey areas in the interpretation…
USA Trademark
US Trademark Registration : All you need to know
Your brand’s identity may be captured by a symbol, word, number, or even…
Trademark Infringement
Remedies Available for Trademark Infringement
A trademark is any unique word, logo, symbol or combination of words, symbols,…