Trademark Registration Trademark Registration

Assignment of Trademark without Consideration

Learn in detail the concept of assignment of the trademark without consideration, which refers to valuable consideration like any monetary payment.

Assignment of a trademark (a symbol, word, number, or combination of colours can be used) is an act of the transfer of ownership of a trademark from one party to another, with or without the goodwill of the business. This can be a valuable business asset, as trademarks can be used to identify and distinguish a company’s goods or services from those of its competitors. The owner of the trademark, known as the assignor, transfers the rights to use the trademark to the new owner, known as the assignee. Trademark assignment is a legally binding process and requires a written agreement between the assignor and assignee.

However, it is essential to understand that the transfer of a trademark must be done properly in order to be valid. So, you should be cautious in doing so. Vakilsearch will be the best reliable service that you can opt for to do the trademark assignment with ease. Yes, all the necessary paperwork is carried out here by experts to facilitate a smooth and efficient process. Hence, you can be assured of a valid assignment of the trademark. Also, if you are keen on knowing the process of trademark registration or trademark assignment, please visit Vakilsearch.

Ways of Assignment of the Trademark:

Here are the ways of assignment of the trademark:

  • In a complete assignment, all rights, including royalties and the ability to further transfer the rights, are transferred 
  • A partial assignment involves the transfer of ownership of specific products or services 
  • An assignment with goodwill involves the transfer of a trademark along with all the rights and value associated with it 
  • An assignment without goodwill involves the transfer of a trademark for use in a manner other than its original purpose.

A Valid Assignment of the Trademark:

For an assignment of a trademark to be considered valid, it must be documented in writing and signed by the party transferring the trademark. This requirement is in place to provide a clear record of the transfer and to ensure that both parties understand and agree to the terms of the assignment. The written assignment should also include details about the specific trademark or trademarks being transferred, as well as any related intellectual property rights. This helps to ensure that the transfer is complete and unambiguous.

It’s important to keep in mind that a trademark assignment must involve the exchange of something of value in order for it to be legally binding. This exchange, known as legal consideration, can take the form of a monetary payment or the transfer of other intellectual property rights, or the assumption of liabilities. Without legal consideration, the trademark assignment would not be considered valid. 

Under the TradeMarks Act, the assignor must have the legal authority to assign a trademark and must provide proof of receipt of any payment received for the assignment. The assignor must also submit an affidavit to the Trade Marks Office stating that the trademark has no outstanding claims or legal issues associated with it.

Assignment of the Trademark without Consideration:

Actually speaking, the concept of assignment of the trademark without consideration refers to the transfer of a trademark without receiving any kind of monetary payment or any other valuable consideration that is being given in exchange as mentioned above.

An assignment of the trademark without consideration, on the other hand, refers to a transfer of a trademark that is not made for any legal consideration. This means that no payment or other valuable consideration is given in exchange for the transfer of the trademark. As a result, such a trademark assignment may not be legally binding and may not be recognised by the courts. 

Reasons for Assigning a Trademark without Consideration:

There are a few different reasons why a party might attempt to assign a trademark without consideration. It can be as follows:

  • Giving the trademark as a token of love or gift to a family member or friend
  • Transferring the trademark to a charitable organization or non-profit organisation for a good cause
  • Assigning the trademark to a company or entity that the owner has a personal or professional relationship with, and wants to render a supporting hand
  • Selling the trademark to a buyer who is willing to assume all liabilities associated with the trademark, and therefore does not require any additional consideration.

Note: Even in such cases where a trademark is assigned without consideration, the assignment must still be made in writing and signed by the party transferring the trademark in order to be legally binding. 

Is the Assignment of the Trademark without Consideration Legal?

It is important to understand that an assignment of the trademark without consideration may not be enforceable in the eyes of the law. This means that the party receiving the trademark may not have any legal rights to use it, and the original owner may be able to reclaim the trademark. For example, with respect to a case like this wherein a trademark was assigned without consideration, the Delhi High Court has stated that the assignor does not have the right to violate the same trademark that he has assigned even if he has not received payment in exchange for doing so, as long as the entry has not been deleted from the Trademark Register by the proper authorities.

So, in order to avoid any such potential legal issues that arise out of it, it is important to ensure that all trademark assignments are made properly and for legal consideration. This may involve negotiating the terms of the transfer and specifying any payment or other valuable consideration that is being given in exchange for the trademark. 


Thus, in simple words, an assignment of the trademark without consideration is a transfer of a trademark that is not made for any legal consideration. While you may wish to transfer a trademark as a token of your love or gift or as part of a business deal without expecting anything in return, it is important to understand that such an assignment may not be legally valid and may not be recognized by the courts. To ensure that a trademark assignment is valid and enforceable, it is essential to make sure that it is done properly and for legal consideration. Vakilsearch will help you in the assignment of a trademark at a very affordable price. So, just visit the website and avail of the service to get your trademark assigned.


About the Author

Sanjay, Contract and Policy Specialist at Vakilsearch, excels in drafting and managing contracts and policies with a focus on compliance and risk reduction. With years of experience in legal contract management and policy formulation, he ensures businesses operate with enforceable agreements aligned with legal standards, fostering operational confidence and growth.

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