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Rules of Marital Support In India: Legal Issues And Solutions

There are a lot of legal issues and solutions associated with rules of Marital support In India. If you are looking for the best information based on the same, ensure you are reading this blog.

Alimony seems old-fashioned, but it is still very relevant to many couples. It can be a complex area of the divorce process, but it can also be relatively simple if you know where to start. You Can Know more about the rules of Marital support In India!

Alimony laws in India are a concept that few people know about, but if you’re getting divorced, it’s essential to know as much as possible about this area.

Marital support, or Alimony as it is known in the common parlance of India, is a contract that provides periodic payments to a spouse who has separated from the other. It is meant to provide financial support to the counterpart spouses during and after the divorce proceedings.

How Works Under Indian Law?

Marital support is a form of financial support received by one person from another, usually in exchange for bearing the expenses of their former spouse and perhaps also supporting their children. The law governing Marital support in India is governed by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (HMA), which sets out the conditions under which Marital support may be granted and the circumstances for it to be terminated.

The Hindu Marriage Law and Its Provisions

The HMA provides that a person living apart from their partner for at least two years may claim alimony support from their partner if they have sufficient means to meet their needs without the need to depend on other sources and if no children are living with them. They are not dependent on them financially.

In addition to these requirements, certain other criteria must be met before an award of Rules of Marital support In India can be made:

  • The court must be convinced that there is a reasonable prospect that either party will continue to support themselves without requiring any assistance from the other party;
  • That there is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation between the parties;
  • That other alternatives have been taken into account; and
  • That such an award would not impose an unreasonable burden.

Rules of Marital SupportIn India: Calculation

The law does not provide any specific formula for calculating Alimony support, but it can be in the form of a fixed sum per month or even per week. It may also take the form of property settlement.

However, some factors are taken into consideration while deciding on Marital support:

  • The duration of the marriage,
  • Standard of living enjoyed by both spouses during their marriage,
  • Custody arrangement between both parties (if any).

Types of Marital Support Available to Indian Citizens

A husband is entitled to Marital support and maintenance if he cannot earn a livelihood independently. The court may order an ex-wife to pay Marital support or alimony to her husband if she cannot maintain herself and her dependents.

Rules of Marital support In India is an arrear of income by the wife, which can be calculated based on her earning capacity at the time of divorce. A wife is also entitled to get some additional amount from her husband for the maintenance of children.

There are two types of Marital support available under Indian law:

  1. Temporary Marital Support: This is payable for a fixed period or until the death of either party, whichever comes earlier. This Alimony depends on the duration of the marriage and the financial condition of both parties at the time of divorce.
  2. Permanent Marital Support: This is payable permanently and will continue till death or remarriage, whichever occurs first. While this usually means lower installments, in the long run, this ends up being one of the biggest expenses of your life. The Rules of Marital Support in India and Legal Issues need to be resolved after divorce filing.

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How Can You Avoid Paying Marital Support in India?

The Indian family law system has a unique way of dealing with Marital support. In India, when a couple separates, the woman gets maintenance for her and her children. This is called “Marital support” or “Alimony”.

The question often arises: how can one avoid paying Marital support in India?

Here are a few ways to avoid paying Marital support in India:

  1. You can file for divorce before you get married. This will stop your spouse from getting any Divorce maintenance from you.
  2. You can claim that your spouse makes more money than you do so that they do not qualify for maintenance under Section 35(1)(b) of the Family Courts Act, 1984 (FCA). But this will be difficult because many people do not know that their spouses make more money than they do.
  3. If you have been asked to pay Marital support by your spouse, but have no income, then it may still be possible for you to avoid paying it. You can apply to Section 25 of the Indian Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2005 (MPA), arguing that you do not have an income or assets at all and hence, should not be held responsible for paying maintenance money.
  4. You can try negotiating with your ex-spouse and ask them to agree to lower Marital support payments or even stop them completely. If your ex-spouse agrees, you don’t need to pay anything. This, however, is both one of the least successful and one of the least popular methods.
  5. In some states, Marital support is generally not required when the receiving spouse starts living with a new partner or significant other. It may be available to both parties during separation but not beyond that. 

The amount of Marital support also depends on how long each party must provide it. For example, if one party must pay Marital support for five years and the other for only three, the shorter period will be more expensive.

Why Do You Need A Marital Support Lawyer?

There are many reasons why you need a Marital support lawyer to deal with your legal Marital support issues.

  • Knowing Your Rights When It Comes to Marital Support

The first is that some people do not think of themselves as having financial problems, but they might want to get rid of their spouses before they have any children together. So, you must know what your rights and legal issues with Marital support in India are when it comes to Rules of Marital support In India.

  • Protecting the Assets You Need

Another reason for hiring a Marital support lawyer is if a person has a lot of assets and debts, such as property or other assets. If a person with assets needs them for their benefit, then it would be best to ask for an order from the court to do this. This way, the person will not have any debt or other liability left over after they die or divorce.

  • Ensuring Your Assets Aren’t Awarded to Your Ex-Partner

If a person does not want their ex-spouse to have access to their assets after they die or divorce, they should also contact an attorney to ensure this does not happen. These things must be handled correctly so everyone involved can sleep better at night, knowing everything is dealt with appropriately on both sides of the equation.


Marital support laws have evolved in India over the last few decades. Many changes have been introduced to put Marital support recipients on par with payers, and several landmark judgments have reshaped how we deal with Alimony payments. A Marital support lawyer should help you address any problems that might come through a Marital settlement.

Finding an Alimony lawyer, however, is easier said than done. In a setting where fees vary drastically from lawyer to lawyer, you’re better off using a company directory like VakilSearch to find the right Marital support representation lawyer. Not only does VakilSearch help you get the best rate, but you also get access to reviews to get an idea of their efficiency!

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