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Which Category Does Bad Debt Fall Under?

If you want to know about bad debt recovery this article is for you. Read on to know all about bad debt and how you can handle such a situation.

Good debt is money owed to you by your customers for goods or services. This can include payments on time and partial payments on invoices. You need to know how much good debt exists so that you can make sure that your cash flow remains healthy and that there are enough funds available to pay suppliers and employees when they are paid. 

Bad debt is the amount of money that a customer owes you for goods or services. It may be due to an error in the purchase, such as a product not being what was ordered, or it could be because of some type of fraud. If you are caught up in bad debt, Read this article to know about Bad Debt Recovery.  

What Is Bad Debt?

Bad debt is the amount of money that a person owes to another person or company. It can be for any reason and it can also be large amounts of money.

Bad debt is a loan that has been written off as uncollectable. It can be the result of bad business decisions, or due to poor management and financial planning. Bad debt is also known as “uncollected” or “deficiency” accounts. The term arises from the fact that the bank cannot collect on these debts because it has already written them off.

There are several reasons why you may end up with bad debts on your books: poor business decisions, fraud or theft of assets, bankruptcy and so on. It could be because of poor management practices by the company itself or due to external factors like recession etc. 

If your company is suffering from bad debt and the business profits are being affected significantly then you should definitely contact Vakilsearch for its bad debt recovery service. Their team of experts will help you throughout the entire process and guide you so that you recover the money as soon as possible.

The Impact of Bad Debt on Businesses

Bad debt is a type of debt that has been written off by the debtor. This means that it has no value and cannot be sold or used to pay for something else. Bad debt can also refer to debts which have been written off by the creditor but are still considered bad because they were not paid back in full.

It is very important that businesses stay away from bad debts as they have many negative impacts on business revenues. Here are some of the bad impacts of bad debts on businesses: 

  • Irregular payments from clients can result in poor cash flow for the company or business. This way bad debts affect the financial stability of the business.
  • If a business is in bad debt, its profitability decreases. The main concern of the company shifts from company growth to paying off debts and interest payments.
  • Bad debts can increase the pressure on the sales and marketing teams because of the poor cash flow and the low Profitability rate of the company.

Here are some ways in which the company can avoid bad debts: 

  • It is important that businesses check their clients’ credit scores before deciding to work with them. A background check would help the business make a well-informed decision about whether or not they want to work with a particular client.
  • It is important to have a proper credit control strategy and a team that is sincerely dedicated to it. This team will ensure that steam will understand all the credit-related financial issues and resolve them effectively.
  • You can even take help from bad bad debt protection services which are available online. Most of these services are 100% safe and they chase the bad debts for your business. They will help you collect bad debts from your partners and help your company.

How To Recover A Bad Debt?

Bad debt recoveryis crucial for your business and its growth. If you work with people who are regular defaulters and are not ready to pay their debts, you can take legal action against them. A money recovery suit is a procedure to get money back from the debtors under the Civil Procedure Code.

There are different ways to collect money from the violets but it starts from one basic step which is falling a plate. This complete includes some basic information about the debt and the debtor. Some of the information present in the complaint includes:

  • Information address and description of the applicant.
  • Information about the respondent which includes their name and address etc.
  • The reason for the complaint and the relief that is sought in the court.

After filing the complaint the company has options in which they want to receive the net payments. We can send a legal notice to the violator. The person or company at fault is supposed to pay the death within 15 days after they receive the legal notice. Another way is to file a case in court. Indian Penal Code allows the company to file a criminal case against the bankrupt to recover the money that is due.

If you want to recover your bad debt as a company or an organization you can contact the expert team at Vakilsearch. Their team of lawyers is experienced in various fields. They will help you with the first draft of the notice and in the further procedure. You should know that if you have an effective Legal Team by your side it is easier to recover the money.

How to Record Bad Debts

To record bad debt, the following steps are taken:

  • Debit entry: A debit entry is made to the bad debt expense account.
  • Credit entry: An offsetting credit entry is made to a contra asset account, known as the allowance for doubtful accounts.
  • Netting against total AR: The allowance for doubtful accounts is deducted from the total accounts receivable (AR) presented on the balance sheet. This adjustment reflects only the estimated collectible amount. The allowance for doubtful accounts accumulates over multiple accounting periods and may be adjusted based on the account balance.
  • Bad debt recovery: If payments are later received for previously written-off bad debts, they are recorded as bad debt recovery.


What is Bad Debt in Accounting?

Bad debt refers to the debt that can be declared as uncollectible by both companies and individuals who are owed the money.

What is Bad Debt Considered?

Considering bad debt as a regular aspect of conducting business, especially when providing credit to customers or clients, companies should make an annual estimation of the total bad debt. This estimation aids in budgeting for the year and accounting for receivables that are unlikely to be collected.

What Type of Asset is Bad Debt?

Bad debt is categorised as a contra asset, functioning to decrease the value of a business's accounts receivable.


Bad debt is a term used to describe an unpaid loan or credit card bill. The bad debt can be in the form of a loan, credit card bill, overdrafts and other forms of unsecured loans. It is important to note that while there are many types of bad debts, they all have one thing in common; they are not paid back.

Bad debt recovery can be complicated but the team of lawyers at vakilsearch will help you draft a notice to get your money back from the borrowers. Then you can form the first draft of the notice and make the recovery process easy & hassle-free for you.

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About the Author

Vignesh R., a Property Legal Consultant at Vakilsearch, holds a B.A. LL.B. degree. He specialises in services such as Sale Deeds, Property Registration, Property Document Verification, Relinquishment Deeds, and Rent and Lease Agreements.

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