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United States Law Regarding Custody of Children

In this blog, we'll discuss the child custody laws of the United States. To learn more about US custody rights, keep reading on!

Child custody laws in the US differ from state to state. Yet this thing never changes: children deserve to grow up in a joyful, healthy, and secure environment.

Child custody is one of our areas of expertise in the field of family law, and we handle it carefully to ensure your children receive the most favorable results.

Types of Child Custody:

Physical custody

When a parent or guardian is granted physical custody, they are allowed to care for and provide for the child at their home. The minor kid is typically given sole legal and physical custody to one parent, with certain visitation rights for the other parent. 

But in recent years, it has become more common for courts to grant parents some form of joint physical custody. The intention in those situations is for the minor children to spend roughly equal amounts of time with each parent.

Legal custody

Legal custody is the right of a parent or legal guardian to take part in vital choices affecting the child’s upbringing and development, such as the child’s educational, religious, and health care needs as well as their discipline and extracurricular participation. 

In family law courts across the nation, it is generally preferred to support and promote both parents’ ongoing participation in and engagement with the child’s life. In light of this, dual legal custody is generally advised by courts.

In this blog, we will discuss laws pertaining to custody of children in the US.

Child Custody Law in US

To decide what is best, the majority of parents consult a family law professional. The following stage can be a trial if the parents or guardians are not in agreement. 

No parent benefits more or less from the legislation. A parenting plan, which you should prepare before speaking with the judge, is often granted after taking into account each parent’s contribution to the child’s life.

In many cases, one parent is granted sole custody, with the other parent allowed to visit. If both parents can adequately care for the child, joint custody is also a possibility.

Moving to a different area of town or to a different state might make things more difficult and may necessitate that a child switch schools. 

You can consult a lawyer to discuss how to divide holidays and vacation time with the other parent as well as which school is best for your child.

Some FAQs Regarding Child Custody in US 

Who has child custody when the parents are not married in Washington State?

Until a paternity test is performed and a court order is in place, the mother will be granted custody.

How can one win a custody case in Washington State? 

In a custody of children dispute, being able to prove that you have the resources to support the child and maintain a secure home environment can be helpful.

For more information you can contact Vakilsearch professionals they will answer all your questions.

When to Retain a Child Custody Attorney

Anyone seeking to file for custody or change an existing parenting plan should see a family law/child custody attorney. Finding competent legal counsel is also essential if you are going through a divorce or legal separation because they may outline each parent’s rights with regard to the kids.

It can take a while to resolve child custody disputes. In order to present your case in the best possible light to the court, a child custody attorney can ensure that no stages are overlooked during the filing process.

Whereas in India laws pertaining to custody of children are bit different than United states,

Click here to know more about how to apply for divorce

Child Custody in India

Legal custody of the child is vested in both parents. Thus, the mother is granted visitation rights as well as the right to nurture and care for the child. However, he is not entitled to visitation. To raise and take care of his children, the father has equal rights.

The suitability of either parent to raise the child is not a factor in the court’s decision about custody. The decision would be tied between the two parents in this situation. Because women are seen as the weaker gender by society, a custody system has developed. 

They prefer to grant mothers legal rights over children because they think mothers should be raising kids while husbands should be out working and supporting them financially.

How Custody of Children Works in India

The Indian legal system is reluctant to decide on matters involving child welfare and child custody. The laws governing child custody vary from state to state in India because it is a national issue. Joint custody is more popular in India than sole custody.

Child custody can be shared or not shared; it is not required that both parents share custody. If the parents are unable to agree on joint or sole guardianship, the court will decide who will have complete custody of the kid. 

If the parents are unable to reach an agreement, the court will typically ask both of them what they want.

Laws Governing Child Custody in India

India has several laws to address social problems because there are people from many different communities. The national laws occasionally conflict with individual laws in particular circumstances.

Following a divorce or separation of the parents, the child’s custody is governed by a number of different laws:

Hindu law’s custody rights: 

Hindu law regulates marriage and divorce. The transfer of custody rights upon divorce is governed by the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act of 1956, the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, and the Special Marriage Act of 1954

Custody of child under Muslim law: 

According to Muslim law, a child’s mother has natural custody of him or her up to the age of seven, at which point the father takes over as guardian. The age restriction is set at seven since puberty and becoming a major occurs around the same time.

Custody of child under Christian law:

Section 41 of the Divorce Act of 1869 governs a child’s custody rights after the divorce of a Christian parent. The welfare of the child is crucial since the parents must demonstrate that they are capable of raising the child. The court may refuse custody if it is unsatisfied with the parents’ capacity.

Custody under Parsi law

The Guardians and Wards Act of 1890 sets the rules for custody. The Act has numerous legislative provisions to guarantee children’s welfare.


Despite having differing child custody laws, there is one similarity between India and the US, such as their concern of children’s welfare.

When parents split up, one of the most delicate and difficult issues is who gets custody of children. As you can see, court decisions mostly decide how custody is provided. With decades of experience, Vakilsearch professionals can be the best choice for you in every legal matter.

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