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Caveat Petition

How to Apply for a Caveat Petition In India?

In this article we take a look at the procedure for filing a caveat petition.


The procedures laid down for various judicial matters may appear to be tedious and may not make straightforward sense. But when you  take into consideration the number of cases that are filed for a plethora of reasons by people from diverse backgrounds, then you can acknowledge the chaos that can ensue if uniformity is not maintained. And it is even more strenuous when it comes to civic cases. Because unlike criminal cases, where facts and evidence reign supreme, civic cases involve disputes between two or more parties. And arguments are given as much weightage as evidence. Where can I file a caveat petition? When the Caveator expects legal actions to be launched against him in the near future, he may file a petition for a caveat in any Civil Court of original jurisdiction, Appellate Court, High Court, or Supreme Court. Learn More about the How to Apply for a Caveat Petition In India .

The time, effort and cost involved in such matters can be unfathomable if there aren’t standard operating procedures. Hence, these procedures are laid down taking a very diverse range of circumstances into consideration. Caveat Petition And hence they may not always make sense to a person in a specific circumstance unless he is able to see it as broadly as the courts see it. And one way to look at it as the court sees it, is to see it through the lens of the principles of natural justice. Because when anything that is laid out in the Civil Procedure Code is boiled down to the intent, it will come to be seen that they are in place to serve the principles of natural justice, directly or indirectly.

One such provision of the CPC that directly serves the principles of natural justice is called the ‘caveat petition.’ The right to be heard is one of the three principles of natural justice. ‘Audi alteram partem’ is a legal maxim that defines the function of a caveat precisely. It means ‘listen to the other party’. Let us understand how a caveat reinforces the principle of natural justice and the right to be heard.

Section 148A(i) of the CPC States

But what is a caveat? A caveat is a petition that a person can file with the court when he or she believes that he or she has the right to be present at the hearing of a case and hence asks the court to notify the the caveator, the person who files a caveat, to notify him or her with regards to the date and time of the hearing as and when it is announced so that he or she can be present at the hearing and be heard if necessary. A person has a right to be present at a hearing when

  1. He or she suspects or anticipates becoming a party to an application that may be filed in a case that is ongoing or a case that may be imminent
  2. He or she believes that he or she will be affected by the ruling of the hearing on an application that may be filed in a case that may be ongoing or may be imminent.

How Does One File a Caveat Petition

Like all provisions of the CPC, Filing a Caveat petition india also has its own procedure. Let’s take a look at the procedure that has been laid down.The first step in filing a caveat is to draft the caveat. The caveat has to be drafted in a specific format with certain details for the sake of uniformity. The details required to file a caveat are:

  • Details of the court in which the caveat is being filed
  • Case / Suit number pertaining to which the caveat is being filed, in case the caveat is being filed with regards to a case that is ongoing
  • Summary of the case and how it might affect the caveator in case the caveat is being filed with regards to a case that may be imminent
  • Name of the caveator
  • Address of the caveator where the notice of the caveat should be served
  • Name of the prospective plaintiff
  • Address at which the notice of the caveat is served to the prospective plaintiff

The next step is to file the caveat at the court. It must be filed in the same court where the caveator is anticipating the application against him or her to be made or the ruling of the case that will affect the caveator is bound to take place. It must be filed with the prescribed court fees and the following documents:

  • Index
  • Application to file caveat signed by Advocate On Record (aor) containing:
  • Cause title and case number
  • Name of the court appealed from
  • Date of impugned judgement
  • Designation of the authority
  • Particulars of the order etc.
  • Court fees (applicable in civil matters)
  • Vakalatnama and memo of appearance
  • Memo of parties
  1. Once the application is filed, the caveator must send a notice to the parties mentioned in the caveat notifying them that a caveat has been filed along with application or acknowledgement number
  2. Upon completion of all formalities, the court will process the caveat application and notify the caveator with regards to activation of the caveat. The persons mentioned in the caveat will be notified that if they do file any application as mentioned in the caveat within ninety days from receiving the notice, they have to notify the caveator and furnish them with a copy of the application along with a copy of any documents that they have attached to the application. The caveator will bear the cost of the logistics of such communication
  3. If the caveator wishes to further extend the lookout against him or her in the matter referred to in the caveat beyond 90 days, then he or she will have to file a fresh caveat along with the court fees.

Where is Caveat Defined Under Indian Laws?

In Indian laws, a Caveat is defined as a legal notice filed by an individual to safeguard their interests and rights in a pending legal matter. The term ‘Caveat’ originates from the Latin word ‘caveat emptor,’ which means ‘let the buyer beware.’ It serves as a precautionary measure to prevent ex parte orders or judgments without giving the person who filed the Caveat an opportunity to present their case before the court.

Under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and various other laws, Caveats are commonly used in civil and criminal proceedings, as well as in matters related to property disputes, family law, and more. By filing a Caveat, a person ensures that they are notified and heard before any action is taken in a specific case where they have an interest.

Caveats play a vital role in the Indian legal system, allowing individuals to actively participate in legal proceedings and safeguard their rights, ensuring a fair and transparent judicial process.

Who Can File a Caveat?

In the Indian legal system, any person who has a legitimate interest in a case and fears that an ex parte order may be passed against them can file a Caveat. The person filing the Caveat is known as the ‘Caveator.’ The Caveator’s objective is to receive advance notice of any legal proceedings related to their interest or right, allowing them to present their case before the court.

Whether it’s a civil or criminal matter, family dispute, property dispute, or any other legal issue, the Caveator must have a direct and genuine concern in the case to be eligible to file a Caveat and be duly heard in the legal proceedings.

Objective of Introducing a Provision of Caveat

The introduction of the provision of Caveat in the legal system serves a crucial objective of safeguarding the rights and interests of individuals involved in legal disputes. The primary aim of this provision is to prevent ex parte orders, where a decision is made without hearing the opposing party, and to ensure fairness and transparency in legal proceedings.

By filing a Caveat, individuals who anticipate being affected by a legal matter can proactively protect their interests and receive advance notice of any court action. This empowers them to present their case and provide relevant evidence before the court, thereby ensuring a fair opportunity for both parties to be heard.

Caveats play a vital role in maintaining the principles of natural justice and due process. They prevent the possibility of unilateral decisions and promote a balanced and just resolution of legal disputes. This provision fosters an environment of accountability and enables individuals to actively participate in the legal process, securing their rights and contributing to a more equitable judicial system.

Effect of Failure to Hear the Caveator

The failure to hear the Caveator in a legal proceeding can have significant consequences on the principles of natural justice and fairness. When a Caveat is filed, it serves as a formal notice to the court, ensuring that the Caveator is given an opportunity to be heard before any decision is made.

If the court neglects to hear the Caveator and proceeds with ex parte orders or judgments, it violates the Caveator’s right to present their case and provide relevant evidence. This can lead to an unfair and one-sided outcome, undermining the integrity of the judicial process.

The effect of such failure is a denial of justice and can result in prejudice to the Caveator’s rights and interests. To maintain the principles of due process and uphold the rule of law, it is essential for courts to diligently consider Caveats and provide a fair chance for all parties to be heard before rendering any decisions.


All procedures laid down under the CPC or even the IPC are highly detailed in their procedure. And however tedious they may seem, they have to be followed exactly as prescribed. The slightest mistake will lead to dismissal of the application and the procedure will have to be started all over again, leading to increased costs, time and effort. So it is always best to consult a legal expert who has been trained in these procedures and possesses a good amount of hands-on experience in the matter. If you are looking for some assistance regarding any legal matter or have some queries, get in touch with Vakilsearch and we will put you in touch with our team of experienced legal experts who will guide you and assist you with your requirements.


What is a caveat petition?

A caveat petition is a legal document filed by an individual to request the court to be notified before any order or judgement is passed in a specific case where they have an interest, ensuring they have an opportunity to present their case. It serves as a precautionary measure to prevent ex parte decisions and protect the rights of the person filing the caveat.

Why would someone file a caveat petition?

Someone would file a caveat petition to safeguard their interests and rights in a legal matter, ensuring they receive advance notice before any ex parte orders or judgments are passed, giving them an opportunity to present their case before the court. It is a proactive step to prevent any unfair decisions and maintain fairness in the judicial process.

Who can file a caveat petition in India?

Any individual who has a legitimate interest in a legal matter and fears the possibility of an ex parte order can file a caveat petition in India. The petitioner, known as the 'Caveator,' seeks advance notice to present their case and protect their rights in the court proceedings.

Where should I file a caveat petition?

A caveat petition should be filed in the appropriate court where the related legal matter is pending or likely to arise, ensuring that the Caveator receives advance notice before any orders or judgments are passed in the case.

What are the key elements to include in a caveat petition?

The key elements to include in a caveat petition are the name and details of the Caveator, the title of the case or matter in which the caveat is being filed, and a request for the court to give advance notice to the Caveator before passing any orders or judgments related to the case.

How much does it cost to file a caveat petition?

The cost to file a caveat petition varies depending on the court and jurisdiction. Generally, it involves court filing fees, which can range from a few hundred to a few thousand rupees.

What is the procedure for filing a caveat petition?

The procedure for filing a caveat petition involves preparing the petition with the necessary details, such as the Caveator's name and case title, and submitting it in person or through a lawyer to the appropriate court where the related legal matter is pending or likely to arise. The court will then acknowledge the receipt of the caveat and enter it into their records, ensuring the Caveator receives advance notice before any orders or judgments are passed in the case.

Can a caveat petition be withdrawn or cancelled?

Yes, a caveat petition can be withdrawn or cancelled by the Caveator at any time before any orders or judgments are passed in the related legal matter. The Caveator can submit a formal request to the court to withdraw the caveat, and upon approval, it will no longer be in effect.

What happens after a caveat petition is filed?

After a caveat petition is filed, the court acknowledges its receipt and enters it into their records. If any party in the case takes any action, such as filing a suit or application, the court will notify the Caveator and give them an opportunity to be heard before passing any orders or judgments.

How long does a caveat petition remain valid?

A caveat petition remains valid for 90 days from the date of its filing, after which it needs to be renewed if the Caveator still wishes to be notified and heard in the legal matter.


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