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Logo Design

The Dos and Don’ts of Logo Design for Startup

This article outlines the dos and don'ts of logo design for startups in India. It includes tips on creating a timeless and versatile logo, using typography effectively, and avoiding copying other brands.

Creating a logo design for startup is essential to building a brand identity. A logo is the visual representation of your brand and helps to communicate your brand values and personality to your target audience. 

Here Are Top 15 Tips To Design A Logo For Startups

Here are 15 tips to keep in mind while moving forward with  a logo design for startups – 

  1. Prioritize tasks based on their importance. Designing a logo is essential but may not be the top priority compared to other crucial tasks like creating a business proposal or securing investment.
  2. Seek inspiration from various sources, including other companies’ logos and designs that catch your eye. Inspiration can come from unexpected places.
  3. Study your competition to understand what works and what doesn’t. Avoid copying their concepts but strive to make your logo unique and distinguishable.
  4. Hire a professional graphic designer with experience in logo design. Don’t compromise on the quality of your logo, as it represents your company’s face.
  5. Collaborate extensively with the logo designer. Discuss ideas, create mood boards, and provide insights into your needs, requirements, and goals. This will result in a more effective logo design.
  6. Choose a logo style that appeals to your target audience. Consider their preferences and design a logo that connects with them easily.
  7. Avoid generic logos and clichés that make your brand blend in with others. Strive for a distinctive and memorable design.
  8. Ensure that your logo is adaptable and scalable, looking great on different surfaces and sizes.
  9. Aim for a recognizable and memorable logo that effectively represents your business and stands out from the competition.
  10. Keep the logo design simple yet distinctive. Minimalism and clever imagery can make a lasting impact.
  11. Select the logo font and letter size carefully. Fonts evoke different emotions and convey different messages. The right size variation can enhance the logo design.
  12. Understand the science behind colors and their impact on viewers. Choose colors that align with your brand and create the desired tone.
  13. Make sure your logo is relevant to your business. Use icons and visual elements that connect to your industry, product, or service.
  14. Strive for balance in your logo design. Create a proportionate and harmonious visual effect that works well on different backgrounds.
  15. Remember, designing a logo is a thoughtful process that requires time and effort. By following these tips, you can create a compelling logo that represents your startup effectively.

Logo Design Types: Quick Overview 

Here is a quick summary of popular logo design types:

Wordmark Logo Design: 

This type involves stylizing the brand name with a unique font and color combination. It is suitable for businesses whose name holds significant meaning and want to establish a brand identity based on it. However, it may not work well for businesses with personal, commonplace, or complex names.

Lettermark Logo Design: 

When a business has a long or common name, using initials or acronyms as a logo can be effective. Designers create visually appealing letter designs that represent the brand. The challenge here is to ensure the initials or acronyms are short and memorable without conflicting with each other.

Emblem Logo Design: 

Emblem logos typically feature a frame or design with the brand name and tagline inside (similar to school or university crests). They are suitable for businesses that want to convey traditional values and appeal to a conservative audience. However, some brands also use emblems with a modern twist. Examples include Starbucks, Harley Davidson, and Warner Bros.

Brand Mark: 

Brand marks are unique identifiers created by brands to establish a distinct brand identity. Apple’s logo is a well-known example. However, to make a brand mark successful, it requires a compelling brand story and meaningful connection with the audience, which may not always be feasible for startups.

Combination Mark: 

As the name suggests, combination mark logo designs combine different logo design types. This offers flexibility and versatility, allowing businesses to use the logo across various mediums. For example, a combination of emblem and wordmark or lettermark and emblem can be used.

Getting the best Startup Logo Design for your brand

Vakilsearch has been instrumental in assisting numerous business owners worldwide with their design requirements, ranging from logos and websites to social media posts and banners. 

Our logo design services are designed to cater to the unique needs of startups. With a comprehensive understanding of the significance of logo design, you can create a visually striking and impactful logo that represents your startup’s brand identity. 

In India, where the startup ecosystem is booming, creating a unique and memorable logo that stands out is crucial. Here are some dos and don’ts of logo design for startups in India.

Dos and Don’Ts of Logo Design for Startups in India


  • Keep it Simple

A simple logo design is more memorable and easier to recognise. A complicated logo can confuse your target audience and dilute your brand message. A simple logo is also more versatile and can be easily adapted to mediums like business cards, websites, billboards, etc.

  • Make it Unique

Your logo should be distinctive and stand out from your competitors. A unique logo helps to build brand recognition and can differentiate your brand from similar companies. Look for inspiration in your brand values and target audience to create a unique logo that reflects your brand identity.

  • Choose the Right Colour Scheme

Colour plays a significant role in logo design. Different colours evoke different emotions and can influence how people perceive your brand. For example, red is associated with excitement and passion, while blue represents trust and reliability. Choose a colour scheme that aligns with your brand values and target audience.

  • Ensure it’s Scalable

Your logo should be scalable without losing its clarity or legibility. Your logo should look good on a small business card and a large billboard. A scalable logo allows you to use it across different mediums without losing its impact.

  • Test it with Your Target Audience

Before finalising your logo, testing it with your target audience is essential. Gather feedback from potential customers to see if your logo effectively communicates and resonates with your brand message.

  • Keep it Timeless

Your logo should be timeless and withstand the test of time. Avoid design trends that come and go, and create a logo that can last for years without losing its impact.

  • Make it Versatile

Your logo should be versatile and adaptable to different mediums and contexts. Make sure your logo looks good on both light and dark backgrounds and can be easily resized without losing its clarity.

  • Consider Negative Space

Negative space refers to the space around and between elements in your logo. Using negative space creatively can make your logo more memorable and distinctive. For example, the FedEx logo uses negative space to create an arrow between the ‘E’ and the ‘X’.

  • Use Typography Effectively

Typography plays an important role in logo design for startup. Choose a font that aligns with your brand values and personality, and make sure it’s legible and easy to read. Avoid using too many fonts in your logo, and use typography creatively to make your logo more memorable.

  • Make it Memorable

Your logo should be memorable and easy to recall. Use simple shapes and elements to create a logo design for startup that is easy to recognise and remember. Consider using a distinctive icon or symbol that reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

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  • Don’t Follow Trends Blindly

Trends come and go, but your brand identity should be timeless. Avoid following design trends blindly, as they can quickly become outdated, and your logo can lose its impact. Instead, create a unique and timeless logo that reflects your brand identity.

  • Don’t Use Stock Images

Using stock images in your logo design for startup can make it look generic and unoriginal. Your logo should be unique and reflective of your brand values. Invest in a professional designer who can create a custom logo that stands out.

  • Don’t Overcomplicate it

A complex logo design for startup can be confusing and dilute your brand message. Make sure to complete your logo with enough elements or fonts. Keep it simple, memorable and reflective of your brand identity.

  • Don’t Use Too Many Colours

Using too many colours in your logo can make it look cluttered and unprofessional. Stick to a simple colour scheme that aligns with your brand values and target audience.

  • Don’t Rush the Process

Creating a logo design for startup is a crucial part of building your brand identity. Rushing the process can result in a logo that needs to be more effectively communicated with your brand values or resonate with your target audience. Take your time to create a logo that accurately reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

  • Don’t Copy Other Brands

Copying other brands’ logo design for startup is unethical and can result in legal action. Your logo should be unique and reflective of your brand identity. Avoid copying other logos or using similar colours, fonts or icons.

  • Don’t Overuse Effects

Too many effects in your logo, like shadows, gradients or textures, can make it look cluttered and unprofessional. Keep it simple and use effects sparingly to enhance your logo, not overpower it.

  • Don’t Ignore Negative Feedback

Feedback is crucial when creating a logo. Be aware of negative feedback from your target audience or design team. Use the constructive feedback to refine your logo design for startup and make it more effective.

  • Don’t Use Raster Images

Using raster images, like JPEGs or PNGs, can result in a pixelated or blurry logo when resized. Use vector graphics instead, which allow your logo design for startup to be resized without losing its clarity or resolution.

  • Don’t Forget to Trademark it

Trademarking your logo design for startup is essential to protect your brand identity and prevent others from using it without your permission. Make sure to trademark your logo once it’s finalised and before you use it.


Creating a logo design for startup is crucial to building your brand identity. A well-designed logo helps to communicate your brand values and personality to your target audience. Keep it simple, unique, and reflective of your brand identity. 

Test it with your target audience before finalising it, and avoid rushing the process. By following these dos and don’ts of logo design for startups in India, you can create a memorable and effective logo that stands out from the crowd.

Vakilsearch is a legal services platform in India that can help startups with trademark registration for their logos. We can also provide legal advice and support to ensure your logo design complies with intellectual property laws.

Discover the exceptional logo design services offered by Vakilsearch and set your business apart today!

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