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Pitch Decks

Slides to be Included in the Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a crucial tool for any entrepreneur looking to secure funding for their business. It is a visual presentation that outlines the key aspects of a business and its potential for growth. In India, the startup ecosystem is thriving, and investors are always on the lookout for promising new ventures.

Overview of Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a visual tool that entrepreneurs use to communicate their business idea to potential investors, partners, or customers. It should include an introduction to the company and its team, a problem statement, a solution to the problem, an overview of the market size and potential for growth, a description of the business model and revenue generation strategy, a marketing and sales strategy, a competitive analysis, financial projections, an overview of the team’s skills and experience, and funding requirements. By including these key features in a pitch deck, entrepreneurs can effectively communicate the key aspects of their business and its potential for growth.

What is a Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck, also known as a start-up or investor pitch deck, is a presentation designed to provide potential investors with valuable information about your business. The primary goal of a pitch is to capture the attention and interest of investors. 

What is a Pitch Deck Presentation?

A pitch deck presentation is a collection of slides that communicate a compelling story about your business. The slides are carefully crafted to highlight key aspects of your business. These include –

  • The problem you’re solving
  • Your unique value proposition
  • Market opportunities
  • Financial projections, and team expertise. 

Instead of making a generic pitch deck using PowerPoint, engage the business experts at Vakilsearch, who can help you create visually appealing and impactful presentations that captivate your audience.

What is an Investor Deck?

An investor deck is a presentation that businesses produce while looking for funding from investors. It provides valuable information about the company, which is essential when seeking finance or persuading the most reputable investors.

The Dos and Don’ts of Pitch Decks

Creating a powerful pitch deck requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when crafting and delivering your pitch presentation:

When Designing:

  • DO use bullet points on slides to keep your presentation concise and easy to follow.
  • DON’T overwhelm your slides with excessive text. Use visuals and clear, concise statements to convey your message effectively.
  • DO include your contact details at the end of the presentation, making it easy for investors to reach out to you.
  • DON’T overcrowd your Team slide with too many members. Focus on core team members to provide a clear understanding of your leadership.

When Presenting:

  • DO tell a compelling story that engages your audience and showcases the purpose and impact of your business.
  • DON’T solely focus on statistics. Connect your statistics to a cohesive narrative that explains the “why” behind your business and its value to customers.
  • DO customize your presentation based on the audience’s interests and needs, adapting your delivery to resonate with them.
  • DON’T simply read from the slides. Engage with your audience to create a memorable presentation experience.

How to Create a Pitch Deck in 3 Easy Steps?

At Vakilsearch, we provide pitch deck services that simplify the process of creating an impressive pitch deck. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Choose a template.

Our experts will select a pitch deck template from our collection that aligns with your business and content requirements. Our templates are fully customizable to suit your unique branding.

Step 2: Customize.

Our experts will then personalize the template by replacing the placeholder content with your information. Our client-friendly experts will modify colors, fonts, images, and more to create a visually appealing presentation that reflects your brand identity.

Step 3: Download or Share.

Once you are satisfied with your customized pitch deck, you can download it in various formats, including image, PDF, or PowerPoint. You can also share it with investors by generating a private link or publishing it on the web. 

Contact us today to leverage our expertise in pitch deck creation and enhance your fundraising efforts.

Slides to Include in Pitch Deck

Here are slide-wise details which one can follow while pitching. Note that, these are a few suggestions given and one can change the content according to the requirements.

Slide 1: Introduction

The first slide of your pitch deck should introduce your business and your team. It should include your company name, logo, and a brief tagline that summarizes what your business does. It should also introduce the key members of your team, highlighting their relevant experience and qualifications.

Slide 2: Problem Statement in Pitch Deck

The second slide of your pitch deck should outline the problem that your business is solving. It should describe the pain points that your target audience is experiencing and how your business is uniquely positioned to solve them. This slide should include market research and data to support your claims.

Slide 3: Solution

The third slide of your pitch deck should describe your business’s solution to the problem outlined in the previous slide. It should explain how your product or service works and how it solves the pain points of your target audience. This slide should also highlight the unique value proposition of your business.

Slide 4: Market Size

The fourth slide of your pitch deck should provide an overview of the market size and potential for growth in your industry. It should include market research and data to support your claims and show that your business is operating in a high-growth industry.

Slide 5: Business Model

The fifth slide of your pitch should describe your business model and how you plan to generate revenue. It should outline the pricing strategy for your product or service, the target market, and the distribution channels you plan to use.

Slide 6: Marketing and Sales Strategy in Pitch Deck

The sixth slide of your pitch deck should describe your marketing and sales strategy. It should outline the channels you plan to use to reach your target audience, the key messages you want to convey, and any partnerships or collaborations that you have in place.

Slide 7: Competition

The seventh slide of your pitch should describe your competition and how your business is differentiated from them. It should include a competitive analysis, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and how you plan to outperform them.

Slide 8: Financial Projections

The eighth slide of your pitch should provide financial projections for your business. It should include revenue projections, operating costs, and projected profit margins. It should also include details of any funding that you have received to date and how you plan to use it.

Slide 9: Team

The ninth slide of your pitch should provide an overview of your team’s skills and experience. It should highlight the key members of your team, their qualifications, and their relevant experience in the industry.

Slide 10: Ask

The final slide of your pitch should outline your funding requirements and what you plan to use the funds for. It should also include details of any previous funding rounds and the current valuation of your business.


In conclusion, a pitch deck is an essential tool for any entrepreneur seeking to secure funding or partnerships for their business. It allows them to present their business idea in a concise and compelling way, highlighting key aspects such as the problem they are solving, their solution, the potential for growth in the market, and the team behind the business. By including the right slides and information, entrepreneurs can create a powerful pitch deck that will impress potential investors and partners and increase the likelihood of success for their business. The key is to be clear, concise, and persuasive, focusing on the unique value proposition of the business and its potential for growth in the industry. A well-designed pitch deck can make all the difference in securing funding and taking a business to the next level.


What should a pitch deck have?

A pitch deck should have key information about your business, including the problem you're solving, your solution, target market, competitive advantage, business model, team, financial projections, and the task (funding or partnership).

What is a pitch deck in PowerPoint?

A pitch deck in PowerPoint is a presentation created using the Microsoft PowerPoint software. It typically consists of multiple slides that convey important information about a business to potential investors or stakeholders.

What is a pitch deck for VC?

A pitch deck for VC (Venture Capital) is a presentation specifically designed to attract investment from venture capitalists. It highlights the USP, market potential, growth opportunities, and financial projections of a startup or business seeking funding.

What are the types of pitch decks?

A pitch deck for VC is a presentation specifically designed to attract investment from venture capitalists. It highlights the USP, market potential, and financial projections of a business seeking funding.

What is the purpose of a pitch deck?

The purpose of a pitch deck is to succinctly and persuasively communicate the key elements of a business or startup to potential investors, partners, or stakeholders. It aims to generate interest, secure funding or partnerships, and create a lasting impression.

Why is it called a pitch deck?

The term pitch deck is derived from the idea of pitching or presenting a business idea or concept to an audience. The term deck refers to the collection of slides or visuals used in the presentation. It is called a pitch deck because it is used to pitch or sell the business idea to investors or other stakeholders.

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