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7 Strategies Criminal Defence Lawyers Use to Win Cases

Discover the 7 effective strategies that criminal defence lawyers use to win cases, including thorough investigation, strong defence planning, expert witnesses, and challenging evidence. Learn more about the critical role criminal defence lawyers play in ensuring fair trials.

Criminal defence lawyers are responsible for defending individuals accused of criminal offences. They play an important role in the criminal justice system by ensuring that defendants receive a fair trial and are not unjustly convicted. Winning a criminal case requires a combination of legal knowledge, strategic planning, and effective communication skills. In this blog, we will discuss seven strategies criminal defence lawyers use to win cases.

Investigate the Case Thoroughly

The first strategy that criminal defence lawyers use to win cases is to investigate the case thoroughly. This involves reviewing all evidence, interviewing witnesses, and examining police reports. The defence lawyer will look for any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and identify any potential defences that can be used to challenge the charges. This strategy is critical because it allows the defence lawyer to build a strong case that can help secure a favourable outcome for the defendant.

Develop a Strong defence Strategy

Once the defence lawyer has thoroughly investigated the case, the next step is to develop a strong defence strategy. This strategy will depend on the specific facts of the case and the charges that the defendant is facing. The defence lawyer may choose to argue that the evidence against the defendant was obtained illegally, or that the defendant was acting in self-defence at the time of the alleged offence. The defence lawyer will also consider the defendant’s prior criminal history and any other factors that may impact the case.

Negotiate a Plea Bargain

In some cases, it may be in the defendant’s best interest to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution. This involves the defendant pleading guilty to a lesser offence in exchange for a lighter sentence. The defence lawyer will work with the prosecution to negotiate a plea deal that is favourable to the defendant. This strategy can be beneficial because it can help the defendant avoid a more severe punishment if they are found guilty at trial.

Use Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses can be instrumental in winning a criminal case. These are individuals who have specialised knowledge or training in a particular field relevant to the case. For example, a forensic expert may be called to testify about the accuracy of DNA evidence. The defence lawyer will work with these experts to build a strong case and challenge the prosecution’s evidence.

Challenge Evidence

Another strategy that criminal defence lawyers use to win cases is to challenge the prosecution’s evidence. This can involve arguing that the evidence was obtained illegally or that it is unreliable. The defence lawyer may also challenge witness testimony or the credibility of prosecution witnesses. This strategy can be effective in weakening the prosecution’s case and creating doubt in the minds of the jurors.

Build a Compelling Narrative

A compelling narrative can be a powerful tool in winning a criminal case. The defence lawyer will work to create a story that is consistent with the defendant’s version of events and that highlights any mitigating factors that may exist. This narrative can be used to sway the jury and create sympathy for the defendant. A well-crafted narrative can be the difference between a guilty and not guilty verdict.

Focus on the Burden of Proof

In a criminal case, the burden of proof rests with the prosecution. This means that the prosecution must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The defence lawyer will focus on this burden of proof and work to create doubt in the minds of the jurors. This can be done by highlighting inconsistencies in the prosecution’s case or by presenting alternative explanations for the alleged offence.

Double Jeopardy defence

A Fundamental Right provided by Article 20 (2) of the Constitution of India guarantees partial protection against double jeopardy. This provision states that ‘No person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once’ and embodies the principle of autrefois convict, which prevents individuals convicted of a crime from being tried or punished again. However, it does not encompass autrefois acquit, meaning that a person acquitted of a crime can be retried. In India, protection against autrefois acquit is a statutory right rather than a fundamental one, as it is provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure rather than the Constitution.

There are several justifications for double jeopardy protection:

  • Preventing the government from exploiting its extensive resources to exhaust and wrongly convict innocent individuals.
  • Safeguarding individuals from the financial, emotional, and social consequences of successive prosecutions.
  • Preserving the finality and integrity of criminal proceedings, which would be compromised if the government could disregard unfavourable verdicts.
  • Restricting prosecutorial discretion in the charging process.
  • Eliminating judicial discretion to impose cumulative punishments that are not explicitly prohibited by law.

Not Guilty Tactic

A criminal defence attorney employs various tactics to establish a person’s innocence. These tactics may involve demonstrating to the jury that there were no witnesses to the crime or presenting evidence to show the impossibility of the defendant committing the offence. Additionally, the accused individual can argue their own innocence.

When a defendant is convicted of a crime, it is crucial for their defence attorney to prove their innocence to ensure a favourable outcome and prevent excessive financial burden.

An effective criminal defence attorney is committed to sharing their legal expertise with clients, enabling them to maximise the potential of their case. Employing the ‘not guilty tactic’ is just one of several strategies that any defence lawyer can utilise to enhance the likelihood of winning a case.

Present Useful Evidence

A criminal defence attorney presents various forms of evidence, including witness testimonies and statements from police officers. Another strategy employed by the attorney is to ensure that the client is fully informed about their legal rights.

The criminal defence attorney takes the responsibility of providing a comprehensive understanding of the entire defence process to their client. This enables the client to have a clear understanding of the available procedures, allowing them to articulate their statements, conduct themselves appropriately, and make compelling arguments in court.

Coming Up With ‘The Truth’

Both a defence lawyer and a prosecutor have the task of constructing the most compelling narratives of truth. One effective criminal defence strategy involves the collaboration between the defence lawyer and the defendant to present a truthful story.

This narrative aims to showcase the defendant’s truth or portray them in the most favourable manner, potentially leading to a plea bargain, a conviction with reduced charges, or even a ‘not guilty’ verdict.


Winning a criminal case requires skill, experience, and hard work. Criminal defence lawyers use a variety of strategies to secure a favourable outcome for their clients. These strategies include investigating the case thoroughly, developing a strong defence strategy, negotiating a plea bargain, using expert witnesses, challenging evidence, building a compelling narrative, and focusing on the burden of proof. By employing these strategies, criminal defence lawyers can help ensure that their clients receive a fair trial and are not unjustly convicted. It is important to note that not all cases can be won, but a skilled criminal defence lawyer will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for their client.

In addition to these strategies, there are several other important factors that criminal defence lawyers must consider when working on a case. These include building strong relationships with their clients, maintaining ethical standards, and keeping up to date with changes in the law. Criminal defence lawyers must also be skilled negotiators and communicators, as they often work with prosecutors, judges, and jurors to achieve a favourable outcome.

Overall, criminal defence lawyers play a critical role in the criminal justice system. By using a combination of legal knowledge, strategic planning, and effective communication skills, they can help ensure that defendants receive a fair trial and are not unjustly convicted. If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges, it is important to seek the advice of a skilled and experienced criminal defence lawyer who can help guide you through the legal process and work to protect your rights. At Vakilsearch, we understand the importance of having access to quality legal representation, and we are committed to connecting individuals and businesses with experienced criminal defence lawyers who can help protect their rights and achieve the best possible outcome in their case.


What are some common strategies used by criminal defence lawyers to win cases?

Criminal defence lawyers employ four strategies to secure victory in their cases. These strategies include: Double Jeopardy defence Not Guilty Tactic Presentation of Useful Evidence Uncovering 'The Truth'

How important is building a strong defence strategy in a criminal case?

Building a strong defence strategy in a criminal case is crucial as it can significantly impact the outcome, ensuring the protection of the defendant's rights and maximising the chances of a favourable verdict.

Can a criminal defence lawyer challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution?

Yes, a criminal defence lawyer challenges the evidence presented by the prosecution. Some of the cases are, Defendants have the ability to challenge evidence based on incomplete records or contamination. At times, defendants contest evidence that has been gathered illegally. Defendants are permitted to engage their own experts to analyse the evidence.

What role does cross-examination play in a criminal trial?

The main objective of cross-examination is to elicit answers or gather information from witnesses. Additionally, lawyers can utilise it to extract beneficial details from witnesses aligned with the opposing side or to undermine witness testimonies by revealing flaws or weaknesses.

Are plea bargains a common strategy used by criminal defence lawyers?

The primary approach to minimise criminal charges is through a plea bargain, which is commonly proposed by the prosecution, and occasionally by the judge or presiding magistrate. Plea deals are a prevalent component in most criminal cases, offering the majority of defendants an opportunity to decrease their charges or mitigate the resulting penalties.

What is the significance of presenting an alibi as a defence strategy?

Presenting an alibi as a defence strategy is significant as it provides evidence that the defendant was elsewhere during the time the alleged crime was committed, raising doubts about their involvement and supporting their innocence.

Do criminal defence lawyers hire expert witnesses to strengthen their cases?

Yes, criminal defence lawyers often hire expert witnesses to bolster their cases by providing specialised knowledge and testimony that supports the defence's arguments and challenges the prosecution's evidence. Expert witnesses can play a crucial role in presenting a strong defence strategy.

How do criminal defence lawyers handle witness credibility issues?

Criminal defence lawyers handle witness credibility issues by thoroughly examining the witness's background, prior statements, and inconsistencies, aiming to challenge their credibility through cross-examination. They may also present contradictory evidence or call upon other witnesses to cast doubt on the reliability of the witness's testimony.

Are there any strategies specifically used in white-collar crime defence?

Yes, there are specific strategies employed in white-collar crime defence, such as conducting meticulous document reviews, challenging complex financial evidence, presenting expert testimony, and emphasising lack of criminal intent or knowledge in the accused individual's actions.

What factors should be considered when selecting a criminal defence lawyer for your case?

When selecting a criminal defence lawyer for your case, important factors to consider include their experience in criminal law, track record of success, knowledge of the specific charges, courtroom expertise, effective communication skills, and the ability to build a strong defence strategy tailored to your case's unique circumstances.

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