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Partnership Firm

What Is the Length of Partnership in a Partnership Deed?

Read on to learn more about what a partnership deed is, why a partnership agreement is necessary and more

A partnership deed, also known as a partnership agreement, is a written contract between business partners. The Indian legal system affords entrepreneurs numerous options for launching a business. And due to many advantages, a partnership deed is one of the most popular business structures among entrepreneurs.

What Is a Partnership Deed?

A partnership deed is a legal document created when two or more people join hands to run a business. This document outlines the essential business terms and conditions, including profit/loss sharing, obligations, admission of new partner/s, agreed-upon rules, salaries, exit procedure, etc.

This document is essential, and if for some reason the company ends up in court, it can be served as a legal document. A Partnership deed, also known as the Partnership Agreement, is registered under the Indian Registration Act of 1908, so there is no risk that the partners will lose the Deed of the partnership.

In addition, registration of the partnership deed provides several benefits, including eligibility for a PAN, opening a bank account, and assistance in obtaining a GST registration or FSSAI license in the organization’s name.

Why is a Partnership Agreement Necessary?

A partnership agreement format describes the legal options available to the firm’s partners. Here is a list of the significance of a partnership agreement:

  • It specifies the rights, responsibilities, and liabilities of each partner.
  • The terms and conditions of the partnership are specified in the deed, which significantly aids in avoiding misunderstandings among the partners.
  • In a disagreement between the partners, the partnership agreement will be readily accessible for resolution.
  • It describes the function of each partner.
  • The partnership agreement will also include clauses that specify how compensation will be determined.

partnership firm registration

What Advantages Does A Partnership Deed Offer?

  • A formal agreement between two parties is a written and registered contract. Consequently, a partnership deed is superior to an oral agreement.
  • In addition, a partnership agreement specifies the rules and regulations and the profit-sharing ratio that partners must observe.
  • A partnership agreement aids in avoiding confusion among the firm’s partners by clearly identifying each partner.
  • In a disagreement, partners can refer to the partnership agreement to resolve the conflict.
  • Elimination of Partners: The default rule in the Act states that no majority of partners may expel any party, making it impossible to remove a partner. In contrast, a partnership agreement can provide for the expulsion of a partner if the clauses specify the required notice period and the grounds and motives for the removal.
  • Sharing Gains: Under the Act, all partners are presumed to share the profits equally. However, this would not be fair to the partner who has contributed more time and money to the business. The document will equitably divide the profits.
  • Avoid Legal Action: Legal proceedings are known to be time-consuming. If a legal dispute arises for whatever reason, partners can avoid it by including mediation and arbitration as alternative dispute resolution methods in the deed.
  • Restricting Liability: According to the Act, all partners share the business’s liabilities equally. A partnership agreement would enable the partners to outline each partner’s liability.
  • Undesirable Dissolution: Essentially, dissolution refers to the act of formally ending something. A partnership agreement allows the partners to control the effects of the events outlined in the Indian partnership firm registration act of 1932 and make their own decisions regarding the continuation of the partnership.

What Are the Primary Considerations When Drafting a Partnership Deed?

The total number of associates:

  • The minimum requirement for drafting a partnership deed form is two partners.
  • Ten or fewer partners are required to create a partnership agreement form for banking businesses.
  • There must be twenty or fewer partners to draft a partnership deed form for non-banking businesses.

Capital Requirement:

No minimum or maximum amount of capital can be invested in a partnership. However, the stamp duty will depend on the partners’ capital contributions.

Two factors can be used to classify partnerships: duration and liability. There are two types of alliances based on course: “partnership at will” and “particular partnership.” In this type of partnership, all partners’ liability is unlimited. In these types of blocks, each partner has an equal right to participate in the partnership’s management.

These types are described in the sections that follow:

Partnership at will

These types of partnerships have neither a fixed duration nor a specific objective. This type of partnership exists at the partners’ discretion. If a partnership deed lacks an expiration clause, the association is referred to as a “partnership at will.” At the time of its formation, neither the company’s duration nor purpose is specified. Partners continue the business for any length of time-based on their desires. It can continue for as long as the partners desire and is dissolved when a partner gives notice of withdrawal to the firm.

It will continue until the partners develop mutual trust. This type of partnership is formed to conduct legal business indefinitely. There is no agreement regarding the duration of a partnership’s existence. Any partner may dissolve the partnership by notifying the other partners of his intention to leave. There is no provision regarding the formation of a partnership.

Particular partnership: 

When a partnership is formed for a specific project or period, it is referred to as a particular partnership. A partnership is a partnership formed for the completion of a specific project, such as the construction of a building or an activity to be conducted over a specified period. A partnership formed for completing a specific task, such as building construction, is known as a particular partnership. It is a partnership formed for a limited time or to accomplish a particular goal.

The partnership terminates upon the completion of the specified work or the specified time frame expires. It dissolves automatically when the purpose for which it was created has been accomplished or when the duration of its existence has expired. It can continue for as long as the partners desire and is terminated when any partner notifies the firm of their withdrawal from the partnership. Nevertheless, the partners can reach an agreement to continue the collaboration.


Running a business: as a partnership is complex and requires a great deal of planning and risk; factors such as disagreements, money, or any other internal conflict can result in a breakup. Before embarking on a new journey and investing all of your savings and efforts into starting a new joint venture, it is prudent to sign a partnership deed, a legal document that can help protect the interests of each partner.


What is the maximum size of a partnership?

There is no fixed maximum size for a partnership, but most partnerships consist of two to twenty partners. However, certain types of partnerships, such as Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), may have specific regulations regarding the maximum number of partners.

What is the limit of partnership deed?

There is no specific limit to the length of a partnership deed, but it typically includes essential details such as the name of the partnership, names and addresses of partners, capital contributions, profit-sharing ratios, rights and responsibilities of partners, duration of the partnership, and other terms and conditions agreed upon by the partners.

What is the duration of a partnership agreement?

The duration of a partnership agreement can vary and is typically specified in the partnership deed. Partnerships can be formed for a specific period (fixed-term partnership) or continue indefinitely until dissolved by mutual agreement or other circumstances outlined in the partnership deed.

What is the length of existence of a partnership?

The length of existence of a partnership depends on the terms specified in the partnership agreement. It can range from a specific period (fixed-term partnership) to an indefinite duration until dissolved by mutual agreement or other circumstances outlined in the partnership deed.

Is there any validity of a partnership deed?

The validity of a partnership deed depends on its compliance with legal requirements and the intentions of the partners. A properly executed and legally binding partnership deed remains valid until terminated or amended by the partners.

What is the proof of partnership existence?

Proof of partnership existence includes documents such as the partnership deed, partnership registration certificate (if registered), partnership bank account, and other records demonstrating the formation and operation of the partnership.

Is a partnership valid without registration?

Yes, a partnership can be valid without registration. Partnerships can operate without formal registration as long as they comply with the Partnership Act and have a valid partnership deed.

How do you validate a partnership deed?

A partnership deed is validated through proper execution by all partners, adherence to legal requirements, and registration (optional) with the Registrar of Firms. It should accurately reflect the intentions and agreements of the partners and be executed in accordance with applicable laws.

How is a partnership firm registered?

A partnership firm is registered by drafting a partnership deed outlining the terms and conditions of the partnership, obtaining signatures of all partners, and optionally registering the partnership with the Registrar of Firms by submitting the partnership deed and other required documents.

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