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What Are the Different Types of Criminal Lawyers in India?

Criminal lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in defending individuals charged with criminal offences. There are different types of criminal lawyers in India, each with its own area of expertise. Here is a breakdown of the different types of criminal lawyers in India:

Private Criminal Lawyer

A private criminal lawyer represents individuals who have been charged with a criminal offence. Private criminal lawyers work with their clients to build a strong defence and ensure their legal rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Public Prosecutor

A public prosecutor is a government-appointed lawyer who represents the state in criminal cases. Public prosecutors work with law enforcement agencies to investigate crimes and present evidence in court. Their goal is to secure a conviction against the accused.

Legal Aid Lawyer

Legal aid lawyers are government-appointed lawyers who provide legal assistance to individuals who cannot afford to hire a private lawyer. Legal aid lawyers represent individuals charged with criminal offences and ensure they receive a fair trial.

White-Collar Criminal Lawyer

White-collar criminal lawyers specialize in defending individuals charged with white-collar crimes such as embezzlement, fraud, and insider trading. White-collar criminal lawyers have a deep understanding of financial laws and regulations and use this knowledge to defend their clients.

Juvenile Criminal Lawyer

Juvenile criminal lawyers specialize in defending minors who have been charged with a criminal offence. They have a deep understanding of juvenile law and work to ensure the best possible outcome for their young clients.

Cybercrime Lawyer

Cybercrime lawyers specialize in defending individuals charged with cybercrimes such as hacking, online fraud, and identity theft. They have a deep understanding of technology and use this knowledge to build a strong defence for their clients.

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What Are the Different Types of Criminal Lawyers in India?

In conclusion, criminal law is a vast field, and there are many types of criminal lawyers in India. Each type of lawyer specializes in a specific area of criminal law and provides expert legal advice to their clients. With the help of Vakilsearch, you can find the right criminal lawyer for your legal matter and receive expert legal advice throughout the legal process.


What is an example of criminal law in India?

Criminal law encompasses a set of regulations that address offenses like theft, murder, sexual abuse, and threats, while also overseeing the legal proceedings for convicted individuals.

What is the role of a criminal lawyer in India?

A crucial duty of a criminal lawyer is to provide defence for their client, which includes conducting thorough investigations, gathering evidence, and interviewing witnesses to build a strong case. Additionally, they negotiate with prosecutors to secure plea deals or reduce charges on behalf of their client.

What is the power of a criminal lawyer?

The power of a criminal lawyer lies in their ability to defend and advocate for their clients facing criminal charges, ensuring fair treatment and due process under the law. They possess the expertise to investigate, build compelling cases, negotiate with prosecutors, and represent clients in court to secure the best possible outcomes.

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