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Trademark Classes in Trademark Registration

Trademark registration is an important part of your business establishment, different categories of business have different trademark classes. Read on to know the class details for the trademark.

A trademark is a word, symbol or design that identifies the source of goods and services. In India, there are two types of Trademark registration: Trademark Registration for Goods and Trademark Registration for Services. Different types of businesses have different categories of Trademarks. They are Trademark Classes. Before going for Trademark registration,  it is important to understand the class details for trademark registration. 

 A Trademark is used to identify the service provider in relation to his/her business activities. It can be registered as an addition to any name or logo identifying the service provider in relation to his/her business activities. A unique symbol or words may be used as a mark but it must not be identical to another existing mark already registered by another person(s).

What is Trademark Registration?

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods from others. A trademark can be used in commerce to indicate the source of goods and services such as “Apple” for Apple computers. Trademarks are valuable assets because they allow customers to identify products by their brand name. 

They also help consumers distinguish between similar products. For example, if you see a product with the same brand name but different packaging, it may not be what you ordered! Trademark protection helps consumers avoid confusion about who made the product and protects against imitation by competitors who would like to use your mark.

Trademark Registration can be done by filing an application with the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB), under Section 7 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999.  It takes approximately 6 months from the date of filing your trademark application until you receive your certificate of registration from IPAB. However, this period may vary.

After you register your mark, other businesses are not able to use it. This protects you against others using your name or logo in their business, which may cause confusion for customers. 

What are Classes in Trademarks? 

Trademarks are protected by law in most countries around the world and are required in order for a business owner to protect their brand identity and reputation. Trademarks are also important because they help consumers identify what type of product they’re buying.

Trademark class are important because they help to identify the goods and services that a trademark identifies. This is done by dividing goods and services into 45 different Trademark Classes. These classes are based on the type of product or service, its geographical location, and the way it is marketed. Vakilsearch has a trademark search tool that helps you get started with the trademark registration process.  The best part about this search tool is that it’s free! 

The Indian Trademark Act, of 1999 provides for the registration of trademarks in 45 classes. Out of these, 34 Classes are for goods, and 11 Classes are for services. The purpose of giving classes or categories in Trademarks is to divide competition. Industries in the same category of business are considered competitors and they cannot use trademark terms or logos from others in the same category. But they might be allowed to use similar trademarks as some other businesses in the same category. 

This system of categorising trademarks makes sure that no one is making a profit from another established company in the same category, as it might affect the authenticity, customer trust and profits of an already established business.  


Most common Trademark Classes Used

Trademark classes are categories of goods and services that can be registered. They help in determining the scope of a trademark registration by providing a list of the types of products or services that are covered by the mark.

Here are some of the common Trademark classes of goods used. 

  • Chemicals.
  • Paints and Coatings.
  • Fuels, Industrial oils, greases and Illuminates. 
  • Cutlery 
  • Pharmaceuticals 
  • Precious metalware and Jewelry 
  • Stationary and items made of paper
  • Wines and liquors
  • Games, toys and sports equipment.
  • Clothing and footwear 

Some of the common Service Trademark classes are: 

  • Insurance, Financial 
  • Advertising and consultancy services
  • Education and amusement Services. 
  • Drinks and Food supply services. 

These are some of the common Trademark classes and it is important for businesses to select the niche before selecting the trademark. If you wish to start the trademark registration process, you can contact vakilsearch and seek their help. Their trademark search tool will help you Check if your selected trademark exists already or not. This will make the process easier for you. 

Which Trademark Class should you choose?

The benefits of trademark registration are many such as: 

  • It helps in the identification of your brand or business.
  • It also allows the business to take action if someone else uses its trademark.
  • When a business is established and has a registered trademark it ensures the quality of the product or service that it provides.
  • Trademarks make it easy for customers to recognise the brands.

To register a trademark, you have to follow some rules and regulations. One of the important things to keep in mind is that you have to choose a trademark class before registering your trademark. To do this you need to know the class details of the trademark. The class or category you choose will decide if your selected trademark is eligible for usage or not. 

If you face any difficulties or have confusion, you can contact vakilsearch. They have a trademark search tool, which is free of cost and will help you go through the trademarks that are already registered.  Their team of legal professionals will also help you with the further process of trademark registration.  


The trademark is a sign that identifies the source of the goods or services. The trademark is used to distinguish one product from another, and it can be used as a way to identify an individual company. You need to know the class details of the trademark and select a category for your business. 

Vakilsearch is a professional platform and their team of expert legal professionals can be available to help you via call or online. They will solve all your queries and make the registration process easy. If you are planning to register your trademark, feel free to contact us today.  

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