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Non Compete Agreement

Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes with Non-Competition Agreements

Non-competition agreements can work best for protecting your trade secrets if they are imposed properly. Read on to find out the common mistakes associated with them!

So, you’ve probably come across non-competition agreements (also known as non-compete agreements) in the business world. These agreements are legal contracts between employers and employees or business owners and buyers that aim to restrict the party from engaging in competing activities after the termination of their employment or business relationship. While non-competes can be crucial for protecting your business interests, they can also be fraught with complexities if not handled properly. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the top 10 mistakes that people often make with non-compete agreements and how to avoid them. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of non-competition agreements!

Top 10 Mistakes In Non-Competition Agreements

Most businesses use non-competition agreements to keep their employees from revealing important trade secrets in exchange for a position in a competing firm. These agreements may provide some relief but imposing them on employees might be difficult. Sometimes it fails to safeguard the business in the way it is supposed to. Here are the top 10 mistakes with non-compete agreements that you might want to avoid:

Lack of Consideration:

First and foremost, for a non-compete agreement to be valid and enforceable, there must be some form of consideration involved. Consideration refers to the exchange of something valuable between the parties, such as salary, benefits, or access to sensitive business information. If the agreement lacks consideration, it may be deemed unenforceable. Always ensure that your non-compete contains appropriate considerations to strengthen its legality.

Length of Restriction:

Time is of the essence! One of the most common mistakes is setting the non-compete period for an unreasonably long time. Courts generally frown upon overly restrictive timeframes, as it may hinder the individual’s ability to find suitable employment or start a new business. Strive for a reasonable duration that protects your business interests without imposing undue hardship on the restricted party.

Area of Restriction:

Similarly, the geographical scope of the non-compete can impact its enforceability. Overreaching territorial restrictions can render the agreement unenforceable. Consider the nature of your business and limit the geographical area to a reasonable extent, so it aligns with your legitimate business interests.

One Size Fits All Approach:


Each business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to non-compete agreements can spell trouble. Tailoring the agreement to specific roles, industries, and employees or buyers is essential for optimal effectiveness. A generic template may not adequately safeguard your business interests.

Purchase of Business:

When acquiring a business or its assets, it’s crucial to include a non-compete clause in the purchase agreement. Failing to do so can lead to former owners or employees competing with you after the acquisition, jeopardizing the value and stability of the business you just acquired.

Assignation Provision:

An often overlooked aspect is the absence of a provision that allows the transfer or assignment of the non-compete agreement in case of mergers or acquisitions. Having such a provision ensures that the non-compete remains valid when there is a change in ownership or control.

Law Provision:

To avoid legal ambiguities and jurisdictional issues, include a choice of law provision in your non-compete agreement. This provision dictates which state or country’s laws govern the agreement, providing clarity on the legal framework in case of any disputes.

Updating the Agreement:

Business dynamics change rapidly, and the same applies to non-compete agreements. Failing to update the agreement periodically to align with current laws and market conditions can leave your business vulnerable. Regularly review and amend the agreement as needed to stay ahead of potential pitfalls.

The Magic Wand Fallacy:

Ah, the magic wand syndrome! Having a non-compete agreement is not a one-stop solution to all your problems. While it’s a valuable tool, it’s not invincible. Other legal instruments like confidentiality agreements and trade secret protection should complement your non-compete to form a comprehensive safeguard for your business.

Skipping the Agreement:

Last but not least, don’t make the grave mistake of ignoring non-compete agreements altogether. Depending on your jurisdiction, some businesses may feel that non-competes are optional. However, skipping this crucial legal protection may expose your business to potential threats from competition or former employees.


Congratulations! You’ve now mastered the art of avoiding the top 10 mistakes with non-competition agreements. By considering factors like consideration, time limits, geographical scope, and customization, you can create enforceable and effective non-compete agreements tailored to your business needs. Remember to update the agreement regularly, complement it with other legal protections, and never underestimate the importance of safeguarding your business and future.

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