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Sustainability and MSMEs

MSMEs are the backbone of the global economy, accounting for over 90% of businesses and employing more than half of the world's workforce. Know more in detail

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises play a vital role in the global economy, accounting for over 90% of businesses and providing employment for more than half of the world’s workforce.  

However, they often face challenges in adopting sustainable practices. The businesses may lack the resources, expertise, or access to finance to invest in new technologies or change their operations. They may also be unaware of the benefits of sustainability or face barriers from government regulations or market forces. Despite these challenges, they have a growing awareness of the importance of sustainability. This is being driven by a number of factors, including:

  • Increasing customer demand for sustainable products and services
  • Rising energy and resource costs
  • Stricter environmental regulations
  • The growing threat of climate change

Benefits of Adopting Sustainable Practices

Businesses that adopt sustainable practices can benefit in a number of ways, including:

  • Reduced costs: Sustainable practices can lead to significant savings on energy, water, and waste disposal costs
  • Improved efficiency: Sustainable practices can help businesses to operate more efficiently and reduce waste
  • Enhanced reputation: Consumers and businesses are increasingly looking to support sustainable companies.
  • Increased sales: Sustainable products and services are often in high demand, which can lead to increased sales for businesses.
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Tips to Become More Sustainable

There are a number of things that businesses can do to become more sustainable, including:

  • Reduce energy consumption: This can be done by investing in energy-efficient equipment and lighting, improving insulation, and using renewable energy sources
  • Conserve water: This can be done by reducing water usage in production processes, recycling water, and installing rainwater harvesting systems
  • Reduce waste: This can be done by reducing the amount of waste produced, recycling and composting waste, and using recycled materials in production
  • Use sustainable materials: This can be done by using materials that are sourced from sustainable suppliers, and that can be recycled or composted

Reduce pollution: This can be done by reducing emissions from production processes and vehicles and by treating wastewater and solid waste before disposal.

Role of Governments and Other Stakeholders in Achieving a Sustainable Business 

Governments and other stakeholders can play a role in supporting them to become more sustainable by:

  • Providing financial incentives: Governments can provide financial incentives, such as tax breaks or grants, and invest in sustainable practices
  • Offering technical assistance: Governments and other stakeholders can offer technical assistance on how to adopt sustainable practices
  • Raising awareness: Governments and other stakeholders can raise awareness regarding the benefits of sustainability and the resources available to help them become more sustainable.

Examples of Sustainable MSMEs

There are a growing number of businesses  around the world that are adopting sustainable practices. Here are a few examples:

  • Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees for every search query
  • Method is a home cleaning products company that uses plant-based ingredients and recycled packaging
  • Patagonia is a clothing company that uses recycled materials in its products and offers a repair service to extend the life of its products
  • Fairphone is a smartphone company that sources its materials from ethical suppliers and designs its phones to be easy to repair
  • B Lab is a non-profit organisation that certifies businesses as B Corporations, which are businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

By adopting sustainable practices, they can play a vital role in creating a more sustainable future for all.


Sustainability is essential for long-term success. By adopting sustainable practices, one can reduce costs, improve efficiency, enhance their reputation, and increase sales. Governments and other stakeholders can play a role in supporting businesses to become more sustainable by providing financial incentives, offering technical assistance, and raising awareness. They should also develop a sustainability plan that outlines their goals and targets. There are a number of resources available to help them become more sustainable, including government programs, industry associations, and non-profit organisations.

FAQs on Sustainability of MSMEs

What are the benefits of sustainability for MSMEs?

There are many benefits including: 1. Reduced costs: Sustainable practices, such as energy efficiency and waste reduction, can help to save money on their operating costs.

2. Improved efficiency: Sustainable practices can also help to improve their operational efficiency, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

3. Increased competitiveness: Sustainable businesses are better positioned to compete in the global marketplace, as consumers and businesses are increasingly demanding sustainable products and services.

4. Access to new markets and investors: Sustainable businesses are more likely to attract new customers and investors, who are increasingly looking to support businesses that are committed to sustainability.

5. Social and environmental benefits: They also play an important role in promoting social and environmental well-being. They can create jobs, reduce poverty, and protect the environment.

What are the challenges faced by MSMEs in adopting sustainability practices?

Some of the challenges faced by businesses in adopting sustainability practices include:

1. Lack of awareness and knowledge

2. Lack of financial resources

3. Lack of access to technology and resources

4. Lack of government support

How can MSMEs overcome the challenges they face in adopting sustainability practices?

There are a number of things that they can do to overcome the challenges they face in adopting sustainability practices, including:

1. Increasing awareness on sustainability and knowledge

2. They can explore a variety of financial assistance options

3. Partnering with other businesses and organisations

4. Advocating for supportive government policies and regulations

What are some examples of sustainable MSMEs?

There are many examples of successful sustainable small and medium scale businesses around the world. Here are a few examples:

1. Ecosia: Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees for every search query. The company has planted over 150 million trees in over 35 countries

2. Method: Method is a manufacturer of sustainable household products. The company uses recycled and recyclable materials in its packaging and products, and it also sources its ingredients from sustainable suppliers

3. Patagonia: Patagonia is a clothing company that is committed to environmental responsibility. The company uses recycled materials in its products, and it also has a repair and reuse program to extend the life of its products.

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