You can quickly discover a registered company's GSTIN by using their name or personal identification number (PAN). You can use a GST number search tool to search for companies online quickly. Read this article to know more about how to search gst number online through pan.
You can quickly discover a registered company’s GST number search or GSTIN by using their name or personal identification number (PAN) if you know what is GST. With the help of the central government, each state has access to a shared list of GSTIN and company names, which enables you to search GST through PAN or by name. You can use a GST number search tool to search for companies online quickly.
What is GSTIN?
The Goods and Services Tax Identification Number is a unique number (UIN) given to every taxpayer registered under the GST Regime. You can easily search for GST by PAN.
The 15-Digit alphanumeric PAN-based code is made to help the tax authorities keep all of the GST payments and due records together on a single platform, making it easier for both the tax authorities and the people who have to do their jobs.
It’s public information, so anyone can use it to see if a business is real or not. Many indirect taxes are charged by both states and the federal government for a single company. The GSTIN that was obtained during GST registration process replaces all of these taxes with one number. A tax ID number called GSTIN is used to show that “One Nation, One Tax.”
GSTIN Format
Mentioned below are the steps to know your GST
- The first two numbers of your GSTIN will be the state code for your location
- The next ten digits represent the company’s PAN (Permanent Account Number)
- An organization’s total number of registrations in the state is used to calculate its 13th-digit identification number (EIN)
- As a result, “Z” will always be the 14th digit
- An alphabet or number can be used as the final digit.
Searching for GST Numbers online by Name
Here is how GST number search verification works
- GST verification will only work if you enter the proper term
- Get the term you want by entering at least ten characters
- Because the business may be GST registered in more than one state, specify which one
- Search for ‘Your business name’ using the name of the business if you are looking for the GST number of a firm or if you want to know your GST number.
How Can I Search for GST Number Online Through PAN?
If you have a PAN (Permanent Account Number) and want to search for a GST number online, you can follow these simple steps:
- Visit the official GST portal (
- Click on the “Search Taxpayer” option on the homepage.
- Select the “Search by PAN” option.
- Enter your PAN in the given field.
- Enter the CAPTCHA code for verification.
- Click on the “Search” button.
- The GSTIN (GST Identification Number) associated with the entered PAN will be displayed on the screen.
Alternatively, you can also search for the GST number of a specific business by following these steps:
- Visit the official GST portal (
- Click on the “Search Taxpayer” option on the homepage.
- Select the “Search by GSTIN/UIN” option.
- Enter the GSTIN/UIN of the business you want to search for.
- Enter the CAPTCHA code for verification.
- Click on the “Search” button.
- The details of the business, including the GST number, will be displayed on the screen.
Verification of GST Numbers
You can verify the authenticity of a business by utilizing the GST number search by name tool as a consumer. To find a firm or to know your GST number, you have to look up the name or GST number given to you by a potential vendor.
If you’re a retailer, you can check the GST Number before putting it on GST Returns using the GST search, which will help your firm prevent any mistakes.
The Importance of a GSTIN
To answer the most crucial queries, how to register for GST, what is GST? The GST Number or GSTIN is required because the GST has replaced the former tax systems. Let’s examine its significance in light of the Goods and Services Tax Act’s stipulations (GST ACT)
Obtaining ITC: The GST paid on the acquisition of goods or the input service in business is known as the input tax credit or ITC. Because of this, a GSTIN is required to claim ITCs from sales tax paid on input GST
GSTR-1, GSTR-3, GSTR-9, and many additional forms of GST returns must be filed under the GST Act. Having a GSTIN number is necessary to file these forms since it will enable the government to keep track of goods and services sold and received monthly, quarterly, and annually so that ITC can be claimed. Before filing the returns, a GST search by name and PAN is a must-do.
To claim a refund under various articles of the GST Act, such as export of services, supply to SEZ units, etc., it is necessary to have a GSTIN with the correct GST verification. GSTIN is the required registration number mandated by the GST Act. As a result, obtaining a GST number is required following the GST Act registration.
What is GST?
A simple answer to what GST is, GST stands for the Goods and Service Tax. It is an indirect tax that was put in place to replace many other indirect taxes, like value-added tax, service tax, purchase tax, excise duty, and so on. In India, there is a tax called GST that is charged when certain goods and services are bought and sold there. In India, there is one tax that everyone has to pay, but it is different in each state.
GST Format
Let’s have a look at the format of the GST
- The first two digits of the state code: The business’s state code determines the first two digits of its GST number. In India, state codes can include numbers ranging from 01 to 35, according to a 2011 consensus.
- Individual’s PAN Number: The following ten digits of the GST Number are the personal identification number (PIN) linked with the GST-registered business:
- Its registration number (the 13th digit) is: The total number of registrations made by a person or entity under the same PAN is represented by this number. There can only be 35 of these registrations at a time.
- Numbers 1 through 9 and alphabets can be used for the first nine digits because this is an alphanumeric code. When registering for the first time, the number 1 is commonly used. It would however, be alphabet A for the 10th registration
- For all GST numbers, the 14th digit is preserved to be “Z” by default, which is the case for all of them
- The GST number’s 15th digit is used as a check code to detect any inaccuracies.
In conclusion, searching for a GST number online through PAN is a simple and easy process that can be done through the official GST portal. By following the above steps, you can quickly find the GST number of any business or individual associated with a particular PAN.
Is it possible to locate a GST number using a PAN number?
Yes, it is possible to locate a GST number using a PAN number. You can use the GST search tool available on the GST portal or other third-party websites like Vakilsearch to search for GSTIN by PAN.
Can I verify a GST number online?
Yes, you can verify a GST number online. You can use the GST search tool available on the GST portal or other third-party websites like Vakilsearch to verify the authenticity of a GST number online for free.
What is the process to track down a GST number?
You can track down a GST number by using the GST search tool available on the GST portal or other third-party websites like Vakilsearch. You can search for GSTIN by PAN, trade name, legal name of the business, or owner.
How can I obtain a 15-digit GST number?
You can obtain a 15-digit GST number by registering for GST on the GST portal. Once the application is approved by the GST officer, a unique GSTIN is allocated to the dealer. The GSTIN is a 15-digit state-wise PAN-based Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number.
Is it possible to obtain a GST certificate using a GST number without logging in?
No, it is not possible to obtain a GST certificate using a GST number without logging in. You need to log in to the GST portal using your credentials to download the GST certificate.
What does the 14th digit of a GST number signify?
The 14th digit of a GST number represents the alphabet Z by default.