The Role of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) In Promoting Public Interest Litigation in India

Discover how NGOs in India have raised public awareness, monitored court proceedings, mobilised resources, and building partnerships to fight for the public interest through PILs. Read more here.

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have significantly promoted public interest litigation (PIL) in India. PIL refers to a legal action taken by an individual or a group on behalf of the public to address issues that affect the public interest. This article will discuss the role of NGOs In Promoting Public Interest Litigation in India and their impact on Indian society.

Introduction NGOs In Promoting Public Interest Litigation

In recent years, NGOs have emerged as powerful agents of change in India. They have been instrumental in addressing various social issues and bringing about changes in policy and law. One of how NGOs have contributed to the betterment of Indian society is by promoting PIL. NGOs have actively identified social issues that require legal intervention and filed PILs in Indian courts.

Role of NGOs in Promoting PIL

  • Identifying Issues 

NGOs play a crucial role in identifying issues that affect the public interest. They work closely with communities and other stakeholders to identify problems that require legal intervention. NGOs have been instrumental in identifying issues such as environmental degradation, human rights violations, and corruption.

  • Filing PILs 

NGOs file PILs in Indian courts on behalf of the public. These PILs are usually filed in the High Courts or the Supreme Court of India. NGOs work with lawyers to draft PILs highlighting the legal issues and the public interest.

  • Advocacy 

NGOs engage in advocacy to promote their PILs. They use various channels such as media, social media, and public meetings to create awareness about the issues raised in their PILs. NGO also organise public protests and demonstrations to pressure the government to address the issues.

Impact of NGOs on PIL

  • Access to Justice 

NGOs have helped to improve access to justice in India. They have made it possible for marginalised communities and individuals to access the justice system. By filing PILs, non-governmental organisation have ensured that issues that affect the public interest are addressed by the courts.

  • Transparency and Accountability 

NGOs have played a significant role in promoting transparency and accountability in the Indian government. By filing PILs on issues such as corruption and government accountability, NGOs have ensured that the government is held accountable for its actions.

  • Environmental Protection 

NGOs have been active in promoting environmental protection through PILs. They have filed PILs on issues such as air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change. NGOs have created awareness about environmental issues and advocated for sustainable development.

  • Human Rights 

NGOs have played a crucial role in promoting human rights through PILs. They have filed PILs on issues such as child labour, women’s rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. NGOs have been instrumental in creating awareness about human rights issues and advocating for their protection.

  • Policy and Law Reform 

NGOs have been active in promoting policy and law reform through PILs. They have filed PILs on the right to education, healthcare, and social security. NGOs have advocated for policy and law reforms that benefit the public.

NGOs and Their Contributions to Pil in India

  • Raising Public Awareness 

NGOs work towards creating public awareness about the issues addressed in PILs. They hold public meetings, distribute pamphlets, and use social media to reach out to the masses. This helps in building a consensus on the issue and creates pressure on the government to take action.

  • Monitoring Court Proceedings 

NGOs play an important role in monitoring court proceedings related to PILs. They ensure that the hearings are conducted fairly and the concerned authorities implement the judgments.

  • Mobilising Resources 

NGOs mobilise resources to fight PIL cases. They work towards securing funding for legal fees and other expenses related to the case. This helps in providing access to justice to the underprivileged and marginalised sections of society.

  • Building Partnerships 

NGOs work with other NGOs, civil society groups, and lawyers to build partnerships for PIL cases. This helps build a collective voice and pool resources for the public’s benefit.


NGOs have played a significant role in promoting Public Interest Litigation in India. They have been instrumental in identifying social issues that require legal intervention and filing PILs in Indian courts. NGOs have helped to improve access to justice, promote transparency and accountability, protect the environment, promote human rights, and promote policy and law reform. NGOs will continue to play a crucial role in promoting PILs in India and improving Indian society.

Vakilsearch is a legal technology platform that provides affordable and accessible legal solutions to individuals and businesses in India. Vakilsearch can provide you with expert legal advice on the feasibility of your PIL and the legal framework surrounding it.  We can assist you in drafting and preparing the necessary documents for filing the PIL in court.

About the Author

Abhinav Mukundhan, serving as the Research Content Curator, holds a BSc in Bioinformatics, MSc in Data Science, and a PhD in Communication Science. With a strong focus on simplifying complex research, he brings over ten years of experience in scientific communication, data analysis, and creating educational content that aligns with legal and regulatory standards.

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