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Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme For Coir Workers

The Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for Coir Workers is a dedicated insurance scheme designed to safeguard workers from the financial consequences of personal accidents and injuries.

Details of Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme For Coir Workers

Category Details
Scheme – For coir workers by the Ministry of MSME.
– Covers accidental death and permanent disability.
Benefits – Death: Rs. 50,000.
– Total disability: Rs. 50,000.
– Partial disability: Rs. 25,000.
Eligibility – Disabled coir worker or nominee.
– Age 14+ for disabled workers.
Application – Offline.
– Written notice to Insurance via Coir Board.
Documents – For Death: Death certificate, police report.
– For Disability: Police report, doctor’s note, Coir society certificate.



Coir workers have been making stuff out of coconut fibre for a long time. It’s hard work and can be tough on the body. Sometimes, accidents happen which can hurt them or, worse, lead to death.

Knowing how risky this job can be, the government came up with a plan. It’s called the Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for Coir Workers. It’s like a safety net. If something bad happens to a worker because of an accident, this plan helps by giving money to them or their family. This eases money problems that could come up because of the accident.

Objectives of the Scheme

The primary objective of the Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme is to safeguard the interests of coir workers by providing them insurance coverage in the event of an accident. This, in turn, secures not only the workers but also their families who might depend on their earnings.

Specifically, the scheme aims to:

  • Provide financial assistance to the family in case of a worker’s accidental death.
  • Offer support to the worker in case of permanent total or partial disability due to an accident.
  • Encourage a sense of security among the coir workers, thus enhancing productivity and motivation.
  • Help in retaining skilled labour within the coir industry by ensuring their welfare.


The scheme furnishes several benefits, which are:

Accidental Death Coverage

In case of accidental death, the nominee of the deceased worker receives a lump sum amount as compensation.

Permanent Total Disability (PTD) Coverage: 

In cases where an accident leads to a permanent total disability, the worker is entitled to a compensation amount.

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) Coverage:

 If an accident results in permanent partial disability, the worker receives a compensation amount, usually proportional to the extent of disability.

Medical Reimbursement

Certain policies also cover medical expenses incurred due to the accident.


For availing of the benefits of this scheme, coir workers must meet certain criteria:

  • The worker should be actively engaged in the coir industry.
  • Age should be within the predefined limits set by the scheme, typically between 18 to 60 years.
  • The worker should not be engaged in any activity or occupation considered hazardous beyond the norms of the coir industry.

Application Process

Enrolling in the Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme is a systematic process:

Approach the Concerned Authority: 

The coir worker must approach the local government office or the authority handling the coir industry’s welfare schemes.

Fill in the Application Form: 

Obtain the relevant application form, fill in the necessary details, and make sure all the information provided is accurate.

Attach Necessary Documents: 

Attach the required documents (mentioned below) with the application form.

Submit the Application: 

Submit the form along with the documents to the concerned authority.

Receive the Policy Document: 

Upon successful verification, the worker will receive the policy document which would contain all the details of the insurance coverage.

Documents Required

In Case of Accidental Death:

  • Death Certificate.
  • Post-mortem report (if available).
  • Identity proof of the deceased.
  • Bank account details of the nominee.
  • FIR or police report establishing that the death was accidental.

Proof of relation between the deceased and the nominee.

In the Case of Permanent Total Disability (PTD):

  • Disability Certificate issued by a government hospital.
  • Identity proof of the worker.
  • Bank account details.
  • FIR or police report establishing the cause of the accident.
  • Medical reports supporting the claim of permanent total disability.

In the case of Permanent Partial Disability (PPD):

  • Disability Certificate mentioning the extent of disability, issued by a government hospital.
  • Identity proof of the worker.
  • Bank account details.
  • FIR or police report establishing the cause of the accident.
  • Medical reports supporting the claim of permanent partial disability.


What defines ‘permanent disability’ as per this scheme?

Permanent disability in this scheme is defined as the total or partial loss of limbs or eyesight due to an accident.

What is the maximum financial assistance provided for death due to accident?

The maximum financial assistance for accidental death is Rs. 50,000.

Are there any benefits for the children of the applicant?

The scheme does not provide specific benefits for the children of the applicant.

Are there any benefits specific to women in this scheme?

No, the scheme does not provide specific benefits for women.

I am a 45 year old khadi weaver. I seek to know if I am too old to apply for the scheme?

No, you are not too old. The scheme is applicable to coir workers irrespective of age.

Do I need to be from a particular state in order to be eligible for this scheme?

No, the scheme is not confined to a particular state and is applicable to all eligible coir workers across India.

Are there any exclusions to this scheme?

The scheme does not specify any exclusions.

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