Society Registration Society Registration

Online Procedure of Society Registration Renewal

The society's registration renewal online process is similar to the registration process of a new society. Read on to find out the process!

To understand what a society registration renewal is, we first have to know what a society is! Society is a place where a group of people live as an organised group or community for cultural, benevolent, religious, patriotic, scientific, and political purposes. In other words, societies are defined by social relations among people who share similar institutions or cultures. The Societies Registrations Act of 1860 governs these societies and every state has the authority to amend the above-mentioned Act. The societies are built with the purpose of maintaining commercial or residential areas, along with the Apartment Association.

What Is A Society Registration Act?

The Society Registration Act stipulates some procedures for the society’s registration and its operation. The purpose of this act is to develop fine arts, literature, and science, and to spread awareness of other purposes.

What Is The Fee Structure For Renewing A Registered Society?

According to the Society Registration Act, each society’s registration needs to be renewed one month before its expiring date. An application for renewal of society registration with the requisite fee needs to be submitted to the registrar. A registered society is qualified to be renewed for 5 years.

Here is the fee structure given for society registration renewal under the society registration act:

  • For renewing a registered society, one needs to pay an amount equal to the amount paid for registering the society in the first place, which is generally ₹200. However, the government of the state can occasionally increase the amount by issuing an appropriate notification, on condition that the increased amount will not be more than the amount paid for registering a society.
  •  According to the state government, an additional amount of ₹40 needs to be paid. This amount can also increase. However, if the application for renewal of society registration is submitted within 1 month from the expiring date, the amount needs to be within one-fifth of the registration fee ₹200) and not more than that.
  • In case, the renewal application is submitted after one month of expiration, an additional amount of ₹20 or higher will be charged per month, but the increased amount shall not exceed half of the above-mentioned additional fee.

What Are The Documents Needed For Society Registration Renewal?

Here is the list of all the essential documents that are required for renewing a registered society:

  • Application for renewal in the prescribed format.
  • A photocopy of the existing registration certificate along with the original registration certificate.
  • A list of all the members of the executive committee, along with their full names, occupations, and addresses.
  • Three key members of the existing executive committee need to sign an authenticity certificate. Later, the certificate must be attested by a gazetted officer.
  • A photocopy of the current annual balance statement.
  • A verified photocopy of the current audit report provided by the government auditor or a chartered accountant, as attested by the AGM or Annual General Meeting of the society. This photocopy needs to be submitted within 30 days of the AGM’s approval to the registrar.
  • Photocopies of the utilisation certificate. The utilisation certificate needs to include the society’s use of semi-government, government, or institutional funds received before or at the time of the renewal application.
  • Photocopy of signatures of the executive members with complete names and dates ( along with the secretary and new President’s signature, if any). The members need to sign in the presence of a sub-division officer, Deputy Commissioner, or Additional Deputy Commissioner.
  • Photocopies of the society’s bank passbook.
  • Photocopies of the society’s passbook that was used in the last three years before the renewal date.
  • Passport-size photos of the Secretary and President.

What Is The Procedure For Society Registration Renewal?

Here is the society registration renewal online procedure:

  • The society’s registration renewal application needs to have a list of individuals from the governing body elected after the renewal of the registration.
  • Registrars might only dispense with the society’s registration certificate if it gets destroyed, lost, or damaged anyway.

An online application form ( usually provided on the official website of the state government) needs to be submitted with the prerequisite information:

  1.   The name of the society that is going to be renewed.
  2.   Existing file number of the registered society.
  3.   All the contact information, like the email ID and mobile number, of the applicant.
  4.   These documents need to be uploaded on the official website of the state government.
  5.   After the renewal process of society registration is completed, the previous file number will be kept the same.

What Happens If The Renewal Of Society Registration Fails?

If a society fails to renew its registration within 1 year of its registration expiration date, then that society will be considered unregistered or invalid. However, the registrar has the right to approve the renewal of the society’s registration even after a year of its expiration date. In this case, the registrar needs to be provided with compelling reasons. The registrar might charge an additional fee of ₹400.

It is important to renew the registered society under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. After renewing the registration, it will be valid for the next 5 years. The process of a society’s renewal online is similar to the offline registration process. After giving all the essential information, it becomes easy to perform the renewal procedure online through the online portal provided by the state government.


Every society that is registered under the Societies registration act of 1860 is valid for 5 years. Once this period is over, society needs to renew its registration. The renewal of the society registration needs to be done within one month from the expiration date of the registration. The society registration renewal process can be done through the website or online portal provided by the state government after giving all the requisite information related to the society. If you are looking to get some legal assistance for society registration renewal, Vakilsearch can be your best bet.

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