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What are the Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities?

Would you like to expand your understanding of legal services catering to individuals with disabilities? This article delves into the realm of legal services for people with disabilities. Continue reading for an in-depth exploration of the subject.

Individuals with disabilities are integral members of our broader community, yet they frequently experience neglect and exclusion. The general population often labels them as “persons with disabilities,” contributing to a negative impact on their mindset and unequal treatment. Given their vulnerable status, legal services for persons with disabilities become imperative. Legal services, defined as free legal aid under the Legal Services Authority Act of 1987, aim to support this segment. let’s have a look at Disable Person Legal Services.

Who are the Persons with Disabilities?

Persons with Disabilities are individuals with enduring physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments. These impairments, when compounded by societal barriers, impede their complete and equitable participation alongside others. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act of 2016 encompasses various disabilities such as intellectual disability, locomotor disability, blood disorders, mental disorders, and multiple disabilities. The notion of disability is dynamic.

The Legal Services Authorities (LSA) Act of 1987 ensures the provision of free legal services to this vulnerable segment under Section 12. It strives for justice for every citizen affected by a disability. The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights, and Full Participation) Act of 1995, enacted on February 7, 1996, guarantees equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

What Does the Disabled Community Need Legal Aid?

Disabled individuals frequently encounter societal discrimination. Consequently, the Union Government has enacted legislation to assist the disabled and ensure their integration into society. 

However, these laws often fall short of achieving their intended goals. A significant portion of the disabled community remains unaware of their legal rights. Therefore, these legal services play a crucial role in raising awareness and facilitating access to justice for the disabled community.

Free Legal Advice

Let us now delve deeper into the realm of Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities.

The Legal Services Authorities Act 1987

The Legal Services Authorities Act was enacted in 1987 by the Parliament. It came into force on 9 November 1995 to establish a nationwide network for providing free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of society based on equal opportunity. 

The Legal Services Authorities Act constituted the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) to monitor and evaluate the implementation of legal aid programs for making legal services available under the Act.

Types of Legal Services Offered Under the Legal Services Authorities Act

As outlined on the official NALSA website, the Legal Services Authorities Act of 1987 outlines the provision of free legal assistance for matters pertaining to both civil and criminal offences concerning the more vulnerable segments of society. 

The Types of Legal Services Offered Include:

  1. Legal advice on the nature of the legal issue.
  2. Legal representation in proceedings facilitated by an advocate.
  3. Expenditure associated with the preparation of special leave petitions and other legal documents.
  4. Any services rendered and charges incurred in connection with legal cases, encompassing proceedings before courts, authorities, or tribunals.
  5. Drafting of pleadings, appeal memos, or paper books, involving translation and document printing for legal proceedings.
  6. Provision of certified copies of orders and other legal documents arising from legal proceedings.

The National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People

The National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People, established in 1996, functions as a non-profit organization serving as a liaison between the government, industry, and the voluntary sector to empower individuals with disabilities. Its primary goal is to advocate for equality across various aspects of life, including education, employment, accessibility, and communication, through research and advocacy.

Free Legal Help for Disabled Persons: Important Considerations

Considerations when providing free Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities include:

  1. Fundamental Rights Consideration: Providing legal aid to disabled individuals involves recognizing and addressing their fundamental rights. Many are unaware that these rights, including non-discrimination, equal treatment, the right to freedom, and the right to education, apply to them as well. Creating awareness would ensure their equal status in society.
  2. Legal Services: Organizations aiming to offer legal aid to disabled individuals should collaborate with the Social Welfare Departments of respective State Governments to identify available beneficiary schemes.
  3. Rights under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016: Section 12 of this Act guarantees that individuals with disabilities can access courts, tribunals, or any other authority for judicial matters without discrimination. State Legislative Authorities are responsible for making suitable provisions in this regard.

Additional rights for disabled persons include the right to live equally, the right to safety and security, and human emergency rights. Furthermore, public documents such as electoral rolls and census reports should be easily accessible to all, including the disabled community.

Challenges Faced in Providing Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities

  1. Financial Barriers: A significant obstacle in providing legal services for persons with disabilities is the financial burden. Many individuals with disabilities, residing below the poverty line, find it challenging to afford legal aid due to associated costs. Transportation expenses further exacerbate the issue, hindering their ability to travel from home to service locations. This challenge can be addressed by establishing free legal service clinics for the disabled in all districts of the states.
  2. Communication Hurdles: Language poses a substantial challenge, particularly for those with disabilities. Many disabled individuals struggle to comprehend the language used by legal service providers. To address this issue, the presence of a sign interpreter during interactions can facilitate effective communication.
  3. Low Literacy Rates: A prevalent challenge is the high rate of illiteracy among the disabled community, leading to limited awareness of their legal rights. A potential solution involves implementing inclusive education programs to empower individuals with disabilities through education.

The Success Story of Free Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities

  • Post the implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act in 2016, there has been notable attention given to the disabled community by state governments. A prime illustration is the establishment of a legal clinic for the disabled in the Kozhikode district of Kerala. Launched in August 2017 by the District Legal Service Authority and the Composite Regional Centre for Persons with Disabilities, this clinic offers free legal aid from the Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences campus.
  • In accordance with the Legal Services Authorities Act of 1987, close to twenty-nine thousand individuals with disabilities have received legal services from April 2018 to January 2022.
  • The National Legal Services Authorities (NALSA) has introduced a legal services mobile app, ensuring convenient access to legal aid for the general populace, including persons with disabilities.
  • The Protection and Advocacy Systems operate at the state level, safeguarding individuals with disabilities by empowering them and advocating on their behalf.


To sum up, the successful realization of the objectives outlined in the RPWD Act of 2016 relies on the effectiveness of Union Governments, State Governments, and legal aid-providing authorities. 

Moreover, recognizing that individuals with disabilities share the same rights and needs as others is crucial in ensuring their access to legal services for persons with disabilities.

About the Author

Vignesh R, a Research Content Curator, holds a BA in English Literature, MA in Journalism, and MSc in Information and Library Science. His expertise lies in content curation, legal research, and data analysis, crafting insightful and legally informed content to enhance knowledge management, communication, and strategic engagement.

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