Trademark Registration Trademark Registration

How Do I Find My Trademark Filing Number

After applying for a trademark online, one must keep a check on its status, in case of any objection or opposition. This article brings you the entire procedure to check online the status of your trademark application.

How Do I Find My Trademark Registration Number What Is Meant by a Trademark

A trademark is any word, symbol, design, or logo that is meant to distinguish your products or services from that of your competitors. A trademark helps you build recognition for your brand. It helps in branding and marketing. It also protects your products and services from being duplicated.

Why Is It Beneficial to Register a Trademark in India?

Though you can use a trademark without registering it, there are certain perks of registering your trademark. An unregistered trademark can be used only to a certain geographical extent till where the goods or services are sold. Whereas you can establish the nationwide rights or your register trademark. 

The other extended rights of a registered trademark owner include: 

  1. Right to exclusive use
  2. Right to Statutory Remedy for any Infringement
  3. Right to assign
  4. Right to register correction

After applying for a registration, even though the registration process is not complete, you can still use the symbol “TM”. However, you can use the symbol “®” to let your stakeholders know that your trademark has been registered. 

Where to Find Your Trademark Registration Number in India

After the completion of your application to register a trademark, you will be allotted a trademark application number. This application number also serves as your trademark registration number. In other words, the trademark – application number and the registration number are the same. However, you might want to check the status of your application to know if your trademark number has been registered successfully. 

Why Should an Entrepreneur Regularly Check for the Status of a Trademark Application?

After applying for a trademark application, the Trademark Registrar Office will process the application within 6-12 months. A trademark application might witness certain objections or opposition due to incorrect application or some other legal issue. Hence throughout the ongoing process of registration, the entrepreneur must keep checking for the status of the trademark application online. 

If there is any such discrepancy, the entrepreneur is required to respond to the objections within the stipulated time, failing which may render the application abandoned.

The Trademark name search tool at Vakilsearch lets you find the previously registered trademarks to avoid copyright infringement.

Steps to Check for the Status of Your Trademark Application Online

Step 1: Visit the IP INDIA website and log into it.

Step 2: On the left-hand side of the panel, click on the very first option that reads ‘Trade Mark Application/Registered Mark’. Once selected there are two options that appear, You need to click on the option ‘National IRDI Number.’ 

Step 3: Provide the trademark application number received at the end of the registration process. Also, fill in the captcha code and submit.

Step 4: The next screen shows a detailed piece about your trademark application along with its current status. You can even download a copy of your trademark certificate from the same page. However, such a copy cannot be produced for legal purposes, for which a certified copy would be needed.

Why Seek Vakilsearch’s Services?

The Trademark registration process though is completely online, is lengthy, and a little burdensome. If incorrect details or documents are provided, or if you do not promptly respond to trademark objection or oppositions, your trademark application might be rejected. To avoid these you might want to approach the services of professionals at Vakilsearch

You will be informed and updated on the status of the application until the completion of your trademark registration. And if you have already applied for your trademark and the status stand objected, Vakilsearch will help you respond to the Trademark objection. Vakilsearch will provide you with the best support throughout the registration process, from filling out your application form to updating you on the status.

About the Author

Nithya Ramani Iyer is an experienced content and communications leader at Zolvit (formerly Vakilsearch), specializing in legal drafting, fundraising, and content marketing. With a strong academic foundation, including a BSc in Visual Communication, BA in Criminology, and MSc in Criminology and Forensics, she blends creativity with analytical precision. Over the past nine years, Nithya has driven business growth by creating and executing strategic content initiatives that resonate with target audiences. She excels in simplifying complex concepts into clear, engaging content while developing high-impact marketing strategies. Nithya's unique expertise in legal content and marketing makes her a key asset to the Zolvit team, enhancing brand visibility and fostering meaningful audience engagement.

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