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Franchise Terms and Conditions

Many business professionals are focusing on running and owning a franchise rather than starting their own business. They trust that it gives increased returns with lower risk factors. Along with being a great avenue for success, it also has a set of complexities. It is very essential for investors to check upon the franchising agreement before committing, to avoid arguments with stakeholders and financial losses.

Starting on a franchise journey can be an exciting venture, but it’s crucial to tread carefully through the terrain of Franchise Terms and Conditions. These intricacies form the backbone of any successful franchise agreement, outlining the rights and responsibilities of both franchisors and franchisees. In this blog we’ll delve into the key components of Franchise Terms and Conditions, demystifying the legal language and providing you with the insights you need. From initial fees and royalty structures to renewal terms and territorial rights, we’ll cover it all. 

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Franchise Terms and Conditions

While this provides a great avenue to achieve success, it comes with its own share of complexities. It is vital that new investors go through the agreement for franchise operations in detail before committing to any deal to prevent financial loss and arguments with stakeholders in the future. This agreement serves as a legally-binding contract that defines the relationship between the franchise and the parent company. Here’s a look at everything you need to keep in mind before signing such a contract.

Franchise Agreement


  1. Agreements with prominent franchise companies often tend to be non-negotiable as most of such companies have already developed a proven strategy to maximise profits
  2. They don’t need you to be creative concerning the contract because their lawyers have already gone over millions of case files and devised an iron-clad agreement that covers every circumstance that might arise in the future
  3. Most of these companies need somebody to follow out their instructions and run things according to their style and wish
  4. They have learnt through years of experimentation and running the business that establishing a line of command is the most crucial thing in business and hence do not want uniqueness but instead prefers uniformity
  5. In most cases, the Business franchise agreement will stay ‘what it is,’ and that you will not have much room for rearrangement or what you may think is an improvement
  6. If you are somebody that wants a lot of creative space in the contract, stay clear of such companies and if you are someone okay with a well-established line of control then go ahead
  7. Also, make sure you clarify all ambiguous points before moving forward to establish a level of comfort with the parent company.

Danger Signs

  1. If a company seems over-eager to negotiate large parts of their agreement, you need to be wary
  2. This might mean that the company is not very confident of their methods or that their previous ventures did not go very well for them leading to them rethinking their business strategy
  3. Both of these are not good scenarios for a prospective investor. Recruit experts to negotiate efficiently.


  1. Most agreements are unilateral and might seem unfair to you when you first read through it as everything seems to be from the company’s perspective
  2. While this dynamic might not seem very beneficial, it is not as bad as you might initially think
  3. The primary goal of such an agreement is the protection of the company including the brand and the integrity of the company
  4. If you’re still uncomfortable look for a different company with a different approach.

Rules of Franchise

  1. The terms and conditions of the Franchise Agreement must follow to uphold the contract
  2. It will list out things you must regularly perform aside from the general running of the business
  3. These rules help you prioritise while operating your business and also prevents any sort of miscommunication later on
  4. To verify such rules, contact other franchisees and inquire about the regulations
  5. Again, if you are uncomfortable with any of them find a different franchise to pursue
  6. The agreement also outlines, in detail, several ‘don’t do which serve as forbidden things
  7. Many of these are related to privacy and quality control and cannot be messed with
  8. If the company provides you with its trade secrets, then you must be very careful regarding its usage and make sure you don’t publicise it as this might lead to hefty fines and legal repercussions
  9. Several of the other restricting rules help in protecting the system and prevents franchisees from breaking from the norm. This helps the parent company keep its franchises in check.

Get more details about: What is the Working Process Of Franchise Agreement?

Did you know? The Indian franchise business is on the fast track, projected to reach USD 140-150 billion in the next five years. This surge is attributed to the increasing number of franchise opportunities and a rise in consumer spending. According to the ‘FranCast White Paper on Franchise Forecast 2023-24,’ the current value of the Indian franchise industry stands at around ₹800 billion, with an anticipated growth rate of 30 to 35% per annum in the coming years.

Basic Guidelines of Franchise Agreement

  • Location- Designates the territory within which you have the right to operate and outlines any exclusivity rights you may possess
  • Operations- Provides details of how the business has to be run
  • Support- Most parent companies help with the training of staff so as to bring about uniformity within their franchises. So they help franchisees train their staff and also outline the administrative support that will be provided by the company
  • Duration- Documents the length of time for which the document remains valid
  • Fee- Details the upfront fee that grants the franchise has to pay the company to obtain a trademark for its brand
  • Royalties- Outlines the franchiser’s royalty structure. This is paid monthly and is a fixed percentage of the total sales of the franchise.

The agreement explains in detail what the company expects from the franchise, and also provides you with information regarding the operation of the business. While there is no standard form of such an agreement as the terms and conditions vary according to the type of business and the working of the parent company, they have several common areas. These areas have been highlighted in this article to help you with negotiating your way through such agreements.

The Terms and Conditions of Franchise Agreement should be about location, operation, duration, support, fees, and royalties. The agreement should include all the details about the company’s expectations from the franchise and should provide information about business operations. As there is no standard form of agreement, it varies depending on the type of business and working conditions of the franchise.

Common Franchise Terms

Here are few Franchise terms that are very common while discussing a franchise deal:


The entity, whether an individual or a company, that obtains authorisation from a franchisor to conduct business using its trade name or trademark


The entity, whether an individual or a company, that grants permission to a franchisee to conduct business under its trademark or trade name

Area Development Franchise

A franchisee holding an area development franchise is empowered to establish multiple units within a specified geographical area over a predetermined period

Disclosure Document

The franchisor provides a disclosure document to potential franchisees, detailing information about the franchisor, the offered franchise, and the legal terms governing the franchisee’s relationship

Initial Investment

The capital required for a new franchisee to establish and operate a store for a minimum of three months, encompassing all initial expenses, though it may not fully represent the total investment

Master Franchise

Under a master franchise agreement, the franchisee possesses broader rights compared to an area development agreement. In addition to operating a specified number of units within a designated area, the master franchisee has the authority to grant sub-franchises to others within the territory

Multi-unit Franchise

In a multi-unit franchise agreement, the franchisor permits a franchisee to establish and manage multiple units

Single-unit Franchise

In a single-unit franchise agreement, the franchisor offers the franchisee the opportunity to operate one franchise location, representing the most fundamental and widely used form of franchising.


Franchise agreements can be intricate, so understanding the common terms and conditions used in drafting one is crucial. Make informed business decisions with proper legal guidance. Seek startup legal consultation from Vakilsearch to meet the legal needs of your franchise business. Below you’ll find the list of services that Our experienced team members are there to guide you and complete the process with ease. some of our other services include

Register a Company  PF Registration MSME Registration
Income Tax Return FSSAI registration Trademark Registration
ESI Registration ISO certification Patent Filing in India

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common terms of franchise?

Some of the most common terms include: Royalty Fee Franchise Disclosure Document Agreement Initial Investment Corporate Owned Locations Master Franchise Trademark Lender Area Developer

What are the 4 typical franchise agreements?

Franchise agreements come in four primary types, namely: Single-unit, multi-unit, area development, and master franchising.

What are the rules for franchise?

Franchise agreement participants must be mindful of relevant Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Income Tax considerations. Typically, the legal foundation for offering and selling franchises is rooted in statutes such as:

The Indian Contract Act, 1872

The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA)

The Competition Act, 2002

The Trademarks Act, 1999

The Copyright Act, 1957

The Patents Act, 1970

The Design Act, 2000

The Income Tax Act, 1961

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

The Specific Relief Act, 1963

The Information Technology Act, 2000.

Can I terminate my franchise agreement?

Both the franchisor and franchisee have the option to terminate the agreement prematurely, before its designated term concludes. The methods for ending the agreement, for both parties, should be clearly outlined in the franchise agreement and summarised in the disclosure document.

Can a franchise agreement be registered?

According to the Indian Contract Act of 1872, franchise agreements are not required to be registered, though optional. However, registering enhances the agreement's credibility and simplifies dispute resolution by providing clearer proof.

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